Heart Transplant

Lim Yi Sheng checked his time and it's almost 8:30 in the evening. Through the intercom he told Feng Jinnian to go in.

It didn't even take half a minute and Feng Jinnian is already inside the office. "Do you need me to do anything, young master?"

"I called in you in to tell you that you can go home for today."

"You don't need me to drop you off at Xi Corporation, young master?"

"It's fine. I can go there myself. Also I still have something to talk with Lu Nai He so I might probably eat dinner with him near their hospital."

The day after tomorrow will be the day of their flight to America but Lu Nai He will be leaving early tomorrow because he will be the assisting doctor for the operation.

"If that is so then I shall not disturb further."

"Hmm.. you may go."

Feng Jinnian bowed slightly to show respect before going out of the office and closing the door behind him.