Matured Xi Chen

"Grandfather, I don't have time for blind dates. Please stop setting me up to your friends' grand daughters, alright?"

He's been pestering him for a while now and he had turned down a lot of blind dates because he's too busy but there are still some that he at least needs to show up which is already time-consuming in itself.

"If I don't do this you will surely follow the footsteps of you sister and will only get married later. I would not be pestering you if you at least have a girlfriend you know."

"Really, grandfather. That is something you don't need to worry about."

At this day and age, he knew that some who are of the sae age as him is are already working on settling down but as for him, he still cannot see himself doing that now."

"How can I not worry? I only have the two of you as my grand children and both of you are really focused at your careers. At this rate, I will really die without seeing my great grand children."