
When Lim Yi Sheng finished his conversation with Doctor William and Lu Nai He, only he came back to Samantha's ward.

As soon as e opened the door he could hear Samantha's laugh and he can say that it was a genuine laugh. The two were so immersed with their conversation that they didn't even notice him entering the room.

Lim Yi Sheng cleared his throat to catch their attention, "Ahem.. It seems like you two have gotten closer with only the few minutes that I'm not around."

"Brother, brother. Come here I have a question for you!" he was a bit startled seeing his younger sister called him excitedly.

"Hey, what's this about?" Samantha is only smiling brightly and so he turned to look at his wife but the latter only smiled as she shrugged.

He looked at the two women suspiciously but he really can't figure them out and so he just obediently followed and just sat the stool next to Xi Ana.