Initial Plan

There is no reason for Gao Bei Cheng to lie to her though it is still too early to conclude anything on her part, the fact that Gao Bei Cheng said that the two projects were similar is enough for her to be suspicious.

Southville project started way before the announcement of Chengxin Corporation but they still finished theirs way earlier. "What are the reactions of the executives?"

Obviously, the executives know about the project and they've also seen the plan. Aside from them there are only chosen people who knew about the details of the Southville project.

If they are really similar then there is no way these executives would stay quiet.

"They were really alarmed that Ms. Lee had to call for an emergency meeting to calm them. Actually, the meeting is still ongoing."

Naturally, Hannah being her secretary also knows about the crooks and crannies of this project even all the people involved in it.