Lim Yi Sheng is Back!

Lim Yi Sheng's plane finally landed in the country and from the moment he stepped out of the plane his smile couldn't be more radiant. This flight has been scheduled a few days ago but because of urgent matters with their branches in America it was pushed back several days again.

Thinking that he will be able to see his wife whom he had not seen for more than a week is enough to make him smile all throughout the flight and now that they are already on the same country, it felt even more real to him.

He did tell her the time of his arrival though Xi Ana told him that she'll try to pick him up he really didn't pressure her to do so since he knew that there are a lot of things she's currently handling.

Well, it doesn't matter since it is only 3 o'clock in the afternoon he would just go straight to Xi Corporation to see her.