The Person Who helped Xi Ana

While they are enjoying their meal, they casually talked about insignificant things making the mood light and cozy. Suddenly, Xi Ana was reminded by Samantha's recovery. Before Lim Yi Sheng's flight, they didn't talk much already because they were both busy.

"IS Samantha already discharged? How is she now?" her operation is one of the few moments that Xi Ana was very nervous that's why when Samantha sent a picture to her she was greatly relieved.

The time she was with Samantha can be considered since it's only a few days but it doesn't mean she was not able to grasp her personality in that short period of time.

Samantha is very different from Lim Shinyi though the latter is four years older, Samantha is a little bit more mature than her which may be because of the environment she had grown up to and the experiences she had accumulated while growing up.