Previous Accident

Shen Feng has been trying to talk to Xi Ana these past few days but he can't cant the perfect timing considering the issues that she is currently resolving.

It's almost two weeks since Xi Ana put Hannah on an indefinite leave and from that day she hasn't said anything about it and it's making Shen Feng anxious.

What if because of this she decided not to talk to him entirely? What if she decided to cut ties with him and won't recognize him as father anymore? These thoughts were flooding Shen Feng's mind.

The more he thought of this, the more anxious he becomes. He was called back to his senses when his assistant called out to him, "Master Feng, a person named Li Jingli wants to talk to you. I believe he is the same Young Master Li that is one of Young Miss' friends."

Li Jingli? Of course he certainly knows about him but why would he suddenly want to talk to him? "Alright, you can transfer the call."

"Yes, Master Feng."