Little Bit of Revelation

Shen Feng is still busy doing something when his son entered his office nonchalantly which he really didn't mind. He looked up to his son who looks so much alike to him when he was at that age.

"What brings you here, son?"

Xi Chen casually sat on the couch and opened a snack that was place on the table for visitors, "I was gonna ask Father to have a lunch with me but seems like you're quite busy?"

Ever since he started working here again, Xi Chen would often ask him to have lunch with him and of course Shen Feng is more than happy to join him, who cares about work at this time? He was already given such opportunities to get closer to his son. If he wasted that then wouldn't that be a bigger problem?

Although they were not really that close before and Xi Chen is rather polite to him which makes their relationship lukewarm but ever since he came back, that relationship gradually became warmer which is a delight to his lonely heart.