Visiting Someone

Shen Feng dropped by the flower shop before going to his destination.

The attendant of the flower shop enthusiastically greeted Shen Feng as he entered the shop which he replied with a smile. "What flower would you like to have, sir?"

"Do you have yellow roses right now?"

"We do have sir, would you like to order a bouquet?"

"I want a dozen of yellow roses, each individually wrapped then turn it into a bouquet. Would that be fine?" he asked.

"That would be perfectly fine, Sir. For now, Sir can wait at the small waiting area of our flower shop and take a look around so that you won't feel bored while waiting." the attendant said respectfully as she gestured towards the small garden on the side.

"Don't mind me, I'll just take a look around myself. You can do whatever you need to do."

"Alright then, sir. I'll just go arrange your order."