
Shen Feng started with the reason why he left since this is where everything started. If before he thought that his daughter is still too young to know these but this tine that excuse is not valid anymore.

"I never intended to stay overseas to work nor have I ever thought of leaving my children to fend for themselves. When Wei'er died, I was devastated but not to the point that I would forget that I still have children. That time, the only thing in my mind was that I have to protect the two of you because if I lose you both as well I don't think I can still live.

You may think that this is just a story I was trying to make to prove myself to you but it was the truth. I lived for the two of you. Just when I thought that everything is going back on the right track, that person threatened me with your lives. The person who killed your mother.

At first I tried to ignore it but it escalated which led to Chen almost got kidnapped and you getting hurt."