Breakfast in Bed

Xi Ana isn't really petite but right now with her curled up and snuggling onto him, he felt as though his wife became smaller all of a sudden which made him want to keep her all to himself.

If only he could keep her inside the house and never let her appear outside, he would do so but that would be so selfish right? And it's not like this is possible anyway.

When he saw how sad she looked as she entered their room despite the smile she showed him, his heart ached for her. The only thing he wanted to do right now is to hug her so tight to remind her than he is always here for her whatever happens.

There might not be tears on her face anymore but was clear as day to him that she had cried and even without her saying she's in pain, he can feel it.

Since he's actually sitting and Xi Ana is half-lying and half-sitting on the bed while hugging his waist, she would surely feel uncomfortable after a while.