Breakfast in Bed (3)

"Should I open the curtain or just turn on the lights?" Lim Yi Sheng asked.

"Curtain." she answered with a smile.

Since this is a rare morning it is better to admire the morning sun once in a while, she thought. Usually if it is already this late, she would already be inside her office, driving her car, or already visiting sites.

Appreciating little things like this, it was really rare.

"Alright." Lim Yi Sheng said as he walked towards the window and pulled the curtains open.

When Lim Yi Sheng drew the curtains open, the dim room was engulfed wit sudden brightness that the both of them even needed a few seconds to adjust their eyes with the sudden brightness of the room.

"I'll just go to the restroom to wash my face."

"Take your time."

Xi Ana smiled and went towards the bathroom to wash her face for a while, since the breakfast is already here she doesn't need to go down for a meal anymore so she would just change later on.