Press Conference (2)

After being a trance for a while, the staff realized the purpose why she came here in the first place but then seeing the bosses all busy with their tablets with serious faces the staff suddenly felt unsure how to speak because she was afraid of disturbing the bosses.

Wang Xinyi noticed the staff and so she took the initiative went to walk towards the person and spoke. "How may I help you, miss?" she asked politely.

When the staff saw Wang Xinyi she felt relieved, at least she will not face the wrath of the bosses in case the are in a bad mood. "Oh, Ms. Wang, I just want to inform the bosses that the press conference will start in 15 minutes."

She looked at her wrist watch and it is indeed about time, "I understand, I'll inform the bosses. Thank you."

"Thank you, Ms. Wang." the staff excused herself amd went out of the room.