Lim Ming Cong is Mad

Xi Ana picked up the letter and looked at the woman in front of her who is ull of intention to resign and it does seem like she had obviously thought of this before coming here. Furthermore, for all the years that Hannah worked for her she had always done everything rationally.

Actually, she is already thinking of what is suitable course of action with regards to Hannah because she knows that she can't be in an 'indefinite leave' for a long time and thus she is already considering her options it's just she was too busy to finalize everything.

Thinking about it, Hannah resigning might actually good for her because it will make her go out of her comfort zone. There is no doubt that she has been a competent assistant but how could Xi Ana not realize that there is still so much potential to her.

"What if I told you that you can go back and report to me tomorrow so that you could start working for me again, would you still resign?" she said with a serious tone.