Assistant Position

The next day, the husband and wife went to their respective offices rather early and as soon as Xi Ana arrived in Xi Corporation the first thing she did was to call for Wang Xinyi inside her office. "Ms. Wang, please follow me inside."

"Yes , president." the petite woman stood and followed behind Xi Ana. As they have fully entered the office, Wang Xinyi closed the door behind her.

Xi Ana sat down on the couch instead of in front of her office table then gestured for Wang Xinyi to sit near her which the latter did without any questions.

It's time to clear up some things on her plate so that it would have room for other things.

"Xinyi, I promised you that I would investigate about your identity right?" it's better to get straight to the point.

Calling her affectionately like this means that Xi Ana isn't talking to Wang Xinyi right now as a superior but as an older sister who cares and the latter knew this so she also changed her form of address.