Seducing The Future CEO! (6)

Unlike her voice whilst talking to Bai Meixiu, Xia Zhilan was still pretty calm in reality.

After all in her eyes, marriage is only a small matter.

"I'll think about it, Meixiu." Xia Zhilan replied calmly. "And it's just a couple pictures... It shouldn't be that big of an issue, right?"

"Maybe..." Meixiu said doubtfully.

If they were just common people or even just celebrities it wouldn't be a big deal but Xiao Yingyue and Ye Jiangyu are extremely high-class people and will soon inherit a billion dollar company. Even the smallest 'scandals' could harm their reputation. Especially since other elite characters are very judgemental and arrogant and are practically waiting for their competitors to fall.


A couple weeks later the Ye family sent out an engagement letter to the Xiao family. However because Xia Zhilan was still pretty young and didn't give an answer, the two families agreed to discuss it after graduating.

Of course, Ye Jiangyu was upset and confronted her the next day which made Xia Zhilan angry. After all, they had only hung out a few times and they had never clarified their 'relationship' that Ye Jiangyu believed there was.

However this was the world that she transmigrated unto - where future couples get married right at the beginning of the main plot.

Angry at Xia Zhilan's constant rejections or vague answers, he eventually decided to use his family's connections to basically back her into a corner.

Articles and articles started popping up about their future wedding, how they were childhood sweethearts and many other false information. Even the average people knew about the 'epic romance' between the two powerful families.

Even though the Ye family knew half the news were lies, they continued to support Ye Jiangyu because joining the two families through marriage would be very beneficial to their company and Xiao Yingyue is the best candidate to be the future Miss Ye.

Even Xiao Yingyue's family started to believe some of the rumours even though Xia Zhilan didn't like to talk about it however they assumed she was just shy and embarrassed.

Xia Zhilan merely rolled her eyes at his childish behaviour.

"As expected of a spoiled rich kid."

In the past weeks Xia Zhilan's reputation sky-rocketed.

She was in the top 5 of her entire school in every single test and her painting skills amazed many. Thanks to that, the Xiao Group's profits and prestige increased and many families tried even harder to build connections with her.

Finally, the side mission reached 95% due to her achievements. However his temper began to get worse and worse because Xia Zhilan was the centre of attention of all the boys and he began to be even more controlling.

Xia Zhilan suffered a lot in trying to complete the mission.

She was pretty sure that he's try to kidnap her sooner or later but at least the completion of the mission was slowly rising without having to do much. All she had to due was act like a shy rabbit and he would immediately like her more. Well this is a C-ranked mission...

•••••• One Year Later ••••••••

"Xiao Yingyue, there's only a couple months until graduation. Why don't you just accept my proposal now?" Ye Jiangyu asked.

"Exactly." His face brightened slightly at her words "There's only a couple months until graduation which means I have to work even harder and I have lots of things to do right now. I've started working in my family's company since the beginning of the year, there's a lot of exams now and I've entered in an art competition at the end of the month. I'm extremely busy." Xia Zhilan continued.

Ignoring everything else he asked in an annoyed voice "Why don't you just quit art? You're gonna be running your company soon anyways."

Xia Zhilan was mad.

During all her lives art was quite important to her. It was a way of expressing her frustrations of living in a constant loop and a way to distract herself from boredom. In fact becoming an artist was one of the first things she tried after realising that she kept being reborn.

So of course being told that by someone she already did not like made her angry.

Because Xia Zhilan was a mature adult, she just walked away.

Or it may have been because she didn't want to jeopardise her mission because she was angry as she was quite close to punching him and breaking character.

'Just 5% left. Just 5% left!' Xia Zhilan thought to herself.

Zhilan stopped and turned around after calming down.

"It's just that... I don't want to embarrass myself. There are a lot of people saying that I'm not right or worthy enough and I want to prove them wrong." Xia Zhilan said in a determined voice, blushing sightly.

Hearing her genuine feelings, Ye Jiangyu's heart swelled with happiness and patted her head gently as if coaxing a child or animal.