The Ex-Assassin Is A Cultivator! (13)

Whilst Liu Chunhua was busy scheming, the royal palace was thrown into chaos in preparing for possibly the largest event in this centuary - the Crown Prince's ascension to the throne. The old emperor had finally decided to step down from his seat which meant it was time for Zhu Ming to become the new emperor.

However, recently he had been in a couple of scandals and troubles although they were pretty minor some people were a little unsatisfied with him and was starting to lean towards the eighth prince's side as he has started show more of his hidden potential that nobody knew of. Despite that, most people were happy with Zhu Ming as he stilled seemed like the best candidate for the throne as he's had a squeaky clean reputation since he was a child and has achieved many acomplishments which has caused him to stand out from the other 12 princes.

After several weeks of planning and preparation, everything was finally in order for the celebration banquet.

Or so they thought...

A night meant for glory and a crowning of a new King ended in chaos and thousands of people were killed for treason.


Just as Zhu Ming, the soon-to-be emperor, was about to be crowned, thousands of men dressed in a sleek cool black armour came marching into the royal palace unhesitantly whilst another couple thousand surrounded it, leaving no place free. At the very front, leading this rebellion was Liu Chunhua and Zhu Wei, the eighth prince.

Liu Chunhua stared at all the people from nobilty/royalty who supported Zhu Ming with arrogance and disdain and let Zhu Wei do all the talking.

Meanwhile Zhu Ming watched everything happen with a dumfounded face. Although they had broken off the engagement, Zhu Ming and Liu Chunhua were still childhood friends nevertheless so why had Liu Chunhua helped lead a rebellion against him?

Of course Liu Chunhua noticed his face and laughed coldly.

'I've finally avenged you, Liu Chunhua.' she thought righteously to herself

Avenged the orginal from what you ask? Who knows...

Soon, the entire palace was engulfed in smoke and flames from the ferocious fights between high-levelled cultivators.

Whilst a fierce fight was happening between the nobles who had backed Zhu Ming and Liu Chunhua's hundred thousand army and the nobles who had backed them, the woman who had instigated this chaotic affair stood at the back, watching the cultivators fight in a relaxed manner.

As for why she was so confident her plan in overthrowing the new emperor despite the majority of the enemy being Core Formation Realm and Nascent Soul Realm with a couple of early Spirit Realms sprinkled in, was because she was confident in her lover, Yan Qinyu, the Shadow King - feared by all.

Little did she know, Yan Qinyu had died in the hands of Xia Zhilan a couple weeks ago.

Faced with the thousands of men, Zhu Ming's side could barely hold them back any longer as their reinforcements still haven't arrived.

Even Zhao Yingye had noticed the dire state they were in and hurriedly contacted her Flowing River Sect even though their manpower wasn't as strong as their medical skills whilst joining the fight in holding their enemies back.

Almost half a day later, when Zhu Ming's side had almost given up, their reinforcement's arrived which included many young cultivation geniuses who Zhu Ming had gained a good relationship with during his childhood, a couple more thousand of men who were stationed in other cities at the time and the strongest fighters from the Flowing River Sect who's main goal was to protect Zhao Yingye as she is one of the main pillars holding their sect up.

As the reinforcements had finally arrived, the other men regained their fighting spirit and started fighting back even stronger from their newly found passion.

Despite that, Liu Chunhua's men weren't giving up and continued to fight with all their strength.

Meanwhile Liu Chunhua who was still watching the fight calmly, furrowed her eyebrows for a moment then smirked slyly.

The man she was waiting for finally showed up.

The old emperor.

She knew that the old man would show up eventually as he definitely wouldn't let his favourite son, Zhu Ming, lose the crown before he even got the chance to sit on the throne especially to a woman from a family that had lost his favour.

Naturally as a man who had controlled the Empirefor hundreds of years, he could see through Liu Chunhua's plan in controlling HIS Empire through his least favoured son, Zhu Wei.

Of course Liu Chunhua wasn't planning to fight him head on. As the ex-emperor of the entire Eastern Snow Empire, he was definitely one of the strongest men of the continent. Even with her numerous treasures, Liu Chunhua can't possibly hope to even withstand a single blow from him nonetheless hope to win against him,.

That's Yan Qinyu's role. Obviously.