The Rise Of The Forgotten Film Empress! (18)

When the video of that morning was uploaded onto the internet, it exploded online.

However, unlike what people had expected, her reputation hadn't dyed black and she had instead gained many new fans.

Perhaps it was because it was extremely rare to see such an unreserved celebrity like Xia Zhilan.

"I didn't expect the actress who played Lu Li to be like this."

"Yeah, same! I honestly really like her, she seems really funny!"

"I really like her confidence, haha!"

"Confident? I would be too if I looked like her. She's simply too beautiful!"

"I've never heard of this woman before but her personality is amazing. Very refreshing!"

However many people didn't share the same opinion...

"Why is everyone praising her? She just admitted to being a dirty gold-digger. So shameless!"

"Aiming for the president? This slut thinks too highly of herself!"

"Exactly. As if he'd even look in her direction."

"This third-rate celebrity has no dignity or self-respect."

"So un-ladylike. What man would ever want her? Disgusting!"

On the complete opposite side of the internet, the netizens who were well versed in the affairs of the business world have also been excitable.

Recently, Orchid Entertainment has been making BIG moves.

Although it was a relatively new company, they had already caused huge waves in the business world. Also, the fierce rivalry between Orchid Entertainment and Zhihan Entertainment was no secret. The smell of gunpowder was strong between the two since the very beginning thus many people were highly invested in this topic.

The rate at which the two companies were growing was basically impossible and had even amazed the old foxes of the industry however one of them was beginning to close in on the other.

Even outsiders began feeling anxious for them.

"Do they have some personal enmity or something?" They couldn't help but wonder.

"The president of Zhihan Entertainment is Fu Sihan, you know, the one from Country C. He's known as a genius of business but he's losing to Orchid Entertainment..."

"Why did Fu Sihan even move here in the first place?"

"No idea. I heard he dumped his company back to his father and ran off here, to Country A."

"The president of Orchid must be some sort of prodigy then or maybe he's just one of those old men at the top playing around."

The president of Orchid Entertainment is so mysterious, I really want to know who he actually is!"


At the highest floor of one of the tallest skyscrapers in the city sat a stunningly beautiful woman. Her long legs were crossed over each other and placed on the desk lazily as she played on her phone with a slight smile.

"What did I tell ya, system?" Xia Zhilan said, "See, they love me!"

'Uhm host, you know I can see the other comments, right? They're calling you a gold-digger and a shameless slut...'

Xia Zhilan giggled, "Aw, why do you always focus on the negatives? I know it's not true so that's all that matters!"

'Not if you're a public figure....'

"What's that saying? All publicity is good publicity, am I right? Actually, you should be proud of me. Look how hard I'm working - I've been dealing with the male lead and my name is trending online!"

As System 005 and Xia Zhilan were bickering back and forth, a man suddenly burst into the room.


"Yo, Tang Yu. What's up?"

Tang Yu looked up at Xia Zhilan.

The modern and sleek office she sat in and the professional attire she was dressed in contrasted greatly contrasted against the woman's uncouth posture and speech.

Despite working with her for a while now, sometimes even Tang Yu was surprised that this was his boss, the person behind Orchid Entertainment.

Xia Zhilan calmly took her legs off the desk "Ahem, yes?"


Meanwhile, Liu Jianhong was staring at his phone screen, dumbfounded.

"Hey, what the fuck? Isn't that my girlfriend?"

'Seems like it.' his system replied curtly.

"Xia Zhilan, the female lead, is cheating on me with God knows who? But she's the female lead...? She can't do this, right?"

'Technically, she hasn't cheated on you. She just wants to."

"Same thing." Liu Jianhong rolled his eyes. "But why would she cheat on me? I mean...just look at me. I'm the perfect boyfriend!"

"Maybe if you had started you're actual mission she wouldn't want to. Female leads are attracted to men of power and just look at you." The system said disdainfully. "So useless."

"I have started! It's just...very difficult." He said defensively.

System 053 merely chuckled derisively.

Liu Jianhong sighed and picked up a book from the pile on his desk.

'How To Manage A Business For Dummies'

'You better learn quickly, host~' the system said tauntingly 'Or the female lead will be stolen away and you'll get zero points.'

"How much points could this low-level world even give me? If only you sold those skill books I wouldn't even have to be here." Liu Jianhong said, annoyed.

The system laughed mockingly once again, 'Still on about the skill books? I've told you, they don't exist.'

"The system store even sells fucking cultivation manuals. I don't see why-"

'If there were such things like skill books, what's the point of you being here? If there were skill books, why would we need to specially select our hosts? Otherwise, we could've just grabbed any random kid off the streets.' System 053 explained impatiently.

"The higher-ups chose you specifically because they evaluated and concluded that you are capable enough for the job. One of this job's requirements is to learn new skills to complete your missions as effectively as possible."

"You've made it to a mid-level host so clearly their judgment wasn't wrong. So can you finally shut it about those skill books now? You're the one who chose to come to this world in the first place."

"Yeah, I know..." Liu Jianhong sighed and actually began to read.

'God knows where he even thought of the idea of a skill book' System 035 muttered to itself.