Chapter 4

When you read this, you are not senile but you had already died once.

No, it's not a joke.

I don't know how you died, but certainly you died once.

When your HP reaches zero, after you died, I'm sure you were teleported back.

What you had experienced until now was the [Tutorial Mode].

In the case that a person of another world is teleported, they earn an 『unusual power』 in this earth, in this world.

As for that, compared to the local people, most of them earn an enormous power, and many of these people died relatively fast, no matter what ability have.

Really they are killed with extreme facility.

Even I do not know to what world, the G.o.d of the earth sends them, even I can't interfere. Still, although I explain to them, that they have to be careful, it appears to be that only a few can adapt because far from their common sense their reasoning is from another world.

So I stopped explaining things in advance to people from another world.

What I put to use was the [Tutorial Mode].

I guess that being thrown without any explanation was very problematic, but seeing is believing, so the last present (cheat) of your G.o.d was the [Tutorial Mode].

After being teleported, except for a natural death, when your hp reaches zero and you died, you go back to the starting point.

Every point of experience earned, every skill you had until now, the experienced time was taken away and converted into experience points

In short, a New Game+.

Your character level up, but your talent is not, so if they don't make any effort, as before I said, they die, together with pain, so I believe that I had to let you experience the 「Easiness to die」. That was the best cheat that the G.o.d of the earth can do.

In comparison, the magic in your earth is very weak, in first place, they are extremely powerless as individuals. And although there is almost no difference between their bodies of here, when you cross to another world, a 『unusual power』 is activated and you can defeat at slime with your initial value at the most. If you didn't have an unusual power even you would have nothing more than the power of a Villager A.

So that's why, if you want to survive, then strive, think and train.

Almost all worlds are more dangerous than the earth.

I'm sorry to be an incompetent G.o.d, but please, have a happy life.

From the G.o.ddess

「I see, so it was really a new game+」

What came out of the email icon was that letter.

There were certain points where I had doubts, but it does appear to be that a G.o.d really exists. Level and the rest, it seemed to have existed also in the earth, in my former world.

The G.o.d of the earth, for the sake of the earthlings that even when they got the cheat of talent they are killed easily, instead of giving any explanation they put to use the 「Experience it one time and then I cancel it」 method.

Well, I was saved with that, and various question that I had were explained.

Now I know what happened to my level, but that it has dropped suddenly it's not one of the reasons why you cannot live long?

…Even so.


Yes, let us be thankful.

Now, I can finish my revenge that I swore that time.


My laughter doesn't stop, I'm not in the mood to stop.

I never imagined that there was another opportunity.

Even so, the yearning for my desire for vengeance and hatred that I embraced in my heart, it's not a lie.

By experiencing personally, bit by bit, I started to get excited. A s.h.i.+ver of delight is travelling through my body, and doesn't stop.

This is not a dream. Nor is there a time limit, I can now finish my vengeance, I can kill them.

After laughing for a while, now I can begin to think clearly.

What I'm going to do, from what I going to start.

Even right now I want to crush those guys, everyone of them.

In my feet, there is one of them, an enemy (of my vengeance).

Her mouth is being burned right now for her own fireball, and for the many times that I stepped of her, the dress that she's wearing right now is worn out and dirty.

She finally understood that is meaningless to oppose me or being obedient. That she only can see me with hate.

Yes, this. This is it. I want to revenge.

If I let my impulse control me, then I can deprive them of their life easily.

If my level has decreased, then like me their level had too, right?

I have on me the knowledge I gained and the experience from the tutorial mode.

Although I lost my skills as abilities, I didn't lost the technique to control them on my body.

There are still many Spirit Sword that I can use that have an effect that surpa.s.s a near level 50 status, and in my surroundings there are still the knights who doesn't seem to have experience combat, if there are only 10 knights or less I can accompany them with no problem.

If I hide for a while, while raising my level, then I can go around those d.a.m.n b.a.s.t.a.r.ds before strengthen myself and leave for a trip.

「It's not good. That way it's not good, because otherwise…」

I suffered for one year.

While my heart is screaming and cracking, the broken pieces that had fallen are now rebuilding itself over my desire for vengeance.

The time that pa.s.sed, a thing was growing up, clinging to me, it was like a muddy viscosity, a lump of heat, telling me that it wasn't going be satisfied with only killing, yelling that it was unforgivable.

Although it was unpleasant to see her face, only this was not enough.

So, I'm not going to kill her yet.

So, it's not going to finish here.

Let's think slowly, I have time so I don't have to hurry myself in kill her.

I have to let her experiment the pain, the painful memories, I have to sink her in a toxic swamp of regrets and agony.

More, more, more, it's necessary for her to suffer more.

Because then, my first vengeance will be completed.

「Aah, I'm not going to kill you right now. Since I have healed you with great difficulty, right? Although I thought many ways to kill you」

I let out a sigh unintentionally. It's very regrettable.

I thought about several things, like letting a small and carnivorous insect eat the body while being conscious, like allowing germinate a seed together with the grown up host, turning it into a tree, eliminating all sensations leaving only the ability to think.

Either way, it seems that these abilities were sealed with Spirit Sword so it can't be helped.

For now I need time.

Slowly and carefully, I need to start the preparations for my vengeance.

Of course, I have to enjoy the preparation.

「First is…」

I healed roughly inside her mouth with the [Greenish Crystal Sword] to an extent where the princess can speak.

「Hey, there is something that I want to ask you」

「…Who is going to listen a request from a monster like you? 」

Really, she is a good target for my vengeance, the princess Alesia.

「Ku, ahahaha」

「Wh, What's so funny!!」

「You know, you react exactly like I was hoping. Never lose those feelings, because if not, my vengeance is going to be boring」

Looking down while grinning and laughing, the princess Alesia is again looking me with more hostility in her eyes.

「This, lunatic!! Why! What you say I've done…」

「What you did, although you don't know, I know. I know the pain for being betrayed. I know the pain for being tricked. I know the being treated like a fool. I remember all the pain for trusting like an idiot to all of you. I remember everything, princess Alesia Orlean」

「Uu, guu…」

With a glance full of hatred like burning magma and a cold voice like a s.h.i.+ning blade.

Maybe the princess didn't understand the meaning of my words, but she did perceived that I really hate her.

「Now, we are going to talk again, but I have a request」

*Pa*, my hand faced the princess.

With no sign of her previous state, she makes a perfect smile.

「If you are not going to listen, it can't be helped, right? It makes me sad that despite that I healed your mouth with that purpose, but if you don't want, it can't be helped, right?」

As you had planned? I don't know anything, I never had a thought about opposing you neither with a gaze.

「Wh-What are you…?」

It appears to be that until just now, more than being perplexed, her anxiety is arising. She have a good intuition.

「Fumu, your chest is going to be an obstacle for writing」

「Kyaa!? St, stop it!!」

When I send her flying with a kick, she ended up face down, I torn to pieces the back of her dress exposing her back.

「But you know that, the first time I saw you, I thought that I saw a beautiful girl, but now I don't feel anything at all, it's strange, isn't it?」

Her beautiful silver hair that hangs to the shoulder and her gold eyes, her well-featured face and good proportions, like a doll.

Just like a template, the called beauty of the Orlean, a beautiful girl.

When seeing this world for first time, the girls here were more beautiful than in the modern j.a.pan, and spying them accidentally when they were changing it made my heart beat.

But, apart from that, seeing their appearance very close it didn't make heart jump or move.

「s.n.a.t.c.hing by force the chast.i.ty of a woman… As I supposed, the people of another world are savage and vulgar beasts…」

「Huh? What are you saying? With a ugly personality of course I'm going to refuse, don't get confused, your self-confidence is disgusting」

When imagining what I said, it really makes me sick to the point of vomiting.


「If you say that you are not going to listen to my request, then I have to write a letter instead of a verbal message」

「…It, It can't, be」

「You see, a verbal message it was going to be more easy, right? But if you don't listen to my request, then, it can't be helped, so what I have to do is to write a nice letter」

I gave her a cheerful smile, indicating that she guessed right about what I'm going to do.

「Now, can you please don't move? If not, I'm not going to be able to write a nice letter」

「No, Igyaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!」

What I had taken out was the [Kyakuken(Fire Spider's Leg Sword)].

A short sword blade of 20 centimeters including the blade, the Spirit Sword is dyed with scarlet.

Being my second time, this swords only could cause a small fire the first time, that's why, now for this use is suitable.

「Fun, fu~fufu~n♪」

「Ugya, gyaaa, it's hooot!! Sto, stoooop!!」

In the meanwhile, I'm singing a humming while carving the letter with fire on her back.

「Somebody, somebody heeelp mee…」

「Ahaha, n.o.body is going to help you, like what you had planned, every trick, so that doesn't happen I crushed everyone here」

Although Alesia is stretching her hand to the knights who are groaning, everyone here have the joints of the elbow and knee facing the opposite direction, so they cannot move. Although they didn't lose their consciousness, surely, the voice of the princess didn't reached them for the cries of their pain when they try to lifting their body.

「Come on, come on, I still hadn't finished writing even half. Because I have to think slowly on what I'm going to do. Can you please don't move?」

I laughed with a smile while saying that.