Dear Benjamin Franklin,
I heard that after you made some discoveries that you became very popular. I wonder if it got to your head because I heard that you liked to fool around a lot. Sometimes I wonder if your little man actually was more famous than your brains. Perhaps it was. I wonder if you convinced the women because their words would circulate faster than that of their counterparts. Were the Vixen more entertaining than talking politics with the men? Was it easier to get your point across if you were the ladies man? Was life to you just a game when the other men went to war? When the men were away how many scandals did you commit for those who were married or unmarried? I know you enjoyed all the attention, but I feel that the attention would one day be your downfall. I feel that your descendants would be cursed with burning lust just like you. I really don't think you really respected your fellow men or your enemies because you literally slept with all the women you laid your eyes on. I think you are a shameless man to boot. Who cares what you contributed in the scientific world. You degraded yourself and countless families causing them to be divided. Your honour was damaged the first day you slept with the woman who wasn't your wife. How do you think your wife felt when her friends told her that they heard rumors that you didn't come home at night? I think she was ashamed because she did her best to be the perfect wife. I don't think you truly loved her because in the end you defiled her too. A man of a perfect mind should pay mind to his honour.