Jinxed Car

The man and his wife bought a car. What they didn't know was that the car was cursed. They should have known that cars that have a gray paint job trap old memories whether good or bad. But they cosigned for the car loan with a lack of information. It wasn't long, but the man started acting abnormal. They blamed it on the stress or the weather. The reality was that it was neither. The car was jinxed. Soon after each ride when one or both used the car for the day, they felt sickly. There was invisible rolling jinx smoke literally rolling off the hood of the car. The more and more the car was used, then the sickness got worse. One day their daughter came over and spat on the car hood. The curse was lifted for a time. But that didn't last because it rained, causing for the jinxed car to become cursed once again. It got to the point where they refused to acknowledge that the car was the reason they got sick so frequently. One day a bunch of birds rained poop on the car. On another day, hail came down really hard to the point where dents were plowed into the paint work. The older couple chose to contact the brother-in-law, and he told them he only had red paint. They didn't mind and dropped the car off for the paint work. When the car was returned, the curse was lifted permanently.