There once was a man and a woman who had difficulty understanding each other. It wasn't the fact that language was a barrier but the mindset of both. Because they both were stubborn and strong willed, they one moment were lovey-dovey then next fighting with words. Because she couldn't understand him well enough he always seemed aloof and hard to grasp. One day she succumbed to depression and unfriended him on Social media to test her will. For a little while she thought she was okay but that night she cried herself to sleep. Her plan worked out too well and he messaged her asking why she unfriended him. She told the truth but he was still angry at her for acting foolishly. He told her he understand why she needed space but why did she choose to be so dramatic about it. In a way they were screwed up soulmates who had a thing for being passionate spades. One was acting like a snail and the other a bird who wanted to eat rhe other verbally. The man tested her with terse sharp language which made her want to hit him with a frying pan, next laugh and cry, then want to make crazy love afterwards. Sometimes he loved her and other times he just totally lost his marbles over the things she did. Was it Fate that they one moment loved then quarreled, or was it what love was supposed to be like...a rollercoaster relationship? Only they knew for certain the true outcome whether they would grow old together or not.