The man was a crafty fellow. His words echoed in the chill of the night and many he put in the place of balance. The women, their hearts shuddered at the sight of him. He was previously untalented in the art of wooing. Most women would give him the once over glance and skip off on another man's arms never to return. The Wolfeman was very displeased with his ill luck. One day on one of his feeding times he ran into a beautiful woman with short hairs. He was smothered by her curious and cunning eyes. Not knowing it could be his sweet ending, he gave her his number. They text back to back for many weeks. One day while he was away, she got very emotionally sick of the separation that she shed salty pearls. When they talked next, the woman showed him a small jar filled to the brim with pearls. She touched his hand and stared deep down into his soul. He was terrified but stood his ground. When the woman was done with the examination, she then took his face in her palms and slowly kissed him. His heart lurched in his chest and he became dizzy with suppressed emotions. The Helplessness, carnal desire, and suppressed affections he had bottled up ruptured and he kissed her fiercely.