Chapter 20:

〰 Khole 〰

I dove underneath the blade coming at me, slicing at Dylan's calf making him snarl at me and swing at me but missing terribly. A laugh left me when I slide in between his legs and jumped on his back causing him to sway.

He dropped his sword, clutching onto my legs and making sure I wasn't going to fall. The amusement on the guards faces apparent but none of them laughing since they knew that Dylan would make them fight me.

He knows I love to fight, the Valkyrie blood goes through me proudly.

"Damn it, Khole!" He barks before we tumbled to the ground. I stared down at him, straddling his waist and grinned down at him in victory.

"I'm getting better at this," I note to him, getting off him and holding my hand down to him. He stared at me for several seconds, his eyes flamed up with lust as he grasped my hand and allowed me to help him off the ground.

Oh, how I wished the guards weren't here.

"I'm just going easy on you." He growls at me, tossing me in the air and spinning around making me laugh out loud. I playfully hit him in his back, trying to get away but enjoying him being playful with me.

"Oh shut up! Admit that I am a better fighter!" I giggle as he set me down and kissed me roughly, the sword in my hand dropping on the ground. My hands grasped his sweaty shirt, loving the way he messed around with me.

"Never." He growls confidently as I heard lightly flash from the gates of our kingdom. His hands roamed all over me, indifferent about the weather brewing at the gates when I swatted him away and looked over the cliff of our training ground.

This wasn't normal...

"Someone's here," I tell him seriously, his mood switching as he shifted and stood by my side. We saw the lightning flashing down on the ground, looking vaguely familiar but I couldn't pinpoint who it was.

For all I know, it could be a Valkyrie I didn't know.

"It must be a Valkyrie. Nothing else could create such powerful strikes." Dylan tells me, pressing a soft kiss on the side of my head. "It may be Proximo. I mu-"

"I'm coming," I told him when he nodded and glanced over to the guards who were standing nearby.

"Protect Princess Dae. We will be back." He orders while the guards nodded and went to protect our daughter. Turning to me, he grasped my hand and made me walk further away from the ledge. "You haven't done this since you gave birth to Dae. Are you sure you're ready?" He asks me worriedly when I nodded and pulled my hair into a ponytail.

"It's my sworn oath to protect Valkyries and those in need of help. I am ready." I promise him, letting his hand go and running towards the ledge. Without hesitation, I jumped off of it and allowed the wind to blow my hair upwards.

Dylan followed suit, no doubt worried for me as I ducked my head and landed on a nearby cliff. I dashed for the next set of canyons, using my speed and strength to launch from edge to edge while Dylan followed behind me.

The lightning in the sky brewing more and more as we closed in. The dread I felt within me concerning me but I was ready to kill anything that threatened my kingdom and my friends.

"Watch out Valrun!" Hrudra screams before I jumped and saw someone aiming for Valrun and my allies. Making a bold move, I landed on the woman who was threatening the others.

〰 Hrudra 〰

"We are finally here," Valrun says in relief when I nodded and shifted the bounds on my wrists. I glanced back and saw Proximo looking around in high alert as if there was someone here.

I could feel the strange energy as well, but since I was bound in this mystical rope. I wasn't able to use my hypersensitivity as well as normal. Though I could still feel something weird about the atmosphere.

"Halt! Who are you?" The guards at the front shouted, holding their blades in a defensive stance when Proximo stood in the front with Valrun. Fiero walked off the side and sat down on the ground as if something was going to happen.

I still needed to ask how he had all my things and how he cleaned them so well. I swear, he even polished them and I felt like a fucking baller. Though I will have more time later to ask him about that, right now I was to tense to speak a word.

Proximo and the guard spoke as Valrun slipped her blade out and walked over to where I was. Her shoulders were extremely tense much like my own.

"Do you feel that as well?" She asks me while I scanned the area around us.

"Yes. But I can't pinpoint it." I admit, knowing we'll settle our differences later but for now we were on the same team.

The sky started brewing as I tugged at my wrists but failed miserably. A flash of lightning rained across the sky above us when I looked at Valrun with a pale look.

"You're gonna want to untie me," I inform her, knowing Mira has found us once again but this time I was unable to strike back. Valrun scoffed and rose her sword in front of her.

"I can handle this. Just stand away a-"

Before she could finish, a crackle of thunder sounded when flames came from the distance. Several deep howls rang from the distance as the flames came closer.

"Untie me!" I yell at her but she ignored me and sped into the distance to strike down the hellhounds. Pissed at her, I turned and saw Proximo staring in shock at what was happening. "Proximo!" I dove towards him, his arms going around me before he placed me in between the guards. "No! Untie me you bastards!" I screech.

"Stay." He orders, looking at the guards.

"Let me fight! I can fight too, damn it! You're going to lose!" I scream at him while watching him run over to where Valrun was. I looked at the guards and their weapons, knowing that they weren't strong enough to cut the bounds.

"She's right. Only my creator can fight me without falling quickly." Mira appeared all of a sudden, hounds crawling from the shadows of her black dress. Her green hair was flowing behind her as she looked down at my wrists and smiled. "Not even I could tie you up. I give Valrun and the demon props." She admits, hearing Valrun and Proximo hurry back to us.

"Untie me or else you're going to die," I tell the guards when Valrun sliced another hell hounds head off and dove towards Mira. Mira merely laughed, diving away from her attack and aiming her gun towards Valrun.

Proximo yelled, shifting quickly and ripping a hell hounds head off and barreling towards Mira. Actually knocking her off her feet as Mira screeched and shot at Proximo and missed. I bite my bottom lip, shoving past the guards and diving to Mira and knocking her back on the ground before she could get up.

"God damn it!" She screams, lightning hitting the ground near us when I rolled away and felt someone lift me off the ground.

"Don't fucking do that again." Proximo snarls at me.

"A thank you would suffice, darling." I snap back while Valrun attacked another hell hound, not paying any attention to Mira aiming her bullets towards her. "Watch out Valrun!" I scream, getting out of Proximo's grasp and diving towards her though I was thrown to the ground by a hell hound.

Proximo ripped the hound off me as I scrambled off the ground and noticed someone flying through the air. The small body landed on top of Mira and pinned her down on the ground.

"Stand down. You've attacked not only my friends but my kingdom as well. You will pay for your sins." A familiar voice says in a dangerous voice while someone else appeared out of nowhere.

"Khole. What did I say about landing on people?" The voices clicked in making me look at Dylan, the demon king, and Khole, the demon queen. Her small frail body held a thrashing Mira on the ground as she looked my way and smiled widely.

"Hrudra! You're back finally!" Kho laughed when Dylan hurried to her side and snatched Mira off the ground.

"I've got her. Go ahead and treat your friends." Dylan tells her, wrapping an arm around Mira's throat and suffocating her. I watched as Mira slowly went limp while Proximo patted my head and went to his king.

Thank god they came.

I was taken down to the ground by Kho, her arms tightly around my neck as she held onto me tightly. At that moment, I wished for nothing more than to hug her back.

"It's been so long! You've got lots of explaining to do! Why is she tied up?!" Kho snarls at Valrun and the others when they looked away.

"We were afraid she was going to run-"

"You brought her here against her will?!" She screeches, a storm brewing once again as I grasped her hands with my bound ones.

"It's okay, Kho. As you said, I have much to explain." I tell her while she calmed down and nodded, helping me up.

"Okay. But if I hear anything they did I do not like. I am having my husband punish them. Right, honey?" Kho teases when Dylan jumped up and smiled meekly at us. Proximo and Dylan were tying Mira up with similar ropes as mine when Khole had called out to him.

"Of course. Anything that makes you happy." He nods, his words even soothing me when Kho untied me from the ropes.

"What will make me happy is if you throw that bitch off the cliff." Her words were deadly but sounded so cheery that I could believe what I just heard. I stared at Kho then at Dylan, silently asking what happened to our innocent girl.

"Okay." Dylan shrugged, pushing Mira off the cliff making me crackle in laughter. It hurt to laugh, but it was hilarious how the frail girl had a hold over the big demon king.

"She lives in hell. She'll be back." I said after laughing like a lunatic while Kho tossed away the ropes and shrugged with a happy smile.

"Then let her. I can think of other ways to kill her." Kho shrugs as Proximo shook his head and walked over to me.

"What has happened with our little Kho?" I question in a quiet voice when she joined her mate and grinned darkly.

"Nothing at all. I was merely taught the ways of being a Valkyrie. Plus, if she threatens my kingdom, she threatens my daughter. And I can't have that, can we Dylan?" She peers up at her mate as she snarls and pulled Kho closer to him.

"She comes again, she will not be spared from the pain I can cause her." He promises while I nodded and rubbed my sore wrists.

"Well. I guess we should all head inside then." I mumble, watching Fiero stand up with a pleased expression.

"Yes. We shall." He walked ahead of us when Dylan and Kho looked at me in confusion.

"Who is he?" They said in unison, making me sigh and rub my face.

I have lot's to explain.