Chapter 22:

"Just leave it in here. Thanks, guys." I heard Proximo speaking along with a few people breathing heavily. My eyes still felt sore from last night, still unsure why I was crying as I peered around the room and saw I was the only one in here.

The plush pillows and sheets around me warming me despite the sudden chill that ran through my body. I couldn't help but wish that Proximo was here still holding onto me like the night before.

I could still feel the warmth of his arms and breath across my skin, giving me the comfort of still having someone in my life even with the life I've lived. It's made me realize that maybe the mate bound wasn't all that bad as I thought it was before.

The sunlight peeked through the shades of the windows as I yawned and turned on my side to look at the skies of the demon world, making me wonder how long I had been asleep.

Where had Proximo gone?

"Is your woman still asleep?" A man asked through heavy breathing when I got up from the bed and stretched. My curiosity was getting the better of me and forcing me to follow the train of voices.

My hypersensitivity could detect three men out in the dining area, all of them sweating and breathing hard from something they've done. Though I would assume that they were doing something dirty, I wouldn't expect Proximo to go for the weak men. Or men in general.

"I wouldn't be surprised if my man Proximo tired her out last night if you know what I'm saying." Another man said with a loud laugh as I opened the door and saw the three men crowded around a new table.

Proximo stood in front of them, facing away from me while there was a short orange-haired man beside a dark brown-haired man. They were demons of some sort, though Proximo was a rage demon who grew incredibly strong when pissed off. I could tell from these men were not rage demons like my Proximo.


My proximo?!

"I would be the one to tire him out, boys," I comment with a yawn when they spun to me and stared at me in mock surprise. "It's not a false statement. Just ask your man Proximo about the first time we had sex." I taunt making Proximo grin at me and walk towards me.

His eyes sparkled at the sight of me despite my words that shocked his friends. I'm sure that they were expecting someone different from me, probably thinking that he was going to get a shy and mouse like girl for him.

If only they knew the real me...

I could tell by the way his shirt was tightened around him that he had been doing a lot of labor this morning. The sweat the covered his forehead caused the Valkyrie within me to grow crazy for him.

Not even jewelry and gold does this to me.


The blood moon was coming up and this was the effects of it...

Just thinking about our first time got me aroused but I masked it with exhaustion so they wouldn't know how I felt. Thank god they aren't wolves that can scent arousal the moment you think of sex.

"Nice to see you chipper this morning," Proximo said, pressing a gentle kiss on my cheek and grasped my hand. The electricity running between us stronger now for some reason, making me lean against him slightly in hopes of him reading my energy.

"Aww come on. I need my beauty rest or else you're gonna deal with a bitchy Hrudra." I point out as he pulled me towards the men who were staring at us. His other hand grasping my waist with my hand still intertwined with the other hand.

The heat in his eyes told me that he wanted nothing more than to fuel my desire though there was still uncertainty in his eyes that made my arousal drown a bit.

"I like either one." He assures me making me smile before there was a gagging noise. We both turned and saw the orange-haired man making a show that looked as if a child had seen their parents kissing.

The sight both amusing and annoying.

"Gross! Get a room you too!" The man with the bright orange hair spits out with a playful expression. His blue eyes complimenting his hair and dark outfit making me wonder what kind of demon he was. If I had to guess, I would say he is a trickster or fire demon.

"Don't be like that. It's about time Proximo found himself a good girl." The other man shoves the orange-haired one. The other man having dark brown hair with a single strand of blonde that caught my eyes, his light hazel eyes smiling towards Proximo and I.

"Who said I was good?" I challenge but Proximo squeezed my hand and smiled at his friends. I was curious why Proximo hasn't told them about my real identity making me wonder if he was ashamed of who I am. The thought irritably changing my mood into a defensive one.

"This is Hrudra. Hrudra, these are my friends Rogan and Arley." Proximo introduces when the orange-haired, Arley, winked at me. I felt his grip around me tighten at the action while I patted his hand and felt him loosen up.

Arley should know to never show affection to another male's mate, it would not end well. And Proximo was a rage demon, that was a hundred percent worse.

"Nice to meet you, doll." He nods to me, Proximo glaring at his friend when Rogan stepped in quickly. It was clear who the peacemaker here was.

"Greetings, Hrudra. Excuse his... lack of modesty." Rogan tells me while Arley turned to him and growled. Nope, Arley is definitely a fire demon. I saw the spark within his eyes when he was insulted by his friend even though he didn't care.

Now I've got to figure out Rogan, the wild card.

"Hey, asshole! I don't think being a stuck up prick is better than not being modest!" Arley snarls. Rogan ignored him and wiped his forehead with his shirt.

"I'd like to point out I'm not modest either. Do not worry, I've seen and spoke to lots of people. Arley is in the... top one thousand." I assure Rogan causing them to laugh as Arley crossed his arms and huffed angrily. He crossed his arms, glaring at me and showing me the flicker of fire that ran through his blue eyes.

"Why is everyone picking on me?!" Arley shirked when I squeezed Proximo's hand and let it go.

"Hey. You are the one who started it, I merely ended it." I shrug, walking past them and into the kitchen to grab a water bottle. My throat and eyes were still irritated from last night and I hoped that none of them noticed the redness underneath my eyes.

Why didn't he tell them who I really was...?

They spoke for a few minutes before his friends left to grab something from the car outside. Even though I was interested in what they were doing and why Proximo was dead set in getting all new furniture, I didn't feel it was my place to ask since I needed to leave and seal the amulet of curses away where no one could get to it.

It was my job to prevent bad things from getting in bad people's hands.

I didn't have time to think of things like him liking me or what not. I had more important matter to handle.

"You alright?" Proximo questions as he walked over to me and ran a hand across my back. I placed the half-empty wattle bottle on the counter and turned towards him. His black eyes watching me with concern making me sigh and cross my arms in front of me.

"I just have a lot on my mind," I explain when he nodded and pulled me against him. His arms were around me in a comforting hug as if he knew that I needed to leave. Again.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks me.

"It's nothing. I've got to dispose of the amulet, but I have to leave once again." I admit to him, knowing it was fatal to not tell him as he pulled away and grasped my face gently.

"If you go, I am going with you. We aren't being apart anymore." He promises, a smile stretching his face before he pressed a kiss on my nose. "Besides. We can go another time. We have all the time in the world." Proximo's smile made me want to just toss the amulet out the window and pounce on him, but I knew I had to get rid of it before anyone could get their hands on it.

"We ha-"

"We will go to dispose of the amulet before we leave for the war. Okay? Just get some rest for the next few days." He cuts off with a kiss on my lips, my eyes widened in shock at the warmth on my lips.

It took me a few moments to realize what was happening as I closed my eyes and rose my hands to tangle in his hair. He pulled me closer in almost frantic as if I was going to escape from him.

The sparks and the heat that radiated between us made my sharp nails lengthen and tear at the shirt he was wearing, unable to help myself. The kisses between us became rougher while he pressed me against the cabinet and forced the kiss to grow deeper.

It was almost blinding to be in the position, but my entire existence was deprived of this, of him. Thoughts of his uncertainty from before forced me to part from our kiss and push a hand at his chest.

"Wait..." I huffed, out of breath from our wild make out when he pressed his lips against my neck making me shiver in lust. "Proximo wait..." I pushed him again even though everything within me screamed yes.

He leaned away, staring down at me with heated breaths and watched me with confusion.

"What is it? Was I doing something wrong?" He breathed in air, trying to steady his arousal.

"Earlier... Y-You looked uncertain about... us. I couldn't help but think maybe-"

"I'm not uncertain. I asked you last night if we were ever going to be anything and you said only time will tell. Fuck time, I feel it between us. I feel it in your heart-" He placed his palm over my chest not even fazed at the pressure of my breast against his palm. "-and you can feel it in mine." He grasped my hand, steering it to his pounding one.

The feeling of his heart going a hundred miles a minute like mine made me feel better while his words assured me of what his true feelings were.

"You want me just as bad as I want you. I can have a bed here in less than thirty minutes and I will have my ways with you like before. What do you say, Mate?" He grounds out, his words causing goosebumps to rise from underneath my skin when I leaned forward and nipped at his chin.

He called me his mate...

"You'd better hurry or I am going to do the job myself." I taunt, a growl running through him before he dashed for the door and started barking orders. A laugh escaped my lips as I leaned against the kitchen counter in anticipation for what was to come.

Maybe this is better than running from everything.