Chapter 31:

I sliced down another rogue vampire, blood splattering on my face while I dove underneath a sword that was thrown at me. The tip of the blade barely scathed my face as I winced from the metal slicing across my face.

The pain I felt only reminded me of what I'd done to Proximo, the pain and misery I had caused him. I could feel all that sorrow from our mind link which only fueled my growing need to slaughter all of the vampires and get back to him. To explain my reasoning for betraying him in such a way.

I knew I was expected to explain my reasoning to Proximo, but I could barely handle the misery of drugging him. I needed to be stronger than anyone here and that meant I couldn't have any of my weaknesses out in the field.

Proximo would understand that... right?

Arley and Rogan had looked at me like I was the enemy, not understanding my reason for harming their best friend. Not like I told them he would have died if he'd gone out there, but I just needed them to trust me even just a little bit.

Though I was proud that my mate had friends like them. They would go to the end of the world with him and yet here they were with me. I think they're here only because I was here and Proximo would never forgive them if I was hurt or killed.

Thankfully, my Valkyries didn't question my judgment and went on as if nothing happened. I made the Valkyries, staying back at the pack house, vow to protect him with their lives and I knew that he'd be safe with them.

I knew I could trust them with his life because I've trusted them with mine many times before. Plus I had trained each of the Valkyries I saved. They were my life, but not as much as Proximo was my heart and soul.

I needed him to stay alive almost as much as I needed to breathe.

I cocked my head at the vampire who threw their blade at me, snarling darkly before lunging towards them with my claws and tearing their throat out. Blood gushed from the artery while I viciously laughed and launched the vampire away from me.

The vampire's body landed like a bomb against the ground, looking like someone exploded blood all around everyone else. The sight of the blood spraying everywhere seemed to jog my mind of what has happened in the past, only causing a grin to trickle on my face.

My silky white hair fluttering around me as the blood soaked into the fine pure color. My wings flung off blood and gore off of them like a sprinkler at a child's party, the thought making me laugh. I could feel my mind going crazed with thoughts of ending this war and the thought of Proximo dying.

I felt like every second in this carnage, the more I lost my mind.

And the image of Proximo dying on the battlefield like Valrun's beloved had me dead in my tracks. Not even caring what was around me.

The thought of even losing him maddened my mind to the point where I couldn't see the difference from friend or foe. All I knew was that if these enemies survived, Proximo's life was still in danger and I wasn't allowing anything to happen to him.

I knew that I was a horrible person, but that didn't mean he deserved to die just because of who I was.

"Watch out!" Valrun jumped in front of me as a vampire tackled us down. I struggled underneath the two bodies, flinging them off me before I slashed a claw across the vampire's throat.

Blood sprayed both of us and Valrun twisted on the ground to throw her small daggers at a nearby enemy. Both of us panting with fury and enjoying the thirst of blood. I knew that she had missed being in the field the other day because of her flashback.

I couldn't blame her, she was, in fact, a Valkyrie.

"Don't do that!" Rogan yelled, barreling towards us. The blood on me staining my clothing and tempting the evil to come back. I couldn't help but thirst for the blood that could have killed Proximo and taken any happiness in my life.

None of them deserve to live...

"Come on." Valrun and Rogan helped me off the ground as I looked evilly at her, allowing a deadly smile to crawl on my face. Her silver eyes widen slightly when I shrugged them off of me and grabbed my blade from the dead vampire on the ground.

She shouldn't be so surprised that being in a war with vampires wouldn't rise my beast. I felt more like myself than I have in a long time. This was what I felt most confident about.

Killing motherfuckers like vampires.

"I'm perfectly fine, Valrun. Remember that I have been the worst of the worst. It's about time to show these people who Hrudra really is." I said, feeling the glory of the war coming closer before I felt someone rest a hand on my shoulder.

"Hrudra. I know you are upset about whatever happened with Proximo. Don't let your emotions take over." Rogan tells me as I threw his hand off me and glared at him over my shoulder.

His face seemed just as bloody as mine, no doubt taking his role in taking care of Valrun out here very seriously. I could see the sincerity in his eyes yet I couldn't return those feelings since I only felt the need to murder the men who risked my mate's life.

I couldn't think correctly until I was back in bed with the love of my life.

Now I understood what Valrun had felt when she lost her beloved so long ago. I don't think I could survive without him in my life...

"Nothing happened between us. Even if something did, it doesn't involve either of you." I hiss before diving back into the battle and flung my blade at a vampire who hovered over a wolf shifter. The wolf snapped its gaze up at me while I nodded and snatched the blade from the vampire's chest.

I continued running across the field, flanked with Rogan and Valrun. They cut down vampires and other fiends around me as I caught sight of the leader. I watched as the leader's bored expression turn into a wicked grin at the sight of me.

That bastard must be the one who would've taken Proximo's life.

I could see the evil and venom in his stance before he stood up from his throne and watched me with interest. Everything within me screamed to slaughter the bastard with all my strength but I wished to prolong his torture.

It was my nature to do this to him. To watch as his life drifted away but then to be revived at the last second just to endure more of my torturing techniques. I could feel the excitement in my veins from the thought of twisting his existence into nothingness.

I narrowed my eyes at the man, walking over to his makeshift throne and noticed all the vampires around me ceased to attack me. Valrun and Rogan yelled at me to wait up, but I ignored them and flung my blade down and held it against my leg.

This was a fight I was begging for. Nothing could stop me from slaughtering this bastard.

〰 Proximo 〰

"Proximo... Proximo... Wake up. We need you." I felt a soft voice slowly waking me from a forced slumber making me blinked my eyes open and see two figures standing above me. I could hear the sounds of something crashing along with snarling and fighting.

My mind still felt fuzzy about what happened earlier and it was proving harder to think about what happened since I had a pounding headache killing me. It almost felt like I was in a nightmare and Hrudra had for some reason abandoned me.

"M-Maia?" I ask, pushing off the bed as I felt a sudden jolt of adrenaline and energy. My mind still felt foggy about what happened, but all I knew was that Hrudra betrayed me even after everything she still didn't trust me.

Was everything I did for nothing?

"Proximo. Listen to me." A woman with kind eyes and long brown hair stood over me along with Maia's worried face. I zeroed in on the woman's face remembering that she and the Alpha spoke to Hrudra before she betrayed me.

"What is it you want?" I ask, irritated that I wanted to run to Hrudra and ask her why she hurt me in such a way. Although, last time I did this she ran from me for months.

"Hrudra is out of control. She's nearly killed our wolves and the vampires are starting to get closer and closer to the pack house. I've seen your future and you won't die so you won't have to worry any-"

"Die? You mean I was going to die?" I question in shock when she blinked at me confused and tilted her head at me. Maia stared at the woman as well, looking at her with pain in her red gaze.

"Yes. Hrudra must have not told you that I foreseen the leader of the rogue vampires killing you in cold blood to protect her. We advised her not to, but seeing as you two are close-"

"No. She wouldn't have told me because I would have done the exact same thing to her." I said angrily, jumping off the bed and hurrying towards the door. I threw the door open and glared at a nearby vampire and felt the rage within me causing me to shift.

The vampire and the woman fighting him looked at me with fear when Maia grasped my leg. Thankfully the woman pulled her away quick enough for the vampire to snap back into focus.

The vampire lunged at me as I ducked and threw them against the wall, squeezing until I felt it stop moving. I glanced back at the woman while she held onto Maia, covering her face from the carnage.

I knew that Hrudra would be upset that I killed in front of Maia, but I didn't care. They could have died... I could have died and Hrudra is out there fighting for our lives.

I could feel her fury and madness through our mating bond. Her misery and her pain, the thought of her going through all of this without me was killing me yet I couldn't blame her for doing what she did. If I was in her position, I would have done the exact same thing.

"Stay behind me. I'll protect you both." I promise and walked forward, noticing more pack members fighting for their life as I growled and fought for them. I was furious that there weren't more people here defending the families, but I wasn't even sure what was happening out there.

If I was seen dying before, that must mean there was a really strong enemy. Which makes my stomach churn for worry for Hrudra since she was ordered to kill the enemies leader.

Once I secured the pack house and made sure everyone here was safe, I would go for Hrudra and help her with her fight. Hopefully, the woman didn't see any more predictions about us.