Chapter 38:

"You both looked to have fun." Freya suddenly appeared in my room making me yelp and cover myself with the blanket. The man beside me snarled darkly at the sight of her, laying an arm over my cheat.

"Freya! Why are you in here?! This is an invasion of my privacy!" I yelled at her, furious that she walked in here without permission. Though not even this could put me in a bad mood, I had the best sex in my entire life.

But that was beside the point!

"I need to talk to you, Hrudra. Please show this man out." Freya glared at the man before turning away and leaving the room. I growled in frustration before dragging the sheets with me to the closet.

"You're going to see her?" The man questions me as I glared at him and pulled out my light green dress out.

"Of course I am! She's my boss! Oh god! I wasn't even supposed to be messing around with a man! A man I don't even know at that!" I screech, hurrying into the bathroom and changing into the dress.

"You still don't know me even after that!" The man snarls angrily when I walked out with a hair tie in my mouth and hairbrush in my hands.

"Why would I? Do we know each other or something?" I question, reaching for my bag of medicine and drinking the purple substance. "I've got to go," I said, throwing my hair up in a ponytail and looking at myself in the mirror.

I noticed several hickeys against my skin making me gasp and pull my hair back down to cover the small marks.

"You have to remember me... Please..." The man pleaded, reaching out for me as I dodged his hand and hurried out of the room.

"I don't want you here when I come back!" I yelled back, running out of the house and hurrying towards where Freya had disappeared to.

〰 Proximo 〰

"She won't remember any time soon," Freya told me once I was dressed as I snarled at her and lunged towards her. She dodged easily and shook her head in shame. "You are weaker than I expected you to be. Although, I could tell she was very satisfied so that makes no sense." She shrugs and sat down on the couch.

"Why...? Why are you doing this to her...? She doesn't deserve any of this!" I yell at her while Odin appeared out of nowhere and laid against the other couch.

"Oh no. You're right. She deserves worse." Odin agrees, causing another snarl to leave me.

"Odin. Must you tempt him?" Freya sighed while shaking her head at her.

"Why did you do this to her?" I question yet again before Freya and Odin shared a look.

"We want to make sure of something. Think of this as her trail." Odin shrugs, her words a little gentler than before when I tilted my head at Freya in confusion.

"Have you heard of the story about when Odin, Hrudra and I flew here and fought a war and won?" She asks me with a curious expression.

"Yes. She told me that story. She used to a-"

"And she told you about Sevetha?" Freya asks again making me narrow my eyes at her.

"What are you getting at?" I said, straight to the point as she smiled at me. Odin pointed at me with a similar expression and nodded in an approving way.

"I like this one." She comments.

"When she saved Sevetha. We stripped her of her powers to change someone into a Valkyrie when in reality she's had them all along." Freya confesses making me look at her beyond shocked.

"So she's-"

"Yes. She's had these powers all this time. However, after she pulled a stunt like that, we forced those powers to grow weak and make her unable to use them. When she wanted to switch her life with Maia, we decided to make her go through a trial to see whether she was ready for such powers again." Freya explains while I shook my head and looked over at Odin.

"Then why do you hate her so much?" I question making Odin crackle in laughter.

"We've always had a bad rivalry. Whether I like her or not doesn't change the fact that she is the best person for this responsibility. All the other Valkyries we've known for the last few millenniums aren't anywhere as self-righteous as Hrudra is despite her name." Odin admits as I laughed and shook my head.

"You both are terrible," I said truthfully causing them to laugh. "Why take her memory then and replace it with a goodie two shoes?" I question when Odin rose her hand eagerly.

"That was all my idea! I really wanted her to kiss my ass." Odin shrugs with a taunting expression.

"What does she need to do to convince y-"

"Go away, Valrun! Why are you attacking me?!" Hrudra cried out as we stood up and saw Hrudra running towards the house. Valrun chased after me with a deadly glint in her eyes, blade in her hand.

"Get back here. Hrudra! I am going to make you fucking remember!" Valrun screeched before Freya held her hand out.

"Bye-bye Hrudra."

〰 Hrudra〰

I gasped, choking on something in my mouth while a loud machine beeped loudly and crazily. There was a small scream beside me before I heard someone running into the room.

"Get those tubes out of her mouth!" Mira yelled when I felt someone retracting the tube from my throat causing me to cough horribly. "Get her some water damn it!" She barks out orders.

The tube was finally extracted from my throat while I felt the bile rise up from my throat and throw up everything that was in my stomach. A hand-rubbed my back, I felt a needle in my arm as I tore it out and hissed at the pain it caused.

Where the hell was I?

Did Valrun hit me and I ended up here?

"Thank god you're okay." Mira hugged me tightly before I threw her away from me and scrambled away from her. I looked around the room, not recognizing anyone around making me clutch onto the sheets in fear.

"Am I in hell? Is this your way of torturing me! Choking me with a tube and sticking needles in me and putting me in this hospital room..." I looked around noticing that I was in the bed and seeing several vases of flowers on the bedside making me blink at the things around me in confusion.

"Hrudra. It's okay. You've been in a vegetable state for four months now. Proximo and Valrun must have gotten your soul out of Folkvanger somehow." Mira smiled, reaching for me as I flinched away and looked at her with a weird look.

"I don't even know who Proximo is! Valrun must have knocked me unconscious! That's must be what happened! So this is all a dream! Thank god!" I got off the bed, nearly collapsing but I kept myself upright.

"You should sit down-"

"Don't touch me!" I slapped her hands away and shoved past the random people in the room, knocking into a little girl. She stared up at me with large red eyes that seemed to spark something in my mind making me tilt my head at her.

"Thank you." Tears collected in the girl's eyes as she sniffed. "Thank you for trading your life for mine." She sniffled in an adorable way before the words processed through my mind.

I stared at her, confused and tired of all the shit I've gone through the last few days. It was all exhausting and I thought if I treated myself to have some fun with a man that it'd make me feel better, but I just feel even more confused than before.

"I-I'm sorry. I don't know you or any- I've got to get out of here." I shook my head, quickly rushing past the little girl and hurrying down the hallway. Many people stared at me in pure shock as a woman stepped in my way, forcing me to stop.

"Hrudra. Are you alright? I- We thought you died." The woman admits, tilting her head at me. "What's wrong?" She reached out making me flinch and step around her.

"I am fine! No need to worry about me... I am going to go collect my things! Yes. My things." I playoff as if I knew her, walking away from her quickly so I could leave this place. This wasn't making any sense.

If I was knocked out by Valrun, I would still be in Folkvanger but this place didn't seem like the golden city. I could smell blood and death in the air, the cold hospital I found myself in was nothing like the hospitals in Folkvanger. It was warm and relieving, unlike the damp and heartless place.

I don't remember Earth being this... dead.

Passing by nameless people, I left the hospital and stopped dead in my tracks at the sight of the dark fields in front of me. My bottom lip trembled at the sight of the bodies being dragged around by people as they laughed and talked as if they weren't touching the dead.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The sight horrible and causing my insides to twist in misery.

"Hrudra. Hey, what's wrong?" Someone grabbed my shoulders, shaking me softly making me turn my head to look at Agalana. "Are you okay? What happened?" She questions softly before I grasped her in a tight hug. I am just thankful to see someone I know.

"Lana... I don't know what is happening... Please take me somewhere else." I plead, looking around at the people who stared to stare at us. Agalana froze for a moment before hugging me back and rubbing my back in a comforting way.

"Alright. Come on. Let's go to my room. You'll feel better after a shower and some rest." She assures me, leading me away from the building I was in and leading me into another that looked more unknown than the one before.