Chapter 43:

〰 Hrudra 〰

"Where is he?" I snarled, storming into the pack house and searching for the enemy. "Where the fuck is he?!" I threw something on the ground causing a few people to cry out in fear and flinch away from my angry form.

Men and woman looked at me with a mixture of shock and horror at the look on my face. I couldn't blame them for feeling that way, I was ready to kill the man who caused me all of this pain and misery.

Caused everyone this pain and misery.

"Hrudra? What are you-"

"Where is he? I want to talk to him. Now." I growled at the Alpha as she rose her hands up and glanced around. Her eyes were trying to deflect my words which started to piss me off more since I was being ignored.

I've been left out in the dark for so long, I was sick and tired of it. All I wanted to do if get revenge for what happened to me. For what he put Maia through.

"Where's your mate? Is everything alright? Did your memories return yet?" Alpha questioned me when I clenched my fists at the thought of leaving Proximo all alone.

He was worried about me falling in the shower and cared for me all night, he looked over me so hard that he ended up passing out on the bed beside me. I only saw that as a time to escape and beat the living shit out of the man who harmed Maia.

He'd understand my reasoning for leaving and thankfully I left a note explaining to him everything that I was doing. I couldn't handle if he was angry with me.

"Back at home. Take me to him now. I won't ask again." I snarl at her when she sighed and motioned for me to follow her. Trying to control my rage, I walked quickly towards where she was leading me.

I remembered everything thanks to Fiero and his strange concoction. We'd met up a few hours ago to speak about all that's happened, he thankfully had a set of my armor for me as if he knew that I would want to be in my normal wear.

That was probably what made the Alpha agree to bring me to the vampire. She knew that if we were to fight I'd come victorious, maybe not with my memories gone, but not now. Not with me stronger than ever.

Fiero was giving Claus and Proximo the details of what happened last night and why I was gone. I knew that the note for Proximo wouldn't be enough to settle him, but Fiero was more than happy to rub it in their faces that I let him off.

I couldn't blame the man for not telling us that Maia would have died. He knew I would have saved Maia and ended up okay in the end. If it'd been Proximo... I don't know what I would have done.

All I knew was that Fiero was too powerful to not have as an ally. I still wasn't sure if I should trust the man, but I didn't trust to have him out of our sights.

"Hrudra. Before you go down there. I need to tell you something about the vampire." The Alpha stopped me before we entered the dungeon, glancing over at me with unknown emotion that seemed to pull me from my thoughts.

"What is it? Did the vampire escape or something?" I interrogate her as she rubbed the back of her neck with her hand. I could sense that she was stressed, but I truly could care less due to the fact that the person who could have taken everything away from me was inside the dungeons.

"The vampire you faced off... He-" She stopped, seeing people pass by before pulling me into the dungeons and leading me down a dark hallway. "The vampire... We need to keep him alive and I won't let you murder him. I have to turn him into the council." The Alpha admits when turning and facing me with a serious expression. "Please understand my reasonings for wanting him alive."

"I understand. He'll be alive. Don't worry." I hiss, opening the door in front of me.

〰 Proximo 〰

"Where is she?" I question the Alpha that was sitting on the couch. She glanced up at me before sighing and standing up with an irritated expression.

"You both are so similar." She grumbles when motioning for us to follow her. Fiero seemed happy enough to disappear, telling us that he was going to visit an old apprentice of his. He had told me I met the girl before and I clearly can recall the young seer that sent my mate into her death.

She'd better steer clear from me.

"She's here then?" Claus asks when the Alpha lead us towards her dungeons. We were both horrified to find Ferio and her note being left for us to find, I remembered finding her in the shower with a bruise on her head from falling on the ground.

At first, I was confused about what had caused her to react in such a way since she'd never thought of leaving my side before. Though it was clear after an explanation from Fiero that she had recalled all her memories and she was going to face the vampire who caused all this.

I couldn't blame her, I'd be just as pissed.

Though I did wish taht she had come to me and sought help from us. I thought she learned to finally rely on me.

"She's in there. If you could, take her away from here. I need the vampire alive for the council members to interrogate." Alpha told me before walking away from us. I was quick to rush into the room and see Hrudra leaning over the vampire's bruised body.

There was blood on her hands along with the vampire's body, I could tell that the vampire was barely remaining conscious and that Hrudra was nowhere done with torturing the vampire. Her armor glittered in the light above her.

"Hrudra..." I whisper as she snapped her gaze up at me. Her silver eyes quickly shifted back into the serene purple when she smiled happily at me and dropped the knife in her hand.

"Proximo." She hurried over to me and hugged me tightly. I held her just as tightly, thankful that she remembered who I was now and that she got some anger out of her system. "I remember everything. I'm-"

"It's okay Hrudra. I understand why you did it. There's no need." I promise when leading her out of the room. Claus grinned at Hrudra and her outfit.

"Welcome back, my dear." Hrudra let me go before giving Claus a small hug.

"Sorry to leave you both. I had things that needed to be settled." She comments, glancing back at the vampire with hatred and disdain. I grasped her shoulders causing her to look up at me with another million-dollar smile.

"Why don't we go talk outside? The Alpha told me the council was coming to get the vampire. It's best to go home-"

"No! I need to-"

"Hrudra." I stopped her as she frowned at me with an adorable pouty lip. "There's no need to get revenge. Trust me. He's gotten what he's deserved and it's best to show him that he doesn't bother us anymore." I admit to her while she sighed and crossed her arms across her chest.

"Fine. But I really want to just get on with our lives finally. Maybe have those kids finally." She winked before walking past both of us and leading us out of the dungeons. We blindly followed as I daydreamed about what she had just said.

She was right, we could finally have children as we spoke about not too long ago. Now that Mira was off our asses and she remembered everything, I was going to give her kids as she promised.

What better time other than the blood moon?

"Should we tell Alpha that we are leaving?" She asks, peering over at me when I glanced at Claus.

"Go ahead. I want to do some business here anyway. It's better you both don't see that side of me." He smiled at us, showing us his mafia side for a split second before patting my shoulder. "I hope to hear back from you both about the news of your growing family. I will see you both later." We waved him away, slightly rattled by his smile.

"Well. You heard the man. Let's go." She nudged my stomach making me growl at her and pull her against me.

"Blood moon is tomorrow. We should hurry back so we can start on that family I promised you." I said, pressing my lips on her neck as she shivered and ran her hand through my hair.

"You better not be lying to me. It'll take us a while to get back home." She murmured when I tossed her over my shoulder making her yelp. "Proximo! Put me down, you jerk!" A laugh left her lips while I started walking.

"No time! We gotta go!" I said when noticing a familiar woman in the distance. "Valrun! Rogan! What are you guys doing here?" I question, letting Hrudra on the ground and holding onto her tightly which made her blush.

The pair walked over to us as Valrun pressed a hand on her hip and smiled at us both. "Nice to see you both. Remember everything, Hrudra?" She asks when Hrudra nodded eagerly and held onto my hands.

"Yep! And don't think I forgot that you two are close now." Hrudra wiggled her eyebrows at them making Valrun roll her eyes.

"We're just friends, Hrudra. Anyway, why are you guys back here? Shouldn't you be back in the city already?" She notes when Hrudra shrugged and peered at Rogan.

"We could say the same for you both." She counters making Valrun and Rogan share a look.

"There's something here that doesn't settle with us. We've come to investigate." Rogan speaks up when she nodded and looked up at me with knowing eyes.

"We can stay-"

"No. You both head back." Valrun and Rogan said at the same time. They looked at each other as Valrun sighed and shook her head. "You're newly mated and the moon is coming. Plus. You both deserve some peace for once." Valrun told us when I grinned and nodded happily.

"I'm not complaining," I comment before Rogan tossed me something.

"Take it. We'll be staying here for a little while anyway." I caught sight of his pick up truck and grinned happily. Perhaps we will make it back before blood moon hits.


"Come on. They've given us their car. Who are we to deny that?" I ask her as Hrudra laughed and nodded excitedly. We bided our goodbyes before going over to Rogan's beat-up truck.

Once we were in the car, I started it and buckled myself in. Hrudra was staring at the two from her seat before sighing and sitting back in her seat.

"Do you think they'll be fine?" She asks me when I patted her hand and pulled out of the parking spot.

"They are still alive aren't they?" I point out but that didn't seem to settle her fears. "They'll be fine. I promise." I patted her leg and pulled out on to the street. "It's time for us to start our lives together finally." She smiled at my words and leaned against the seat with a relaxed expression.

"About time. I've waited such a long time for this to happen." She turned her face and smiled at me with a lovely smile. "I love you." My heart warmed at her words as I reached over and held her hand.

"I love you too, Hrudra."