Sol Hundred and Four, Sunset

"The Chelomey probe's landing point is 95 kilometers southwest of Kunlun Station. I've sent you the exact latitude. The probe is made up of two parts, the lander, and the rover. I've already established communications with the lander, but the rover remains uncontactable… The Chelomey is currently in a semi-hibernation, and its battery reserves are very low. It sends me a signal once every five minutes."

"OK, thank you for your help, Miss Mai Dong." Tomcat opened the garage's entrance. "Please continue tracking Chelomey."

Tang Yue and Tomcat stood in the garage with the huge Mars Wanderer in front of them. The polygonal driving compartment protruded at the front with a dark panel of glass embedded in it.

The Chelomey probe was nearly a hundred kilometers from Kunlun Station and, without a doubt, it was impossible to cover this distance on foot. All they could do was drive the Mars Wanderer to find it.