Sol Hundred and Seven, Fourth Sol After Tomcat's Departure

Tomcat parked the Wanderer in the desert before moving the Chelomey probe. It switched off the probe's computer and folded back the solar panels and legs. Then, it dragged it onto the Wanderer's sled and secured it with rope.

The Chelomey's lander was about 150 kilograms. It was considered small in size among all the Martian probes. Back then, the Chelomey project was limited in budget. It was an obscure project under Roscosmos. It was also given a mission for education purposes. It collected experiment proposals from students all over the country and finally, a middle school in St. Petersburg won. Their program was to get the probe to carry a culture dish that they had designed. This involved the need for a temperature control which was helmed by the Intel TCU1524M processor.