Sol Three Hundred and Twenty-One, Seven Kilograms of Thrust

Tang Yue entered Kunlun Station and took off the life support system. Tomcat was wearing an earpiece hugging its hind feet as it sat on a chair. It was looking free and easy.

When Tang Yue took off the Radiant Armor, he heard Tomcat singing "God is a Girl."

But when he listened carefully, the lyrics were different.

"God is a cat,

"Wherever you are,

"Do you believe it, can you receive it?"

It was actually singing, "God is a Cat."

"Miss Mai Dong, take note. You are sixty-six meters from the core module. You are a little too far." Tomcat glanced at the image on the screen as it gave a warning. "You should start heading back."

"Mr. Cat." Mai Dong sounded to be in a bit of a predicament. "I've just released the anchor cable, but I can't reach the handle."