The forgotten dragon Chapter 22 Healing Pill

" Woohh!!!! we've survived!

we're alive! Thanks to God, and to brother Xiao, hahaha! ouch, ouch, ouch."

Fatty Chu was so grateful for their victory against three Bear King. He tried to get up from sitting on the ground, however, his body is agonizing with an internal injury, he obtained when he was hit by the Bear Slap. He then again vomits blood.

Yi went to the location of Fatty Chu to check his condition. While Fang and Jinjing went to help Chunhua.

Brother Chu, are you alright? ask by Long Yi while he's helping Fatty Chu to get up.

" Yeah, I'm okay, it's just minor internal injury, I can deal with it." Chu's reply, however pain was written all over his face while he's saying that word. Long Yi didn't believe in what Fatty Chu's response. He grabs Fatty Chu's hand and checked his pulse. " No Brother Chu, this is not a simple internal injury caused by Bear Slap. Fortunately, you have the best defense techniques if not then you'll be half-dead for sure. Base on the on your injuries you need to recover for a month. "

" Yeah, I know Brother Xiao, but rest assured, luckily there's a high-tier pill at our house. I'll just need to take it when I'm got home then it would be alright." Explained by Fatty Chu.

" That's good to hear, Brother Chu, how many minutes it needed to heal you if you take that pill? " Innocent ask of Long Yi, he wants to examine if the pill that he created has the same effect.

Ptt! Fatty Chu spits up blood again.

" Damn Brother Xiao! are you serious? are you trying to kill me by inquiring useless questions? of course, it takes five days not minutes to fully healed my injuries. (sigh) ouch, ouch.. damn brother Xiao." retorts by him.

" Hahaha, Brother Chu, I'm just asking. Hmm? However, it takes days to fully recover your injuries? Brother Chu, please try this Healing Pill. " Long Yi took out a pill from his space ring then handed that blue pill to Fatty Chu.

When Fatty Chu saw his space ring he already discerns that Long Yi is not an ordinary cultivator. " What pill is this? it's abundant with energy inside, a high-tier pill!. Brother Xiao, you're not only killing me with your useless questions but also with surprises. "

He takes the pill. When the pill reaches into his dantian, the rich energy that is sealed inside has spread out. The pill was like a balloon that's full of water that pops up, and the water spreads out so fast. The same thing happens on his body when the pill pop up the energy spreads out into his meridians and his reservoir, up to all of the part of his body. The human body has a Healing process that we called, by taking his pill Fatty Chu's Healing Process boosts up multiple times.

Ppt! Fatty Chu puked again, this time it was not because of Yi. He vomits black blood. That black blood is poisonous blood that formed when he hit by the Bear King's ability. "Huh? what did happen with my injuries? " he hastily checked his internal injuries and he's amazed about what he found out. " Sh*t! Brother Xiao, what's that pill you provide to me? it's healed my injuries for just a second! This is too advanced for a High-Tier pill! are you also a Master Apothecary? wow! You're not only a strong warrior but also a high tier Apothecary. " Fatty Chu knows that an ordinary apothecary can't create this kind of pill.

( the level, of Apothecaries, are, Apprentice, Beginner, Lower-Level, Middle Level, High-Tier Level, Master Level [ 1,2,3,4,5] and Grandmaster, so on.)

" Hehe, ( Wth a greed face expression )

brother Xiao, did you still have more of those pills? Could you please sell those pills to our business? of course, we will treat you reasonably. ( I must make friends with him, this could be a great opportunity to raise our strength to defeat the other family business, hehe.)" Fatty Chu face expressions right now was so hilarious.

Yi laughed at Fatty Chu's facial expressions, " Damn you! Brother Chu! your thoughts are written all over your face."

" Ahaha! " Fatty Chu laughs while scratching his head." Could you blame me for that brother Xiao? even though I'm a warrior, the blood of a businessman still flows on me. "

They were both laughing. Yi took out one pill and give it to Fatty Chu. " Thank you, brother Xiao, for trusting me. " Fatty Chu already know what's the meaning of it. Then the two went up to where the others regroup the team, Jinjing, and Fang bow to him as an appreciation for saving them.

" No need to do that, you all are my friends, cut that thing out. " Long Yi reaction for the two.

" Hahaha, you're not only handsome brother Xiao, but you're also a nice person. You know, that's also my ideal person. "

Long Yi felt electrified by the alluring voice of Jinjing.

" Wahahaha, Sister Jinjing how did you know he is handsome? you know there's a mask covering his face. wahaha, you've been busted Sister Jinjing. " It was Fang's voice then all the boys laugh.

" Hmm! don't you ever underestimated the women's instinct, 80% of the time, our suspicion was right. " Explained by Jinjing while she pursing her lips.

Chunhua is sitting in a lotus position.

She is recovering her strength.

Yi glanced to Chunhua and takes out a white pill. " Sister Chunhua tries this pill " Long Yi took out another pill from his space ring then tossed that White Pill to Chunhua, which is the Energy Replenishing Pill.

Chunhua opens her eyes and catches the pill. Even though she's doubting about the effectiveness of the pill, she still eats it. The same thing happened with the Healing Pill earlier, the energy spreads out her entire body. "What the! she did finish her words, it's kinda inappropriate for a lady like her.

She just stood up and thanks, Yi.

" Alright! seems everyone is good to take off. Come on we better hurry, believe me, you won't like it when it turns dark. It was Yi's warning, he knows how dangerous this place was. " Wow! this is the main Town of Deer City, The Antler Town, Woah! it's so huge! so many people walking around. " Long Yi is like an alien came to earth, who's amazed anything he saw.

There are so many vendors on the street, Shouting and advertising their merchandise.

" We're here brother Xiao, thank you for helping us, I guess we need to part this time, Brother Fang were you going directly to the Sect? Jinjing asks Fang They were now in a crossroad that separates their way home.

" Yes, Sister Jinjing, I need to exchange the core of this Bear King. Even though the Bear King's Core is great, the points were still lower than Cloud Leopard because of the rarity of the latter beast. Still, thank you very much, Brothers Xiao we did not return empty-handed, see you later everyone. " Shoo... Shoo... Jinjing and Fang went into a separate way.

" Brother Xiao here's our Xin family crest, you can visit our clan anytime. If you are interested in forging, our clan is the best Smith in our City. Goodbye Brother Xiao, see you later. " shoo! Chunhua leaves their family crest to Long Yi, so he can easily access the Xin Mansion without suspicion.

" Hahaha, it seems we are the only left, alright, follow me Brother Xiao I will introduce you to my father. "