The Forgotten Dragon Chapter 36 Fighting Ling Chao

Third Prince Yongzhen dashed out to join his army earlier.

" Hero Masked Man? " Ptt! Captain Fa mocking Yi.

" Hahaha, " Then Captain Fa expressions turn grim.

" Did you think we are afraid of you? And Wung Clan? there is no one will come from Wung Clan. Han and Lan already did their job very well. Wahaha"

A sarcastic voice of Captain Fa.

" Hmm! as I thought, those two morons are associated with Ling Clan. They better not touch my father or they will wish they don't born at all. "

It was Fatty Chu's reaction.


The leader of Green Dragon Gang, Ling Chonglin landed on the Yard, And then one by one the Ling Clan's soldiers start to show themselves.

There were 120 or more enemies right ahead of them, blocking off the gate.


" Lei Clan, we've already let your granddaughter escape, Please don't prevent us from killing that Masked Man. He gives hope to those people this could be troublesome for us if this would continue, we have killed him. "

It was Ling Chao, talking to Jinjing Grandpa using telepathy. He detected that Lei Peng ( Jinjing Grandpa ) and Lei Peizhi ( Jinjing Father ) are watching.

" Hahaha, No worries Ling Patriarch, we are just viewers we won't do anything to stop your plan."

It was Lei Peng's response to Ling Chao.

" If that's the case then thank you, enjoy your viewing. " Ling Chao retorts.

Then their conversation has been off.

" Father! I've promised Jinjing to..." Lei Peizhi was not able to finish his words he was interrupted by Lei Peng.

" Just watch! if he can overcome this, maybe there's a chance to rescue Jinjing from those shameless Clan. But if he died, then we just have to bury him. "

Old Peng retorts to Peizhi.


Kid! where's our Third Young Master? You better not... No!! Fu-Fu!!

Ling Chonglin was not able to finish his words, Yi took out Ling Fu's Head from his space ring.

" Now how do it feels losing someone you love? " Yi ask this question to let them know that this is retribution for what they have done.

Then he throws the head to Ling Chonglin, Then Ling Chonglin Catches the head and hugged it.

Captain Fa, shouts to his soldiers.

" Attack! kill him without mercy! "

Then Yi asked Fang And Fatty Chu.

" Are you ready? "

" Yeah! Bring it on! "

They both replied at the same time.

Fang changes into his beast form and activates his Judgment Sword.


Fang sword change into 8 meters long blade whip.

" Sigh, I wish I do have those flashy techniques. " Lamented by Fatty Chu.

Long Yi steps his right foot forward then he bent his knees, he is on a sword drawing stance!


Shoo! A five meters arc shape flew out from his sword and cuts whoever on its way.

Long Yi killed 8 people and his scarlet aura is swirling around him.

It would be more than 8 people if Chonglin did not stop his attack.

There is a red aura coating Chonglin fist, then he wields his technique which is the EMPEROR PUNCH! to stop Yi's attack ravaging his soldier. He was surprised by Yi's attack his hands turned numb.

" I guess, I can't underestimate this little kid's strength. "

He took out his legendary weapon which is the Death Axe.

Ling Clan soldiers were surprised, stating that "Head Chonglin will only draw that Axe if he's facing a powerful enemy. "


" Oh! with just one sword attack he forced Chonglin to draw out his Death Axe, this kid is not an ordinary swordsman. " Side comments of Old Peng while watching.



Chonglin used the similar move of Long Yi, which is the One Sword.


Fatty Chu summoned a demon shape wall that appears to block the incoming attack, but it did not hold the pressure and it crumbled down.


Long Yi counters the incoming attack.

BOOM! both auras crashed and create an explosion within ten meters.

Long Yi stares at Fang and Fatty Chu.

Fang is already wounded, however, he still fighting the enemy.

Fatty Chu did not have any wounds but his body is color black and blue.

The Yi thinks.

( I need to end this as soon as possible )

" Don't be, distracted kid, I'm your opponent! "


Chonglin leaps and used one of his power moves to a distracted Yi.

While Chonglin is still in the air, Yi amplifies the damaged of his sword, by combining his energy on the edge. Then he performed his Wind Sword Attack.


He jumps and intercepts the descending



" Oh! Wahaha! What a great Kid! He finished Chonglin with his superb strength and speed! "

Old Peng was delighted with Yi's strength.

" Yeah, father just one slash he finished off that Maniac Chonglin! "

Peizhi added.

Then Old Peng got upset, about Peizhi's comments.

" Son, you better start training again, That was 8 slash he made not just one. "

" But father it's clearly seen on my eyes one powerful slash. " It was Peizhi's reaction.

Sigh, " I'm so fortunate that Jinjing did not have a brain like yours. "

It was Old Peng's response.

" Father you're so mean! "

Peizhi blurted out.


Everyone stopped the fights for the moments when they notice Chonglin and Yi landed. However, they were shocked and disappointed, Chonglin's body turn into pieces!


It was the very strong and eerie voice of Ling Chao.

" Here comes the true enemy, fortunately, I've leveled up again into Warlord Stage by killing soldiers and Chonglin. King Stage? you will now a piece of cake for me. "

Long Yi blurted out.


Ling Chao Landed on the yard and staring at Yi with extremely fierce eyes.

He did not give Yi a time to be prepared he quickly dashed and wield his ability.


Yi slashed the incoming Ling Chao and cut into two, however, that's only an illusion. He didn't see any other image of Ling Chao aside from the one he chopped. Until he felt a kick landed on his left rib cage, Yi blew 20 meters away from his last spot.

He spurts mouthful of blood, it broke six of his ribs and serious internal injuries. but due to his passive ability, which is the BLOOD SACRIFICE. His body is healing rapidly without using any pill.

" Is that what you can you do Kid!? boring! come up! Oh, you can't? wahahaha "

Boasting by Ling Chao, then he draws out his sword.

" Now, Die! "


Ling Chao uses again his ability.

" Hmmm, that nice technique but It's not good at all. "

Yi activates his Great Demon Eyes.

He can see the illusion of Ling Chao coming to him and the real one is invisible striding on his left side.

He quickly jumps and uses his ability.


A Tiger image made from his energy flew out from his fist, then pound Ling Chao by its paw.


Ling Chao was hit on his chest.

" Huh? how come? " ptt! He spurts blood.

Ling Chao was surprised to see Long Yi able to move after he received his attack. That attack is his secret killing move, it will create serious internal injuries that will have an internal hemorrhage and poison by his own blood. That's why he is mocking Long Yi earlier, he thought that it's a sure win.