Zhao Yancong

The forgotten dragon Chapter 51: Zhao Yancong

Wahahaha! a grim laugh of the black eyes demon. " Why you're not moving? Hahaha! I guess you're too scared right now, all of your attacks are not even tickles me. That's right just stand there and let me end your life.!"

The long and sharp claws of black eyes demon appear again, but before it takes its first step the black eye demon body trembled with fear. The aura of Long Yi emitted had changed and this is the aura that the black demon didn't want to mess with.

"No..No..Noble aura? how... how come there's a Noble aura in this place? who is this young man?" The black eyes demon startled and having an uneasiness feeling as well.

Long Yi was standing with his eyes are closed, he was assimilating the technique Red eyes had taught him, The Demon Transformation.

This is the first time he used this Demon transformation because he was afraid to lose his sanity just like what happened in the forest before. But this time he needs to do so, if not then this is their final time.


A gust of wind was made when Long Yi opens his eyes, his beautiful scarlet eyes. However, there was no three like claw marks slash located on the left side of his face, it's only the scarlet eyes.

("My guess was right! This young man has a lineage of a Blood Demon! Not just an ordinary blood demon but the noble red eyes demon! Sh*t! my dream to become a noble demon and obtain the red eyes or above will come to an end. That's it, I'll just have to escape and look for another place and then once my status rank up I will hunt you down. Wahahah") The black eyes demon dash out to scape from Long Yi.


"Where do you think you're going? " Long Yi was so fast he was already in front of the black eyes demon.

"Please my lord! spare the lowly life of this servant!" Black eyes demon begged to spare his life, but he didn't know why he felt something unusual on his body and having a hard time to breathe. When it looks to its body that's the only time he knows that there's a big hole on him and his demon core has been dugout.

"You..." That's the last words black eyes demon said before it becomes lifeless.


Sneered by Long Yi and he examines the demon core on his hand that full of blood. Long Yi felt dizzy and collapse.

Long Yi was awakened on Fangs back, he's been carried by Fang since patty chu can't continue walking while carrying Long Yi. Fang and Long Yi they were just walking on the road while fatty Chu is riding on one of the cheehorse.

"Are you ok Brother Xiao?" Fang noticed Long Yi was now awake.

"Yeah, I'm fine but I can't even move my muscle, my strength has been drained. I can tell you're tired already let's rest for a bit."

They stop on side of the road, on the shade of the big boulders.

After a minute's Long Yi was able to move his hand, so he takes a strength recovery pill.

Fang gives the Demon Core to Long Yi and put it first on his space ring.

Fatty Chu was watching Fang while stroking his fan to himself.

"Come to think of it Brother Fang, what is your family name? ever since you join our sect school nobody knows your family name, except for the Dean." Curious asks by Fatty Chu.

"Don't be nosy, you will know soon and why I did not use it for the meantime." reply by Fang.

The trio noticed carriages with personal bodyguards and mercenaries protecting it.

" Zhao Yancong, why you're having that expression? are you not happy to visit grandpa and grandma on Lamb City?" A melancholic voice came from a fairy-like girl.

"Hmmp! I'm just getting bored, our carriages are too slow and those mercenaries are trash. I hope there are interesting things in the city to take out my boredom."

Yancong is the 4th young master of Zhao Clan while the fairy lady is the 3rd young miss of Zhao Clan.

Zhao Clan is one of the powerful families in Lamb City and in some cities, they have the same power status as Wung Clan which is Fatty Chu's Clan.

Fang curiously ask fatty Chu about the crest on the carriage, he knows that there's a big shot sitting inside.

"Brother Chu do you know that family symbol on the carriage?" asked Fang while looking on the carriage.

"Hmm, I believed that a sign for Zhao Clan, they were originated from the upper realm as well and their family power status is the same with my Wung Family. Just leave it be they just probably visit their business branch."

While the Zhao brother and sister are talking to each other they heard the praise from one of the mercenaries.

"Wow! what a good horse over there, was that a cheehorse?"

"Yeah you're right! that's a cheehorse, that horse is so expensive! even you buy one you will still have a hard time if you don't have connections." Reply by the mercenaries to its friend.

Yancong peeks to see if it's really a cheehorse.

When it saw the fine body of the horses its greedy eyes almost pop out.

"Stop the carriage!" Shout by Yancong

"Brother what are you doing? don't cause trouble again. Come back and let's go!" A disappointed voice by the lady, she felt trouble coming because of his brother's action.

Still, Yancong with his bodyguards and mercenaries continue on walking towards the trio, he was decided to get those horses no matter what.

"Hey! sell your Cheehorse to me, I will give you 1 gold and the rest will free!." An overbearing word from Yancong. He chooses the horse of Long Yi because of its outstanding look.

Long Yi answered politely, "I'm so sorry but the horses are not for sale and aren't you bullying us buying this hybrid horse for a gold coin?"

"F* ck! don't you know who I am? I'm just giving you a chance, giving you a gold coin for this horse is fair enough and..."

Yancong was not able to finish his words fatty Chu cut off his words.

"Is that how Zhao Family makes business? if you can't get it then steal it! Can't you see this sign? I'm also a young master from Wung Clan so fuck off!"

Fatty Chu takes out his crest and shows it.

The mercenaries and personal bodyguards of Yancong were startled, they don't want to have a conflict from those families.

"That's why I've told you! you're all trash, they were just 3 of them. How about this If we kill them now I can give you the two Cheehorse, no one will find out unless you confess.

The greedy eyes and grim smile of those mercenaries are easy to read what's running on their mind.