Chapter 43: Secret Weapon

The Lockwood's wore ugly expressions on their faces when they watched Derik walk in, they were curious to know what happened but couldn't ask considering the look on Derik's face, it was clear that the young man was psychologically exhausted. Upon arriving Derik quickly sat on the nearest sofa nearby and sighed, Barry's eyes twitched and he almost spat out blood due to anger when he saw Derik sit on the sofa witch his body which was coated with a mixture of sweat and blood. He simply cursed the kid silently and waited patiently

"About their age… where did you get that information?" Derik asked calmly

"From one of my spies… why do you ask?" Scott replied quickly

"Then that spy should be hanged and tortured at the same time…" Derik said with a serious expression on his face. His eyes were cold and the murderous intentions which flowed out through him were just insane.

"Why do you say so?" Barry asked

" The salvors have an ancient beast on their side, that thing should be over two hundred years old… it crushed my hand like it was a little stick and tossed me out of the room easily… that thing is beyond us!!!" Derik explained

Scott and Barry frowned slightly when they heard what said, their gaze shifted to Lucas and Rolan the two other members of the family and sighed…

"This may affect our plans…" Barry said

"Francis?" Scott called out

Almost instantly a figure suddenly emerged from thin air, rather it looked like he tore the surrounding like it was a sheet of paper and passed through it. His green eyes were fixed on Derik while his white hair fluttered in the wind. This stunned Derik, he felt like his eyes were playing dirty tricks on him

"It's been barely two weeks… yet you broke the seal meant to subdue this evil" Francis said

"Which evil do you speak of?" Derik played dumb. The initial shock and worry he felt when Francis appeared immediately faded, only at moments like this do he truly appreciate the side effect of his magic.

"Hmmm… Based on your temperament I can tell that you're still in control somehow" Francis said quite interested… "Can you tell me how you managed to bargain with your magic spirit?"

"I didn't bargain with anything… it just stopped bothering me" Derik answered indifferently. He finally realized how the Lockwood's managed to find out about his breakthrough, Francis was their informant. But how did the Lockwood family manage to drag this man over to their side? how much does he know? Is he aware of supernatural beasts as well? Derik had many questions he wanted to ask but he decided now wasn't the time.

"The presence of a vampire over two hundred years will definitely affect the plan…" Francis answered honestly. His eyes drifted to Derik who remained silent and he frowned slightly

"Utilizing nature's power, I can only reduce their strength and occasionally assist in the fight… Do not expect too much from me…" Francis said

"As expected of a sliver level adventurer… you're truly this family's secret weapon!" Barry exclaimed. Scott only wore a satisfied smile on his face as he nodded, in truth reducing the combat power of supernatural beings is not an easy task, but sorcerers blessed with natures power are one of the few capable of accomplishing such a task, this is because of the nature of their magic which gives them access to herbs and leaves which these supernatural beings are usually weak against, such as wolves bane for werewolves and vervain for vampires. Francis gaze remained fixed on Derik

"How long have you known about the supernatural" Derik asked

"Very long" Francis answered indifferently

"Since when did you find out about me?" Derik asked again

"Since the inter-class competition…" Francis answered truthfully after which he waved his hand and ripples of mana escaped his fingertips, in an instant his body started fading, blending with the environment and soon he was gone. Seeing the man leave Derik frowned slightly, so this is why the Lockwoods have always been relaxed when they spoke of the vampire issue plaguing their territory, it was because of the man Barry called 'the Lockwood families secret weapon'. With a bitter smile on his face, he gazed at Scott who wore a charming smile on his face while speaking to Barry

[This explains a lot] Derik thought

With only three days left before the big event, Derik remained with the Lockwood's practicing magic under the guidance of Francis. According to Francis, the constant use of magic brings about familiarity and an increase in proficiency. Even magic spells are divided in grades, while some are high level, there are also mid-level spells and others are low-level spells. High-Level spells are naturally more powerful than low-level spells, a novice mage using a high-level spell can stand his ground for a while against an expert mage, that's if the novice mage does not run out of mana because of the high cost of mana each high-level spell demands. But the difference between novice mages and expert mages is just proficiency, an expert mage is one who has mastered his or her magic affinity, increasing his proficiency in all his spells to mid-level or high-level spell standard. Increasing one's proficiency is very important because it practically improves the overall combat power of the mage. In a situation where two fire mages cast the fireball spell, the mage with the greater proficiency will win the battle effortlessly. Derik has only been able to overwhelm his enemies so far due to the fact that all the spells in his grimoire are only mid-level spells and above, both his technique and application skills are quite poor, should he go against someone with slightly inferior magic power but greater skill and proficiency, there is a zero chance this young death mage will survive such an encounter. This revelation came as a shock to Derik who has always been confident in his strength, with less than six months of proper training, this young lad has always relied on brute force, thanks to his werewolf side and then his Death magic appeared, since then he has been consumed by his power, unable to acquire the basic skills and technique which the adventurers association's numerous tasks and exams are supposed to teach.

"Crap… I have wasted almost a year of my life" Derik muttered when he suddenly realized how messed up his situation is. He may be the trump card of his recruit team but in truth, the team will eventually grow to match him in power and soon surpass him if care is not taken, all they need is time.

"That's one of the reasons why I asked you not to flaunt this magic of yours… you lack the knowledge required to be a mage, it's just like giving a child a magic weapon… eventually, this power will consume you!" Francis warned Derik with a stern look on his face. Derik only nodded in agreement and shifted his gaze to the book in his hands