Chapter 50: Fight!

All members of the salvor family wore grim expressions as they slowly formed a circle to cover their blind spots, apparently, these vampires were quite skilled. The elder of the salvor family who was just a few steps away from Francis frowned slightly. Originally felt that they could win this fight with a few casualties, even though these people are family, killing off the only family which could harm them in this little town, this old man was willing to trade one or two family members after which the survivors will enjoy a peaceful life where they have to fear nothing, but now things have changed. Even though he is a vampire who has lived for over two centuries and is currently the strongest being present, numbers still count. What scared him now was not the presence of these wolves as he could easily estimate and predict their power level, what truly terrified this man was the young white-haired man who until now remains a mystery to him, even now he could barely see this man who is shrouded in some kind of brown mist…



The bloodshot eyes of this elder vampire narrowed and he screamed


Like an arrow this elderly man shot forward towards the nature mage not daring to waste any more he struck forward


Forced to retreat by a few steps this elderly man frowned greatly, at this moment visible gray veins could be seen all over his body and blood rolled down his nostrils, the other members were suffering the same way as this man right now, only worse. Just as the man was about to exploit the weakness of every mage which was a weak body, a huge black figure which was almost double the size of this man appeared from nowhere and attack. Thanks to his years of combat experience he was able to parry on time, receiving minor injuries.

"Damn it!" The elderly man muttered while he watched blood flow down his wrist to his fingers. If this was an injury inflicted by any normal being it would have healed so fast that he won't even notice it but now…

"This…" The elderly man muttered. As one of nature's defenders, injuries sustained in a battle between a vampire and a werewolf does not easily heal. He shifted his gaze to the other members of the family who wore horrified expressions on their faces and roared

"What the F**k are you doing? Don't just stand there! Attack! Fight for your own survival!"

As if a spell was just broken, these vampires lunged forward at the Lockwood's with pure and unadulterated killing intents radiating off them.

Her eyes were bloodshot as she sluggishly knocked over the pile of books, neatly stacked in anger silently cursing the authors and the adventurer's association. Two days of almost non stop study and up till this moment, finding only five bronze level combat techniques! JUST FIVE!!!

Most of the books contained tales of some famous assassins, while the others only gave tips on how to be a better assassin. Only on very rare occasions, Daemon found tattered parchments in the books containing combat techniques. At a point, she stopped reading and just started flipping pages hoping to see more combat techniques.

"Bastards… wait till I get home… the association will certainly hear from my father!!!" She screamed in anger "home… that's right… The party the Lockwood's are hosting… I'm sure they are having fun…" She muttered. Ignorant of the dire situation Derik was in right now.




Retreating constantly Derik's bright blue eyes remained fixed on this girl that kept attacking, the reluctance to strike down this foe was quite visible. Even now he could tell that the other members of the Lockwood family had noticed this, biting his lips in anger, he sidestepped to evade the girl's attack and then brandished his claws at this young vampire. But the later skillfully dodged his attack while retreating to increase the space between her and the young omega.

Seeing the girl's face twist in pain, Derik frowned and hesitated for a brief moment before attacking. After staying for weeks under the side effects of his magic which prevented him from feeling any form of emotions except anger, hate and probably pride. He had almost forgotten what it felt like to be 'human'. Ever since he put on that talisman which Francis gave him, all these emotions started flooding in. Right now it was consuming this archer who couldn't bring himself to kill this girl that looked like someone his age even though he knew she has lived for over 100 years. When she attacked at first, he intended to put his all into this fight but when he realized how much pain she was going through due to inhaling some sawdust particles, he just lost all his will to fight back

'Damn it!!" he growled as he struck forward



"AAAAaaaaarrrghhhh!!!" Derik screamed in pain when the girl easily crushed the bones in his hand which she caught. Clearly, the difference between a level 9 supernatural being and a level 15 supernatural being was much. The triumphant smile on the girls face soon vanished and was replaced with that of pain

"Now!!!" Derik growled and his blue eyes burned bright the moment he felt the girl's grip loosen. Instantly striking at her with his free hand, his claws dug deep into the delicate but surprisingly hard flesh of this teen vampire.


Rolling on the ground repeatedly before slowing down after rolling for the seventh time, Derik spat out a mouth full of blood while he struggled to get on his feet. The guards around planned to step up and distract the vampire while he recovered by he waved his hand at them, telling them to stop. Even with the full moon advantage and the pain she was going through now, this girl still had enough power to toss him around like a toy. If that's the case these guards will definitely be killed if they rushed in.

Seeing the tide of battle slowly turning in favor of the vampires, Francis frowned slightly. Even with the old sawdust trick he used it still wasn't enough. He took pity on Derik, Lucas, and Rolan who have been on the receiving end for a while

"I guess I have to get serious…" He muttered with a sinister smile on his face