Chapter 143: Gold realm master appears!

 "Who are you?" Derik asked with an indifferent look on his face

He gently flew towards Kaido with an indifferent look on his face, probably trying to show the world that he is not afraid of the youth in front of him. His gaze was cold and a smile appeared on his face as he got really close to Kaido.

The two-handed broadsword which levitated by Kaido's side twirled for a while before shooting forward towards Derik at an astonishing speed. The broadsword had a golden hilt that had the image of the sun on it. Its blade radiated undiluted scorching hit as it approached, making Derik feel uncomfortable.

At this point, Derik could tell that this man was not as simple as every other person and whenever he looked at the man, it seemed as if the man was shrouded in mystery.

This is a person he couldn't see through!

"Don't get too cocky!" Derik sneered and his death scythe trembled!