With Donald, Daemon, Karl, Kira, Gin, and Mason defeated, Cyrus was the only member of the Royal guard left. This is a major loss to the Gyro kingdom. But then again, Cyrus couldn't complain since his opponent was just one man, in fact be felt quite ashamed fighting Derik with the other members of team guardian. It made him feel like he alone cannot take down this death mage and that is the worst insult a life mage can be given since their life element is the natural weakness to death element. They are instances where a weaker life mage defeated the death mage, even though their power levels differ greatly.
At this point, Cyrus still believed he could wipe the floor with Derik. As long as the power gap between them is not a complete realm, he was confident he would win the battle. The confident smile never left Cyrus' face but his eyes remained cold, it showed that this youth was preparing to battle the death mage to the bitter end.