Chapter 354: Joining hands

Derik was no fool, he could tell the orc overseer was holding back and the weak orcs below was probably the reason why. As much as he would have loved to be on good terms with someone who has such worthy intentions, he didn't have a choice. They were invaders and they have to be driven away!

"Don't talk like you have already won! You damned human!" The orc overseer roared as he grabbed the empty air and pulled back.


At this point, Derik had already forgotten the massive green spear the orc overseer was riding before he was knocked off. The attack was so fast that Derik could barely react! He could only watch the green spear fly towards him from the corner of his eyes.

"Clumsy as always!" Cyrus' voice echoed the next moment and his massive guardian weapon appeared by Derik's side, parrying the attack for the death mage.