Chapter 358: There can only be one life guardian spirit

"Yes, I committed the same crime but for a different reason… I haven't forgotten my promise to take Cyrus as my disciple… that is why I did this… This battle is too big for those two alone… I have seen the strength of the various invaders first hand and when they all gather at Aldemar after wiping out the other inhabitants of the other continents, Derik and Cyrus will be killed as well…. They need someone capable of looking after them... Someone not bound by the creator anymore and that someone is me… that is why I had to do this…. That's the difference between you and I, old friend… while you keep hesitating, I always end up doing what needs to be done to secure a better future for us… It has always been that way… that's why I have always been stronger… that's why I will always be stronger!" Samael roared.