Chapter 478: The Great Hall

The beyond and Blake appeared in something that looked like an endless corridor with mighty statues of the God realm cosmic beings littered by the sides of the corridor. She looked pale since it took a lot of will power to summon a spatial gate even when under the influence of Derik's word path abilities.

"I have called the cosmic beings to aid us, I doubt Derik would dare step foot here! If he does he will be going up against five true gods and two demigods with just the demigod realm cultivation base." The beyond and Blake quickened their pace as they walked down the extremely long corridor.

"If that's all you have to say, then you do not know who Derik is or what he is capable of… Do you really think I would call someone normal 'master' for years? Do you still underestimate the strength of his absolute death magic?" Blake looked a bit irritated by how clueless the beyond is but he couldn't blame her.