Chapter 491: The Hunt

"Send you back there?" Blink muttered slowly as if he was pondering on the words.

Meanwhile, Clovis quickly fell on one knee in mid-air, and with his head bowed he begged.

"Give us another chance, we will surely capture that kid and bring him to you!" Clovis begged but Derik didn't bother looking at him.

His eyes were on Tanatos and after a short silence, he took a step forward, appearing behind Blink and Clovis and placing his hands on their shoulders gently.

Even though his grip was light their body refused to respond to their commands and they didn't know what was going through Derik's mind. They instinctively gazed at Cyrus' meditating figure whose eyes were once shut but now it was pinned on them!

"You don't have to go back… In fact, you don't ever have to fight anymore… It is time for you kids to live a normal life… a life we never got to enjoy" Derik's voice was surprisingly calm and soothing.