Chapter 4: Giving Birth

"Chaoxing, I am so afraid!" Xiaoxi Chen voice trembled while she's clutching her best friend's arm. Chaoxing Bai felt so nervous trying to control her sweat. Xiaoxi couldn't stand the pain rushing into her mind and belly. She screamed out trying to release a strong breath from her lungs pushing down through her tummy. "Ah-----It so painful!!!!

"Xiaoxi, stay strong, the doctor said that the baby will be born soon. Don't be afraid you can make it. I will be waiting for you outside! Think about that there will be a very cute baby to come out soon, you have to be brave. Take a deep breath and then push harder." Chaoxing Bai telling those words to Xiaoxi while she's helping the nurse pushing the stretcher towards the delivery room.

An hour later, finally heard a loud cry from the baby in the delivery room. Chaoxing Bai sighed in relief and folded her hands then prayed, " Oh thank God the baby born safely!" The door of the delivery room was opened, and the doctor took off the mask. " Mother and child are safe, it is a bouncing baby boy of 7.6lbs!"

" Thank you, doctor!" Chaoxing Bai felt happy then she bowed to the doctor as a sign of giving her gratitude. She's grateful that everything went smooth and her best friend already had passed another trial in her life.

" Go and take a look, she is strong!" The doctor smiled and left. Xiaoxi Chen, been transferred to a wardroom after giving birth. Her face still pale and tears flowed in her beautiful face after seeing her best friend coming in. "Chaoxing, it is a baby boy, right? Even my mom died I have another loved one coming into my life!"

"Yes, Xiaoxi you have a son, a beautiful baby. Once you are allowed to get out of bed, let's take a look of your baby!"

"I want to go now, I wanted to see my baby how he looks like. I can't wait longer." Xiaoxi's heart is full of excitement.

"Have you think a name for him? What is it?" Chaoxing smiled and asked. "I am so excited because he will be my godson!"

"Really? you're happy to become his godmother?" Both of them laughed and the scene was very warm. "Well, his name is Chao Chen. Does it sound good?" she asked her. "Yeah, actually it's a good name. Chao Chen! I know it fits into his cute face."

However, at that moment the nurse suddenly ran in a panic heading towards them and said: "Ms. Chen your child is gone!"

"What?" The bad news hit her like a peal of thunder, Xiaoxi Chen was shocked. " How can my chill will has gone?" "There were four men in black suits who took the baby and said that Ms. Chen knew the reason!" The nurse then handed her an envelope.

"Ah-----" Xiaoxi Chen's hand trembled. Inside it was a cheque. An amount of five million dollars written on it. In addition, a printed letter saying " I take what belongs to me". She crumpled the letter and throw it harshly while crying. Her face turned pale and shouted with a heartbreaking, "No------"

Chaoxing picks up the crumpled letter and reads it. " How could this be?"

"He found me. Chaoxing my child, I want to get him back!" Xiaoxi Chen's face was full of tears, she couldn't bear it and felt limp.

"Xiaoxi calm down, I will help you to find him. We will definitely find them soon! Chaoxing Bai hugged her and wanted to comfort her, but she found her hands and feet were cold. " Hey, don't give up, you have to be strong, please don't scare me, okay?"

" I want my baby, I don't want this money, I only want my baby, Chao!" She still continues crying seeking for help from her friend who also doesn't know what to do. Like a wounded kitten, Xiaoxi curled up in the hospital bed, sad and helpless again…

Five Years Later….

"Mommy, when can we reach auntie Chaoxing's house? I miss her!" uttered by a young boy who's already five years old. His innocent look similar to Xiaoxi. They're on the plane on that moment going back to Shanghai. His tiny eyes looking up to Xiaoxi's beautiful face waiting for her answer.

"In a couple of minutes. we will arrive at our destination, Chao. Aunt Chaoxing will come to pick us in the airport. We will see her soon, just sit down okay?!" Xiaoxi Chen gently smiled and touch his head. Looking at her son's well-behaved face, Xiaoxi Chen's heart was hurt. There is a dull, absent light flowed in her eyes as she thinks about how she lost her biological son. She stares again Chao's innocent face while shedding tears and silently saying: "Forgive Mommy, my son. I really don't know where are you now. Even though I wanted to get you, I couldn't find any trace of the man who took you away!".

A drop of tears slipped down her face and every time she thought of her baby who was lost, her heart was sad, and hatred of the man wearing the fox mask was stronger. How could he be so cruel! Separate her from her child!.

"Mommy, you are crying!" The little hand reached over and helped his mommy wipe her tears. "Mommy doesn't cry, I will listen to you and will protect you from bad people!"

"Hey son, Mommy doesn't cry! Mommy is just happy that we are finally back!" Xiaoxi Chen wiped away her tears and kissed his son's face. This child was found at the riverside when she was disheartened. She could only think the young boy in front of her who accompanied her for five years, bringing her great happiness after she lost her own child. She decided to name him Chao in memory of her lost biological son.

"Mommy, I want to pee! the baby boy frowned and shouted. " Okay, Mommy takes you there!"

"No! I can go to myself. Chao is a boy, mommy is a girl, you are not allowed to enter at men's comfort room". Chao resolutely shook his head and untied his seat belt.

" Can you do it yourself?" she said gently looking at her young boy.

"Chao is a man, of course, I can do it alone Mommy!" The little boy had slipped past in Xiaoxi's eyes and ran towards the toilet behind. A tall man in the third row behind Xiaoxi Chen's seat just stood up too. The man slit his deep eyes that the other people in the cabin didn't dare to look at him. He's raising his hand and looking at his diamond watch with frowned and walked towards the toilet.

A few big steps when he reached the toilet door, pushing the door to enter. Chao raised his head and looked up at the man straight in his eyes. " Uncle, Chao comes first! So Chao pee first! Uncle get out and line up!"

"Oh!" He looked down and saw that there is a child around five years old, Rouzhen Gu raised his eyebrows and said: " We can pee together we are both men!"

"Chao copied him and then raised his eyebrows too. " Uncle with your presence here, I can't pee! Uncle, please get out!"

Inexplicable, Rouzhen Gu looked at this child who was not taller than his trousers pocket. He felt a little familiar and a little bit gracious. This little face, his eyes, where has he seen it?

"Uncle please go out first!" Chao said very politely.

"Hey, the plane arrive soon, if you still don't pee, we will not be able to pee. Both of us also can't pee!" Rouzhen Gu said. He untied his belt, it is so funny, the toilet is so big, this little boy dares to argue with him!

"Uncle is bad, take off your pants in front of others! The teacher said it is wrong!!"

Listening to what the boy said, Rouzhen Gu stunned! What is this little boy talking about? Looked at himself, Chao frowned and upset. "Why is uncle's different from me?

The flight arrived soon, and Chao still frowning. Until they go out from the airplane, Xiaoxi Chen still couldn't understand why her son came from the toilet kept thinking and changing his mood.

" Chao, what happened?"

"Mommy, look! That's the uncle! Chao pointed to a tall figure in front of him and mentioned to her. "That uncle is rude. He goes inside the toilet while I'm not yet done peeing.

"What?" she didn't hear it clearly as she is busy taking care of their luggage bag.

"A minute ago inside the comfort room that uncle is arguing with me and I'm almost can't pee out!" her son complained.

"Oh!' Really? Xiaoxi Chen's face immediately blushed. She doesn't know whether to laugh or cry, extremely embarrassing gently she patted his head telling, It's ok!" She subconsciously looking at the back of the man, in the crowd no doubt the man is outstanding. She only glances his back but she's sure the slender figure is lean and strong, wearing a good fabric suit. The man then disappeared into the corner of the airport. He seems like rushing!

"Uncle does not obey the discipline and does not understand the courtesy!" Chao still said, " After peeing he do not flush the toilet bowl." Hearing it Xiaoxi answered back, " Does Chao flushed the bowl for uncle?" The little boy answer immediately. "Yes!"

"Well, Chao is the best boy! Xiaoxi Chen kneels down and kissed her son's face. "Let's go and forget it, Aunt Chaoxing must be waiting for us!"

"Yey! I want to see Auntie Chaoxing, Mommy hurry up!" Chao hurriedly running forward and pulled Xiaoxi's hand.

"Hey, Xiaoxi, baby Chao, come here!" At the arrival hall, a woman in a tight skirt with a pair of gold high-heeled shoes screamed and waving her hand. Opening her arms while squatting down she said to the little boy approaching her way, "My baby boy, do you miss your godmother? Come and give me a kiss!"

Running excitedly and embracing her the young boy said, " I miss you so much Auntie Chaoxing. You are the best and most beautiful auntie in the world. Is there a lot of uncles chasing you recently?" Chao hugs Chaoxing Bai neck and gave a kiss on her cheek. She lifts him up while giving a sweet smile.

"Well my best godson, finally returns, I also give you a big kiss!" Chaoxing Bai leaned her red lips close, planted a sweet kiss on Chao's little face that suddenly blushing. Xiaoxi Chen looked at her son's face with a lipstick stain on it coming from her best friend lips with red lipstick on. She showed her sweet smile and then said: "Okay that's enough, Chao, come down now, your Auntie Chaoxing almost had a wardrobe malfunction!"

"Mommy, isn't the meaning of wardrobe malfunction is being seen by people? Then Chao has just wardrobe malfunction, the uncle saw my bird!" Chao said it and began to get upset again, it seems very tangled.

Chaoxing Bai stunned, and put Chao down, holding his little hand and patted Xiaoxi's shoulder. "Oh! Xiaoxi how did you teach your son, he is a smart boy but naughty. He is just a kid but he already knows what is wardrobe malfunction!

They head back to Chaoxing's house and when they arrived she is helping her remove their luggage in the trunk of her car. "Xiaoxi you both stay in this room. Anyway since you're still idle as of this moment you can help me cooked food daily and you don't have to pay the rental I will be the one to take care of it while you still applying for a job. I didn't hire someone to do the chores at home since I only stay here at night."

"Chaoxing, I really appreciate your effort for helping us, if I weren't with me for how many years I don't know how would I survive facing those tragic trials I encountered. She was so grateful she had a best friend like her who always give her support all the time. She's looking at the queen size bed inside their room. It seems to call her tired body to lay down for a while but she needs to fix their luggage first and cook for her son who is already sleeping on the sofa.

"Don't overthink things. Why don't you use that money?" Referring to the cheque she received five years ago. Chaoxing Bai didn't understand why Xiaoxi Chen has been reluctant to use the five million, which was the payment and the reason she lost her son.

"I don't want to use the money because that means I am selling my son. I feel sorry for him. I don't know where is he now. If I use that money, I will be feeling uneasy for a lifetime!" Xiaoxi smiled bitterly. It has been five years but until now she's still longing for her son. The deepest pain she had in life that she can never forget. Torturing her mind and driving her again like a madman.

" Well, don't think too much, if you don't want then don't use it either, but Chao resembled you a lot except for the eyes. His face, little nose, mouth, and even his gestures accurately like you. It is fate." Chaoxing saw that little Chao physical appearance is Xiaoxi alike. If someone doesn't know the story of how Chao came into her life no one will doubt that this child is not Xiaoxi son.

"Yeah, I feel lucky to have this kid!" Xiaoxi Chen seems to only show her sincere smile when she talks about her son, Chao. In these years, she has carried too much, and finally graduated from college, raising Chao at the same time. It wasn't that easy but she able to do it.

"Oh, tomorrow you need to go to Gu Corp for an interview. Be ready!" Chaoxing Bai looked back at Chao, who sleep on the sofa. "Tomorrow, I will arrange Chao for the new kindergarten. Don't worry, Gu Corp is a huge company. If you successfully pass the interview, then you will have better compensation which will be enough for both your needs.

Upon hearing the company name she suddenly felt an erotic emotion that she can't explain. Last time she's thinking that the CEO of Gu Corp is the father of her lost baby but it turns out she got mistaken. Recalling her sad memories, flashes of a slender man wearing a fox mask changes her mood into bitterness. He took her child leaving a printed letter and a cheque. Who would that man be? Why he hurt her so much. She stopped thinking and then replied to Chaoxing. "Thank you Chaoxing!"

" Don't need to thank me!" Habitually patted her shoulder. "Okay, I'm leaving, sleep early!" She just nodded.

The next day she went early to Gu Corp headquarters.

"Rou, I heard that you came back with the economy class yesterday?" The man in a fitted black suit, body leaning on the sofa and looked at the man sitting behind the boss table with an ironic look.

"Business class been sold out, I don't have any option but to take an economy class." The deep male voice said with laziness, and the white smoke sprang out around him. The misty smoke let people unable to see the expression on his face at the moment. It was an eagle eye that shot a sharp light in the bleak. "Otherwise, I will not be able to catch up with today's interview.!"

After a week of business traveling at southward, he signed a few contracts and returned. Rouzhen Gu immediately comes back to the company without taking a break and personally recruit new employees.

"Don't you see her?"

"Zion Ni!" Suddenly a cold and deep male voice came out with some warnings, the simple two words seem to be unable to hear a trace of expression, but Zion knew that he was angry.

"Well, forget it !" telling it with a deep sound and laugh, the hand that had been holding a cigarette seemed to tremble slightly. "I went out and see if there is any pretty girl today and hunting them!"

After swallowing a smog. Rouzhen Gu's expression even becomes more gloomy. The weather was unusually variable and so was his temper too.