Chapter 9: New Task is given by the CEO

Xiaoxi Chen took a deep breath, stood up then went to the tea bar again and made a cup of tea.

"Well! I can't believe you are good at making tea!" Zion Ni sipped his tea. "The tea tastes fresh, the color is beautiful and the warm temperature is just right!"

Xiaoxi Chen not in the mood for his praise as she flicked through the papers she's been trying to finish. Zion Ni sees that the woman in front of him didn't say a word, with a cold face and a slight indifference, it was a strange thing. Other woman looked at him with a kind of admiration while she looked down on him!

"Hi CEO!" Mei Zhao suddenly stood and greeted their boss.

Three people walking at the corridor side said the same. Rouzhen Gu with his straight body posture come out from the elevator, just answered a short "Yes" when he heard the greetings!

He is more grimly than the average man, spoke very little. When he saw ZIon Ni he just glances through and strode over into his office.

"CEO, wait! Why are you ignoring my presence?" Zion Ni comes to his office with a cup of tea in his hand.

Xiaoxi Chen made a cup of coffee and sent it to his room. It is a daily routine.

"Secretary Chen, are the documents I needed is ready?" Asked the man behind the desk who was busy sipping his coffee.

"No!" Xiaoxi Chen answered calmly.

"Not yet?"

"Rouzhen, secretary Chen is good at making tea!" Zion Ni said in a while sitting on the sofa near him.

"You shut up!" he stopped Zion Ni's words coldly.

"Well! He shrugged his shoulders not a bit embarrassed, Zion Ni handsome face as like a model didn't pay attention to his coldness. Quickly lift the lips then grinned. "Ah Secretary Chen, what do you do if you lose your job in this company? He said calmly trying to provoke Rouzhen.

"Sorry, sir! I would immediately do it...Xiaoxi Chen lowered her head down. "I just got the documents fifteen minutes ago!"

"What I want is a translated document, not your reason secretary Chen!" A sharp, cold sound suddenly sprang up, decisively interrupting her words and his eyes sank.

"Yes!" Xiaoxi Chen's body shook violently and her hands unconsciously holding the tray.

"Move faster! I want the documents! Rouzhen Gu suddenly stood up, a black suit highlights the strong physique and slender legs with an apathetic expression filled his proud and unrestrained face. His publicity, his arrogance, and the cold attitude will make people shudder. "Ten minutes later, if you haven't translated it pack up and go!"

"I…" Xiaoxi Chen gritted her teeth out of frustration. "Yes!" she left in a hurry.

"You're too harsh on her. Rouzhen it is clear that someone is framing her! I saw it with my two eyes." Zion Ni said crossing his legs after Xiaoxi left. "Get the documents in 15 minutes ago, then you asked her to translate it. How could it be possible? You're being unreasonable dude!"

"What I want is a qualified secretary and can't get a foothold to those who are incompetent. Giving a reason for not doing well a certain job? My company is not a charity. Did you get it?" Rouzhen Gu said coldly.

"The coffee and tea that secretary Chen makes are really nice to drink since you said that she packs away can I take her as my secretary?" Zion Ni lifted his eyes at him, trying to measure how he will going to decide.

"What are you trying to say?"

"Give her to me and let her serve me!" Zion Ni rolled his eyes. "Ten minutes and she definitely not able to translate it believe me!"

"You're trying to save her. Not her! Choose another person" Rouzhen Gu raised his eyebrows and threw a sharp look. "Meeting!" he felt disoriented the way Zion provoked him. Rouzhen walked out first with a dour face. At the doorway, he bumped into Xiaoxi Chen.

"CEO these are the documents!' Xioaxi Chen holding the newly printed documents in her hand and she handed it to Rouzhen.

Surprised, Zion Ni nearly choked his saliva because he can't believe she will make it in a short period of time. "Ms. Chen you translated it?" Xiaoxi Chen nodded with calm and dull eyes.

Zion Ni staring at the woman in front of him a person who always shrewd and wise like him actually not able to see such kind of woman.

Rhouzhen Gu eyes narrowed, but he did not say a word. He took the documents, looked at it and walked towards the meeting room.

"Ms. Chen, you are amazing! Zion Ni gestured a thumbs up to her while following Rouzhen. Xiaoxi Chen breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, when Rouzhen and Xui Huang were on a business trip, she saw the documents in advance and she tried to translate it and put into her computer. Just a few minutes she remembers the saved files and she printed it immediately. She was saved this time from Ms. Huang framing.

"Xiaoxi, when did you translate it? Startled Mei ran over to gossip.

"Last week it happened I saw it in advance so I tried to translate it then saved. When Ms. Huang handed me the documents with a short period of time I calmly checked my PC and it was still there.

"Wow! Ms. Huang evil planned didn't succeed she must be shocked this time! She continued to sit down. Xui came over again, her face was dark. "Xioaxi Chen, since you translated it earlier, why do you tell me that you don't have it? It is fun playing with me, isn't it?"

"Miss Huang, sorry I didn't know that the documents are the files that I translated previously!" Xiaoxi said calmly. With a cold glance, Xui Huang's lips twined with sarcasm. "The CEO told me to inform you to go to the conference room!"

"Yes!" Xiaoxi Chen stands up and walks towards the conference room. "CEO!" she stands on beside Rouzhen Gu and asked humbly. "Are you looking for me?"

"Sit down!" Rouzhen Gu didn't lookup. "That's not right!" When did a new secretary qualify to participate in a meeting with our clients? Said someone among the directors inside the room.

Tension all over. "I ask you to sit then sit now! No one can change my decision. Rouzhen looked cold to the person who said it then he signaled Ms. Chen to sit beside him.

"Just sit Ms. Chen! Zion Ni acts like an ass-kisser and helps her to pull the chair.

"Thank you, sir! She said looking at him.

"Don't mention it, Ms. Chen. I like people who are ready for work!" Zion Ni left idle attentively, the look just now makes Rouzhen Gu astonished too, his friend always has no mood fluctuates. This time he was so mad at him, Zion Ni thinks it was fun doing such act.

Xiaoxi Chen lowered her head and sit beside Rouzhen quietly. Then Xui Huang entered the conference room with two people from outside the company who came for the meeting. When she saw Xiaoxi Chen, she showed a hint of jealousy.

"Don't be proud of your preparation!" The cold voice poured over like a basin of cold water, Xiaoxi Chen did not understand what the CEO was saying. She also caught Ms. Huang murderous looks to her.

"Rouzhen! If she did not prepare the documents earlier probably she's been harmed by someone who framed her. So I really admired Ms. Chen for doing her job well. Xiaoxi right? Can I call you by your name? It is too formal calling you with your family name." Zion Ni's smiling face looking at her intentionally.

"Manager Ni it's up to you!" She can't say anything since he is in a higher position while her status is just a secretary who followed CEO's order.

"Xiaoxi, so I will call you this way, let me tell you, working field is a step of blood footprint and framing is so natural to be careful when trusting people around you." His word giving her a warning while Xui Huang keeps in silence.

" Are you done? Rouzhen Gu's eyes are sharp like a knife looking toward them. Xiaoxi breath deep and only nod her head. So the meeting begins.

AVL, the first female company in the world, mainly focuses on top fashion brands. The designers of the company are all world-class. Their design philosophy is the forefront of fashion brands, and AVL has been making waves in the world fashion week. A white-collar woman at the age of 28 years old came with her one male assistant was the one who is talking. The woman has an agile short hair, light makeup, eyes sharp discussing something. Rouzhen Gu silently listening to the whole presentation.

It was her----Jenny Smith. International renowned fashion designer, no wonder she is so fastidious, turned out to be AVL ace designer.

"Miss Smith, all the AVL matters will be handled by Secretary Chen as project in-charge.

"Secretary Chen?" Jenny Smith was astonished and glance over Xiaoxi Chen. Even Xiaoxi and Zion Ni were surprised too, do not understand what exactly Rouzhen Gu's means.

"CEO Gu, if I'm not mistaken you to seem to be sending me a new employee as a partner, in my opinion, it is not suitable. Directors who are also in the same room starting to become noisy talking about his instant decision with doubts.

"She had the ability!" Rouzhen Gu raised his head, clasped his hands and looked at Jimmy Smith who currently in doubt too. "Ms. Smith, don't you trust on my taste anymore?" he said. Deeply stare at Rouzhen for a while. "Fine! Miss Chen, here is an article about newly released clothing. I hope that Miss Chen is able to review!"

Jenny Smith pulled out a picture from her folder and pushed it in front of Xiaoxi Chen. Almost everybody knew that it is Jenny Smith new design clothes for this year, Xiaoxi Chen is not a fashion enthusiast, but she just saw a conference about this dress. It's a pity that no one knows that the dress was defective because the on the day it was launched she's playing with Chao at the mall and through the big screen, news about it was spreading like wildfire. The designed was exquisite but it was damaged.

"This was the defective item. News about it circulating among the fashion industry." Xiaoxi said it firmly.

"Oh!" Jenny Smith in her mind surprised. Looking at Xiaoxi she knows the woman is well informed. Xiaoxi has a unique vision and a professional level to speak boldly with her opinion. Not just only Jenny surprised at that time, all the people inside the room can't believe she can easily justify the picture given to her. Rouzhen in a daze, he did not expect her to actually have such professional level. His intention is to test this woman's ability.

Zion Ni thinking in his mind, didn't she studied finance? He saw Xiaoxi's CV the day of her interview. How come a conservative woman like her knows things in the fashion world. He is in deep thinking. The woman is really extraordinary.

"CEO Gu, I personally agree to cooperate with Ms. Chen! Said Jenny Smith. Xioaxi Chen was surprised and smiled at her. No wonder she is a designer of AVL and didn't care that others commented on her work as a defective one. So many people admired Jenny Smith work. She has no arrogance and remains professional and impartial.

"Xiaoxi, the CEO put you as in-charge of this project and you will be working with AVL! Mei was both sound envious and jealous when she shared what had happened inside the conference room. I am happy for you my friend!

She felt nervous because she heard that GU Corp and AVL have always been partners for how many years. AVL group shares 30% of the entire GU Corp investment. This winter clothing series is the GU Corp first cooperation project with AVL. Xiaoxi Chen did not know why Rouzhen put such an important job to her instead of giving it to the department manager in GU Corp.

In the large office, a tall man sat on the sofa. His long legs crossed, while two buttons of his shirt were unbuttoned, revealing a firm lean chest. A few hair strands hung down that hide his good looks and under his eyelids were long thick lashes. Sitting next to him, Xui turns around and said, "Rouzhen!!!!"

"Yes? A slightly hoarse and magnetic male voice makes her tremble.

"Nasty, Rouzhen you know that I haven't seen you for days and after coming back last week you don't come to look for me?" The hand that wriggles, slowly stretch to the bare chest of Rouzhen Gu, caress slowly, extremely teaser...

Xiaoxi still in deep thinking that time and everything was too fast for her to be an in-charge of a huge project. She knows it is a very difficult task, she wanted to quit and let others do it. She was afraid that she can't do it well and caused for company losses. She sighed while thinking and because she was too impatient she pushed the mahogany door of Rouzhen's office. "CEO, about the cooperation with AVL….."

Under the sudden voice the two people sitting on the sofa kissing each other stopped. Xiaoxi Chen saw an awkward situation and she looked embarrassed for a moment. Fortunately, they are just kissing if there's more than that she would be more guilty of interrupting them.

Embarrassed and swallowed her saliva her face blushed, Xiaoxi Chen apologizes and said: "Sorry, you guys continue.

She quickly shut the door after saying her words. Xiaoxi Chen touched her chest out of nervous and hit her face hard, god! What does she do, why does she forget to knock? She's such a stupid!.

While inside Rouzhen office the man quickly fixes himself together with clothes and said to Xui Huang: "Get out!"

"Rouzhen! I haven't …" the words ended because his face was dark and gloomy-looking towards her. " I said get out!" his loud voice giving final warning.

Before she could sit still, Xiaoxi Chen suddenly saw Ms. Huang's discontented desire to get out from Rouzhen's office and walked angrily in front of her. "Xiaoxi Chen, you thought that CEO passes you such important duty means that you are good enough? Humph, you must be dreaming, girl! Her voice is full of sarcasm.