Chapter 24: Avoiding Him

This night, Xiaoxi Chen hadn't feel sleepy. She's restless in bed. She almost fell asleep at dawn, but awakened by a nightmare, God! She dreamed of a man who is wearing a fox mask, dreaming that he was kissing her, his kiss was so overbearing, full of aggressiveness!

"Uh! No!" Xiaoxi Chen's shook her head. Looking at her child who deeply sleeps at the other side of the bed. "Don't entangle me anymore, who are you? Where is my son?" Muttered and whispered, tears fell again.

She lies in bed again, thinking about her son that she only held once during the time she gave birth five years ago and suddenly taken away by someone who she doesn't know. She only felt that her heart longing for her child making her feel desperate.

Early morning she wakes up then send Chao to the kindergarten.

"Mommy, Big Bird Uncle didn't come online last night! Chao eyes look disappointed and told Xiaoxi Chen.

"Maybe he was very busy! Do not worry he can check your message to him later on." Xiaoxi Chen had perfunctory for that man. Her face showed the dark circles, her eyelids are also red swollen and despondent because she had cried last night.

She bid farewell to her son after a while then leave. When she walked into GU Corp building she began to encounter a lot of people look at her with ambiguous.

Xiaoxi Chen is even more despondent. Yesterday Rouzhen Gu held her hand and took her to the special elevator and fired Xui Huang. She was afraid that she would become the topic of the gossip that will circulate inside the company, she also suffered grievances!

She still lowers her head, the long bangs cover her face today because she had dark circles over her eyes she had to put her bangs down, only leaving a little part of pale face, seemingly weak and fearful, like a babe in the woods.

The elevator was full of people, and Xiaoxi Chen had to wait for the next elevator. Xiaoxi Chen sighed weakly and decided to go to the stairs. After Rouzhen Gu entered the building, he saw that the figure was walking towards the stairs. He was a little surprised at the moment and then entered the exclusive elevator.

Xiaoxi Chen climbed to the second floor, she saw a pair of shining shoes again. She was stunned and guessed that it was him. "C- CEO?"

"Why would he here again?" she asked silently. She is really trying to avoid him.

Rouzhen Gu looked calm and his face shows no emotion. The corner of his mouth chuckle, he is neither too far nor too near and say with a cold face, "Would you want to climb up to the 66th floor Secretary Chen?"

Xiaoxi Chen faces turn red, "No, I am going to take the elevator from the next floor and go up. The reason why she used the stairs because at the main entrance she felt those people around were looking at her.

"You didn't sleep well last night?" he asked when he saw her dark circles around her beautiful eyes.

She lowered her eyebrows and felt a little embarrassment. Who also will not feel awkward when he has been declared her to be his woman after being inexplicably kissed and he is not only kissed her once but several times. Her lips were stiff and press together tightly when remembering that moment. "Sir CEO, I go up first!"

After that, she began to climb the stairs again.

His lips twitched slightly. " Lady, you owe me an explanation last night! And now you are going to turn your back on me?"

Xiaoxi Chen walked forward, her heart was a little nervous, swallowed hard, pretend to calm down, and planned to go over. Just by the moment, she passed by, he suddenly reached out and held her waist.

"Ah! What are you doing? Are you insane?"

He held her waist tightly walked toward the exclusive elevator.

Xiaoxi Chen instinctively looked at the corridor on the second floor. Fortunately, no one was there, he was bossy and dragged her into the exclusive elevator. "Sir! Let me go! Or I'll call someone!"

"Okay do it! Call someone who you can see if it had! And if that person will dare to interrupt us do you really think I will not fire him or her immediately?" Rouzhen still did not let her go until the door of the elevator closed.

"There are CCTV here. If you don't want the whole company to see I'm kissing you behave yourself!" he is giving her a warning and held him closer while staring at her blushing face.

"You! Rouzhen Gu!" Xiaoxi Chen was scared by his words because she knew he would do it.

"Now you learn to call my full name! That's great and remember you are now my woman". He pulled her again and planted a smocked kissed on her lips. Rouzhen Gu let her go, she leaned back in the large elevator, he chose to stand opposite her, looking at her gaze, gradually changing from deep and dark looks into a bright one and a naughty smile draw at the corner of his thin lips.

Quiet, silent, looking at her he imagined her back five years ago. The night they've spent together was memorable for him. Her innocent and fragile looked made him crazy over her. She has been giving him so many sleepless nights the day he learned she was gone.

"Sir, what are you thinking? Can you tell me directly?" She was really scared. In the way, he made her trembled and always felt like a fool.

"Xiaoxi Chen!" His usual clear baritone voice. "You escaped last night! Do you forget it? With your boyfriend is it? You really love him?"

"Uh!" She was shocked. She was not good at lying, she would blush when she lies. But she can't take it anymore, "Well! I miss him and we love each other!" She blushed and bowed her head, fearing that he would see through her lies.

Rouzhen Gu's hooked a mocking smile. "It seems that you easily forget some things. If you have a good life, you should forget the pain and start a new one. If you do, cherish the happiness that you have right now because might it will not last long." His words were full of jealousy and strange meaning.

"What?" Xiaoxi Chen raised her head and didn't understand what he meant. A pair of black and white clear eyes looked at him with doubt. Rouzhen Gu looks to another way and a pair of eyes gradually darken.

The elevator quickly rose and no one spoke. Xiaoxi Chen finally broke the silence. "Sir, thank you for your concern, I will cherish my happiness!"

Although she did not understand the meaning and purpose behind his words she still replied to him.

"Your ability is good, I hope that you will be a qualified secretary in the future! Be the most effective employee of GU Corp!" After the elevator finally reached the top, he said it.

Then, when Xiaoxi Chen was in dazed, Rouzhen Gu strode out.

Xiaoxi Chen was stunned for a moment, looking at his back. Inexplicable, she felt that his back was a bit lonely. This man is mysterious!

Xiaoxi Chen's heart was inexplicably annoyed because she doesn't know what he means, it is even more depressing. Does he mean that he will not harass her again? If yes, that would be great!

When Rouzhen gets inside his office he harshly punches his table. He was so jealous and wanted to punish her. When Xiaoxi Chen gave Rouzhen Gu a cup of coffee she saw him sitting on his chair facing towards the window. He seems to be into deep thinking, didn't turn his back and said two words with indifference. "Get out!"

Then, Rouzhen Gu did not leave the office even during lunch break. Xiaoxi Chen feels sadness and low spirit when she didn't notice him coming out. Her eyes are sore because she didn't have a good sleep last night.

Lunchtime is coming, Xiaoxi Chen looked at Xui Huang seat, it was empty! Look at her hands, the blister is still there. Although she already uses burned ointment but still haven't recovered.

"Xiaoxi let's have lunch together. It's a lunchtime break, come!" Secretary Mei came over and invited her.

Colleagues look at Xiaoxi Chen like a stranger with complex. The entire restaurant suddenly becomes silent when she and Mei appeared. Then after a moment of silence, the restaurant began to be noisy again.

"Secretary Chen, your working ability is really strong, won the appreciation of the CEO and the manager…. " Finance Assistant Meng Gao said with jealousy.

It is not a compliment, it is sarcastic. Although Xiaoxi Chen is naive she still can understand what she means.

"Haha, yes, Secretary Chen ability is really amazing!" Someone ridiculed.

Xiaoxi Chen also understood the word "ability" which said out from their mouth, it sounded harsh.

"Xiaoxi, don't care about them, let's go there!" Mei took her to the corner.

"I heard that, because of her, our boss and manager Zion Ni almost fight …" Her ears were filled with the conversations of colleagues and Xiaoxi Chen ate quietly.

"Xiaoxi, just ignore them. They are the bounce of insignificant people!" Mei was worried and looked at her.

"I'm fine. Do not worry about me!" Xiaoxi Chen shook her head and glanced at the blisters on the back of her hand. She thought, it must be Zion Ni will accompany her to leave the company yesterday and went to the hospital but Rouzhen Gu did it and fired Xiu Huang after they returned back, it causes gossip in the whole company and everyone looked at her in disdain.

"Xiaoxi, you really don't have any relationship with our CEO?" Mei began to be confused, frowning and shaking her head. "You and our boss look really weird lately!"

"What's weird?" Xiaoxi Chen asked. While thinking what Rouzhen had told him. His words flashed into her mind: "Break-up with your boyfriend! You are my woman now!"

"Our CEO looks very concerned about you and personally takes you to the hospital. It is just a scald. It is easy to send someone to bring you to the hospital and get the medicine. Our boss personally takes you to the hospital, although you are injured inside company premises suddenly our boss reaction seems to be a bit overdone!"

Xiaoxi Chen sighed, and some were powerless. "You are really good at analysis. Mei, I'm really speechless but I really don't understand our boss reaction too. If I really know what he has been thinking I will definitely let you know about it, okay?"

"Uh! Really nothing? He said nothing to you while you were together?"

"What do you wish to happen?" She asked Mei Zhao.

"Oh, of course, I hope that there is something good to happen between the two of you. After all, you're beautiful and our boss able to get along with her employees like Secretary Huang who happened get fired after what she had done to you. If you have a relationship with our boss, I can also get a benefit, you can help me get a permanent position in this company. It is also convenient to request him to increase our salary." Mei Zhao said it very treacherous.

Xiaoxi Chen rolled her eyes, her life was always in bad luck, she lost her mother and her own child, lost her brother and also her dignity when she's young. She has already lost her dignity as a human being by the judgment she got from the people around her.

She's not only willing to bear any debt of her life she also had the dilapidated dignity, everything seems ridiculous. Even if life is made up of a series of absurdities because there are too many unexpected incidents she just takes it easier. So when she faces Mei's remarks, she just smiled.

Suddenly the restaurant was noisy again. "CEO and Manager Ni are coming!"

"Oh! Xiaoxi, the CEO is coming !" The excitement of Mei made Xiaoxi Chen speechless.

Then, she looked at the door of the restaurant inadvertently. She saw Rouzhen Gu calmly walked in, their sight meet and looked at each other. He shifted his gaze when Xiaoxi Chen's gaze hasn't moved away.

"Beauty! Can I sit here?" Manager Zion asked and smiled when he came near them with the food tray in his hands. Xiaoxi Chen lowered her head and only nodded.

"Of course, CEO and Manager Zion, please sit down!" Mei Zhao was surprised when seeing them together asking to sit into their table.

Xiaoxi Chen hurriedly ate a mouthful of food and wished she able to finish it faster. She felt like floating in the air. Rouzhen Gu's sight inadvertently fell on the woman sitting opposite and lowering head and his mouth shows an interesting smile.

Several department managers in the restaurant saw Rouzhen Gu and Zion Ni had been sitting at the table of Xiaoxi Chen. They were a little shocked and looked at each other. It seems that the rumors are true because it was the first time Rouzhen came for lunch in a restaurant and join his employees.

Xiaoxi Chen is really special to the CEO and Manager Zion! Perhaps because of the inexplicable words this morning at the elevator, originally Xiaoxi Chen intends to keep a distance with Rouzhen Gu, and tightlipped, but when Rouzhen looked at her reaction, he felt unhappy on it.

"Xiaoxi, why don't you eat it?" Zion Ni referring to the leftover foods she pushed aside. He found that Xiaoxi seems not comfortable with them.

"I am full!" Xiaoxi Chen smiled with awkward. "CEO, Manager Zion, and Mei, enjoy your meal, I will go back to work first!" she immediately stands up.

"Your meal hasn't eaten yet. Looked there's so much food left on your plate." Zion screamed.

"I am really full!" Xiaoxi Chen felt uneasy and left without looking back.

Rouzhen Gu also suddenly stood up, "I lost my appetite! I will leave too!"

"Rouzhen! You haven't moved your chopsticks yet!" Zion Ni was shocked.

Everyone's looking shocked at the two figures leave inside the restaurant.