Chapter 36: Being with Her

Xiaoxi Chen looked from a distance, took a deep breath and strode over. "Sir CEO!" Xiaoxi Chen walked towards in front of him and greet.

Rouzhen Gu raised his head and saw her then look at the clothes she wears, Rouzhen was surprised. She did not dress up nor wear makeup and just casually walked out.

Xiaoxi Chen's slim figure had changed into casual clothes and her hair was simply left on her shoulders, she looks like a young little lady, simple and pure. This kind of woman has not been the kind of girl he likes because she is too pure, but at this moment watching her walking towards him, he unexpectedly felt unprecedented comfort, such calm that he did not feel for a long time, it was long until he was disappointed to a woman.

"Get in, into the car!" Rouzhen Gu soon restrained his mood and help her to open the car door like a gentleman.

Xiaoxi Chen thought that it was the first time the CEO had opened the door, usually, he would shove her in his car like a bully on the goods, such gentleness this time makes her feel strange.

Rouzhen Gu closed the car door and walked towards the driving side, opened the door and get in.

The good smell of tobacco makes Xiaoxi Chen a little dazed, she sat next to him and saw he is looking at her, a little nervous and her sight met a pair of a deep amber pupil of him.

The sun shone through the windows, illuminating his resolute face and his cynical playboy looks. His eyes were foggy and he smiled playfully. "You don't look well. Did you have a nervous night?"

"Huh?" Xiaoxi Chen didn't expect him to ask her such a question, it was true that she had a sleepless night thinking about him but how did he know?

There was the embarrassment of being caught and her face turned red in an instant Xiaoxi Chen still felt awkward, Rouzhen Gu recognized her sudden reaction and seem to have an interest in the way she looks, "Is it because you are excited to have dinner with me?"

"Well!" His jokes make her feel like finding an underground where she can get in and hide.

He has never made such a joke, which make it more ambiguous and she could firmly deny but not sure whether she was insane and said: "Yes, I got insomnia attack because of you Mr. CEO!"

Rouzhen Gu was surprised with her bold declaration and then the smile on his face became even wider. Xiaoxi Chen even heard the deep and scattered laughter from his throat. This is the first time that she heard him laugh like a big boy, there is no cold and sneer in his voice and it resonates a happy and simple moment.

"CEO!" Xiaoxi Chen could hardly sit still. Is it that funny?

"Why?" Rouzhen Gu finally suppressed his smile and took the steering wheel in his hand, he did not rush to start the car and looked at her, his smiling eyes stopped on her face.

Xiaoxi Chen's face was blushed, his stare makes her whole body to be uncomfortable, quickly and instantly think of his question and said "I did not know what my boss wanted to do again? I'm thinking so much that sir Rouzhen Gu would be going to ask me to compensate 30 million dollars, I am afraid that I cannot even compensate it for the rest of my life if I didn't agree to be with you today!"

He did not expect her to answer to be so bold and stunned for a moment, then he burst out into laughter: "Hahaha…. So next time when I call you, you have to be on time and come over immediately!"

"Excuse me! I am not a call-girl!" Xiaoxi Chen has sneered and formed a dull face.

"What? Did I say you're a call-girl?" Rouzhen Gu heard what she said and changed his facial expression and his eyes look naughty. "How can I treat you like those other women who willingly throw themselves into my bed when you are different from them?"

As she raised her eyes, he was still staring at her for an instant and she bent her head back. "I beg you to give me a break!"

"Did I say something bad to you? You're the mother of my child!" those words suddenly slipped in his mouth.

"Eh, what? Mother of your child!?" she's so much surprised hearing it. Did she mishear his words?

"Dare to speak again I will ask you to compensate me thirty million!" he suddenly said it to change the topic, then he laughed and threatened her. When he saw she's not answering he then leaned his body over her.

"What are you doing?" Xiaoxi Chen immediately becomes nervous and closed her eyes in fright.

Rouzhen Gu looked at her scared face and laughed again in a lower voice.

"Still so afraid of me?" The mouth of mumble and the eye flash with deep thought shown. Rouzhen Gu ruinously looks at Xiaoxi Chen, at this moment, she was gentle and lovely, just that a person like her occasionally erupt like a small hedgehog.

His breath came into her face, Xiaoxi Chen's face was hot, "You scare me, would you please move away from me?"

She felt as if she hadn't breathed in half a minute. She was choked!

"Open your eyes! Why are you closing your eyes? Do I look bad?" He said in a tense and playful voice. "You are afraid that I ate you up?"

She opened her eyes in horror and saw his face close at hand and his breath was too addictive making her dizzy in a moment and a fresh scent of his masculinity engulf her senses. She was scared and then closed her eyes again, shout nervously: "Sir CEO please leave me further!"

Rouzhen Gu suddenly raised his lips and smiled with a victory while teasing her. Shrugs his shoulder and his cool face softened under his smile and radiated the charm of demagoguery.

"Alright, after I help you to fasten your seatbelt, I will stay away from you."

After he finished his words, he actually pulled her seatbelt, fastened it and then sat back to his seat. He then gives out a pleasant laugh. "Xiaoxi Chen, why are you so afraid of me?"

Xiaoxi Chen opened her eyes but she's so embarrassed, she seems to have misunderstood something.

"CEO, you did it on purpose!" Surprised that she would say such kind of words, Xiaoxi is eager to bite off her tongue, flatter a smile and met Rouzhen Gu handsome and indignant face, she swallowed the saliva and quickly said: " Sir I don't need to trouble myself, going out for a meal with you is too troublesome, I shall go home!"

"How about going home with you to have a meal if it is troublesome? That way you won't be in any stress and cook additional portion won't make you tired." Enduring the smile on his face, Rouzhen Gu opened his mouth solemnly. In his mind, he thought of Han saying that the food she cooked was better than those cooked by their chef at home, so he wanted to taste her cook food.

"Then we shall just go out!" She wouldn't let him come to her house door. The man in front of her was too shrewd and she wouldn't know how she will be dead if have more interaction with him.

Couldn't believe and raise his eyebrow, Rouzhen Gu started up the car, thoughtfully took a glance

At Xiaoxi Chen, "It seems that you are very repellent to have contact with me, so you successfully aroused my interest!"

"No, CEO is my boss, I should respect you!" Xiaoxi's heart began to beat violently. He said she had succeeded in arousing his interest, god, she feels like going to die.

"Xiaoxi Chen!"

"Yes?" She waited for his next words, but he was silent.

Xiaoxi Chen surreptitiously looked at the side of his body, a man's unique fortitude and that cannot cover up the charm and breath that would let women gone crazy. It's just that she never daydreamed or expected love to happen between the two of them because she was already not suitable.

"Xiaoxi Chen you are not like those women I encountered!" This word hasn't come out from Rouzhen Gu's mouth because he doesn't want to scare her, he continues to drive the car but in his heart, he knows a little about this woman five years ago.

"Han likes you very much, he told me!" Rouzhen Gu suddenly blurted out those words when he glanced at her. He wanted to know her reaction about it.

"I like him too!" Xiaoxi Chen thought about that child, red lips and white teeth as lovely as her Chao but Han was too sensitive and fragile. The child is introvert that elude people to communicate with him. "Sir, I am sorry about yesterday, I did not know the truth about what Han had told me, it's the reason why I had said something that I should not say, you don't take it to your heart, right?"

Hearing her explanation at the moment Rouzhen Gu looked at her without moving and his smile was slightly accented by the mouth and said lazily: "What did you say? I forgot!"

Forgot? Xiaoxi Chen couldn't believe and look at Rouzhen Gu but there was no any facial expression on the smiling face.

Suspiciously turned her face over, Xiaoxi Chen didn't say anything again.

Rouzhen Gu took her to the hospital to remove the stitches of her shoulder. Some nurses were fascinated and admired Rouzhen Gu when they saw him. Rouzhen ignored any of their affection as he only adored Xiaoxi.

There were many people along the corridor looking at them because Rouzhen Gu showed to much of his affection to her as he put his arm to her waist while saying: "Be careful, walk slowly and avoid hitting your shoulder to other people."

"Sir I am fine!" Xiaoxi Chen reacted as she felt awkward and wanted to escape from him.

He holds her waist tighter and whispered in her ears, "If you don't want me to hold you closer don't move too fast!"

Xiaoxi Chen was afraid that he did that, so she chose to ignore the feeling that gradually tickle her mind. She feels at ease with his action but at the same embarrassed as people around were looking at them. Rouzhen Gu's black eyes deep as lake flash once again with a burning desire, he firmly holding her closer in his arms. Xiaoxi can't explain how she felt at that moment.

Endure it! Xiaoxi Chen twisted her small face, looking down at the floor, trying to imagine their awkward situation as he treats her like a little pet.

After the stitches have been removed and properly cover with gauze pad she wanted to escape from him.

"Are you okay? Why is your head bowing down while we're walking?" Slightly glance at her pretty face and suddenly capturing her eyes, Rouzhen began to tease her again. He lowered his voice and ask the same question again after Xiaoxi didn't respond, he saw that she's very reluctant as he put his arm around her, like claiming his territory.

"I didn't … ouch! My head!" Rapidly rise but did not expect t hit Rouzhen Gu's chin. She tried to bear the pain ad curse herself in a lower voice. She's becoming nervous. "Oh my god, what's happening to me?"

"Does it hurt?" Rouzhen quickly rubs the top of Xiaoxi's head. Deepen his voice with a slight smile, he wanted to see her scared like a young lady.

"Well, are you alright? Xiaoxi Chen's felt shy by the hot temperature of his big hand over her head and frowned in chagrin. She quickly pulled down Rouzhen Gu's hand to refuse his act of intimacy. "CEO, I'd better go by myself!"

She can't walk properly because his arm was in her waist.

"Well, how about this?" The big hand clenches Xiaoxi Chen's hand, the moment that her hands interlock in him she felt stiff as she looks Rouzhen eyes bursts out of a gleam and burning desire. The feeling of electric shock immediately engulfs her mind as he unexpectedly holds her hand.

Finally, her injury has been properly clean and wrapped with a new dressing, and the wound looks healing well and no infection as per her Doctor. Rouzhen Gu took her hand again and hauling her towards the corridor, along their way out a female doctor wearing glasses and in her white overall suit came their way. Xiaoxi Chen seems to recognize her yet she can't figure out if she's the one who checked her five years ago. "The doctor's face was familiar, where I have seen her?" she silently asked herself.

Xiaoxi couldn't recall who the doctor was, maybe she was mistakenly recognized her. She shook her head and thinks it was a result of lack of sleep last night or maybe her brain wasn't working well because of Rouzhen presence.

"Mr. Gu?!" Who knows that the female doctor suddenly shouted and when she passes by their side as if she saw some surprise, can't believe that she will suddenly encounter Rouzhen at the hospital.

Rouzhen Gu was surprised too, "Doctor Mary, it's you!"

"Oh! Hello, Mr. Gu. I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect to meet you today. This is great!" Doctor Mary surprised that he will come to the hospital, she turned her eyes to Xiaoxi Chen beside Rouzhen, she wanted to tell something yet she doesn't dare to do it.

Xiaoxi Chen isn't stupid to realize that she wanted to talk to him in private, so she said immediately: "Sir, I will wait for you outside, you can talk to Doctor Mary!"

Rouzhen Gu just hums once, she walked towards the corridor leaving them in an instant. Rouzhen turned to Doctor Mary waiting for her words.

Xiaoxi Chen looked back again, she can't recall back her memory when and where did she meet that familiar Doctor. She's trying to squeeze her brain but it causes so much headache to her. She saw them talking seriously as she stares at the glass wall at the hospital.

"Mr. Gu, is Miss Jiang doing good lately?" Doctor Mary asked

"Rouzhen Gu stunned and nodded." I think she's good!"

He remembers that they've parted ways for almost three years after his father told him to call off their engagement. He still loved her ex-fiance and she's the reason why Rouzhen took a gamble to find someone who can give them a child since Jingfei can't able to do it. Lately, he heard she's doing well living in Europe.

Dr. Mary added again: "A new set of equipment has been introduced in our hospital, which I think is very helpful to Miss Jiang's illness!"

Rouzhen Gu's body became stiff, his facial expression changed and turned into a cold aura, he tried to compose himself then asks: "Can it be a big help for her?"

"I won't dare to say it would have 100 percent result of assurance but at least there will be hope, just that recently I couldn't reach Miss Jiang but fortunately I was able to meet you today Mr. Gu." Doctor Mary smiled, apparently not knowing what happened between the two of them.

Rouzhen Gu nodded. "Alright, since I know about it, I will let someone notify her! Let her come and see you Doctor Mary and you'll be the one to discuss her about it!"