Chapter 56: His rogue behavior

Xiaoxi went to his room and touch Rouzhen forehead to check if his fever had gone down. He caught her tiny hands. His movement made Xiaoxi Chen stunned for a while, and even more shocked, looking at his hands clutching her. "Sir CEO, let me go!"

Did he want to be rogue at her house?

Xiaoxi Chen's hand was still caught by him. She was angry at him. "Sir, what do you want to do? Get up and eat, my son is waiting!"

"You touched my forehead, I allow you to touch me, but you don't want me to touch your hands?" He blinked, his eyes looked at Xiaoxi Chen, her fair-skin was so delicate, slightly blush and her lips are even more beautiful. He could not help but swallow hard, thinking of the nights he spent with her at his villa. The entrancing and ravished feeling once again rushed to his mind.

"Sir CEO!" Xiaoxi Chen tried to take back her hands. The way he said it like a rogue too. She pulled back her hands hard, but he held it tightly. "You're blushing and acted like a young lady!"

She regrets taking him home, he is irritating.

"Rogue? For the first time, someone called me like this!" His tone was calm, she couldn't hear if he was happy or angry. In fear, she pulled her hand again, and suddenly he purposely let her hand go then that make her fell backward. She lost control of her strength.

"Ahhh----" She was so scared that she closed her eyes, thinking she will fall.

His slender arm stretches out and calmly held her waist. "Look, I let you go but you tend to be out of control!"

Thick hair covered half of the eyes, faintly reveal. She blinked in disarray and found that she did not fall, but their sight met, then Xiaoxi Chen's face blushed.

His gaze swept across her little face, and the smile on his lips was more arrogant. He lifted her chin into a perfect arc then lowered his head and kiss her lips.

The temperature on the lips was so hot that suddenly let her tremble.

Xiaoxi Chen looked at his handsome face and clenched her fists. When his lips left, Xiaoxi Chen couldn't describe the feeling at the moment, blushing thoroughly, suddenly standing up and pushing him away, turning around a touch of sadness in her heart. His kiss reminded her of Mr. Fox, her heart immediately cooled down and said with a cold tone: "Sir, please behave yourself!"

She is not a woman who can arbitrarily kiss a man. She only wants to live in peace, and Rouzhen Gu is a rogue who keeps taking advantage of her, she was so helpless from his hand.

She didn't want to flirt with any man, then she turned and walked out with a cold face.

When she was about to open the door, her hand was immediately held down by the person behind her, she turned and want to get angry on him but suddenly felt he was too close to her, which made her heartbeat rapidly and almost stopped breathing.

His eyes keep staring at her, his lips slowly raise and said to her, "behave? Well! Don't you like the way I treat you? Hey, you little wild cat I've been chasing you like a crazy person but you used to ignore me!"

Xiaoxi Chen was stunned for a moment, the expression on her face is getting colder. "Sir CEO, I am not a prostitute, please don't chase me anymore! I want to have peace!"

She can endure Mr. Fox because he holds her son, but he couldn't stand Rouzhen Gu, she is not a prostitute!

Looking at Xiaoxi Chen, who was brusque, Rouzhen Gu faintly raised his gaze and greeted with his angry face. "Well, let's go! Let's eat!"

Rouzhen Gu came out and saw four dishes and one soup on the square table. All of the foods were Chinese cuisine, He usually eats Western food because it is more convenient for him.

Xiaoxi Chen cooked spicy diced chicken sauteed with green peppers, shredded potato with chili pepper, pork minced tofu, tomato scrambled eggs, and millet porridge, which is specially made for Rouzhen, he should eat light food because he had a fever. The spicy chicken is Chao's favorite.

"Can we eat now? Uncle take your seat!" Chao said and can't wait to eat.

Rouzhen Gu stood beside the table and looked at the four dishes served. Suddenly, his heart feels warm. How long didn't he feel like this? Han said correctly, she knows how to cook and it looked good.

Rouzhen Gu, who had no appetite, pulled out a chair and sat down, but he didn't eat and spoke first. "I haven't taken any medicine yet!"

He didn't want his fever will continue, it was too uncomfortable. In particular, this woman has been rushing him out and he does not want to stay longer in her house. She said he was a rogue that make him feel belittled. When did GU Corp CEO have this kind of treatment before? No one dares to argue with him except this woman.

"You can have your medicine after your meal, you need to eat food first, taking any medicine on an empty stomach will hurt your internal organs. You haven't eaten anything in a day. I will remind you to take medicine later!" Xiaoxi Chen gave a small bowl of porridge and passed it without expression, very indifferent, but the tone is still full of concern. She is not a heartless person after all, especially for a patient.

"Uncle let me tell you!" Chao handed over the chopsticks. "Uncle, try to taste it quickly. My Mommy's dishes are very delicious. Uncle Zion came here last time and he also ate a lot! Keep praising my Mommy virtuously!"

"Zion Ni came here before?" Rouzhen Gu's voice became deeper, he didn't even know why a sudden jealous. His cold voice has given a hint of pissed off and pulled a long face.

Xiaoxi Chen nodded and suddenly felt no obligation to tell him. Said in impatiently, "Isn't CEO letting manager Zion come?"

"Me?" When did Rouzhen Gu let Zion Ni, take the work to her house? Damn, why didn't he know about this? It turned out that she cooked for him, hateful! "Why did you cook for him?"

"Because Uncle Zion had bought a lot of toys for me! Mommy wants to thank him, uncle, isn't right to return hospitality to someone who gave?" Chao didn't realize the unusual atmosphere, carrying a small face and looking at Rouzhen Gu, and look at Xiaoxi Chen too. "Uncle, don't you like uncle Zion?"

"Chao, eat!" Xiaoxi Chen prevented him from continuing to talk again, subconsciously glanced at Rouzhen, even she did not know why she wanted to see his face!

Rouzhen felt depressed and getting more and more serious. He picked up the porridge that she handed over and took a big mouthful. He immediately frowned because it was hot, his tongue was scalded by the hot porridge, and it went down to his throat and stayed passed through his chest. It's hot and pain. "Oh! It's still very hot, are you okay?!" Xiaoxi Chen asked anxiously: "Are you alright Sir?"

"Uncle are you really hungry?" Chao saw that Rouzhen was scalded by the hot porridge and immediately left, took a cup of cold water and handed it to him. He looked with great concern, "Uncle, drink some cold water, drink it and it will ease the hot inside your mouth,"

Looking at the little boy's face who concerned him and with the little gesture this child made, Rouzhen Gu's heart suddenly moved. This child, if he is not Xiaoxi Chen's son, how good! He may be able to talk to his dad and introduced Xiaoxi to be his wife and the mistress of GU Family. Thinking about the situation they have, it would be hard for him to convince Lui Gu to accept Xiaoxi even she's the mother of his son because she also had another child.

"Thank you, Chao!" Rouzhen Gu's eyes tightened and he took the cup from Chao's hand and took a sip. It was much better,

The little boy suddenly smiled awkwardly. "Uncle, you're welcome!"

Then he ran away again to the kitchen and picked up a spoon. "Uncle used this spoon so you will not get scalded again!" he handed him the spoon when returning to the dining table.

Rouzhen Gu only felt that his heart was touched by the gesture of this little boy even though he had humiliated them. Facing this little child, he suddenly felt that he was narrow-minded. The child was simple and intelligent, well trained by Xiaoxi. He heard Chao said an hour ago in Xiaoxi's room that he hated him yet he saw him still have a great attitude. The child had given him water and spoon out of concern. Rouzhen felt mixed emotions while looking at Chao. He realized his mistakes.

"Eat!" Rouzhen Gu patted his head, revealing a smile.

"Uncle, this is delicious!" Chao pointed out the spicy chicken, his favorite food.

"No, uncle can't eat spicy food!" Xiaoxi Chen's stopped Chao.

"Why?" they asked in chorus.

The two voices rang at the same time. And two boys looked at her for a moment wondering why she said Rouzhen can't eat spicy food. Suddenly looking at the two faces in front of her, Xiaoxi feels like she made wrong remarks.

"The person who had a fever need to eat light food, so you should have the porridge first and restrain eating spicy chicken!" She said after she recovered and ignored their reaction.

"Then why you still cooked this?" Rouzhen Gu raised his eyebrows. "You're telling me not to eat it!"

"This is for me and Chao, sir! You can eat shredded potato and tomato scrambled eggs!"

"No!" He took the chopsticks directly to take the food. "I want to eat spicy food!"

"Uncle, I also like to eat spicy food!" Chao was excitedly uttered: 'My mommy also likes it! Uncle, I will help you take the food!"

He quickly had handed the plate over. "Mommy, uncle loves to eat this too, before, you said that people who are sick can eat what they love,"

"Chao!" Xiaoxi Chen said: "Uncle cannot eat that! Too spicy, his stomach is empty, it is bad for him!"

"Then uncle, you should drink some porridge first! After that, you can eat this one!" The little boy seems like very satisfied with his idea.

"No!" Xiaoxi Chen stubbornly shook her head. "A person who hasn't eaten the whole day can't have a portion of spicy food, it will hurt his stomach!"

"You care about me!" Rouzhen Gu suddenly hooked his lips and a naughty smile shown in his face.

"Who cares about you?" Why the words she said become different and sound defensive as others would hear it.

"Mommy, if you don't care about this uncle, why you still let him come to our house?" Chao asked momentarily with a puzzled reaction.

Xiaoxi Chen's face blushed. "Chao, eat, it is not good to talk while eating!"

"Oh! Adult often pretending even caught!" Chao immediately bowed his head and began to eat happily and stop talking.

Meanwhile, the atmosphere on the table was a bit strange for her as Rouzhen to become silent.

"Chao, you're right! Does Mommy seem to care about me a lot isn't it? Rouzhen said again at this time.

Chao looked up at Rouzhen Gu, his small mouth was full of food. Although Xiaoxi doesn't let her talk the little boy nodded quickly.

Xiaoxi Chen turns her eyes to him. "Sir, stop making fun, eat!"

Rouzhen blinked at her then ignored her annoyed reaction. He looked at Chao with a naughty smile. Looking at the child who is busy eating he saw Chao put more chili on his tiny mouth, he could not bear it and ask, "Spicy?"

Chao shook his head and said: "Uncle it's not spicy, it's delicious!"

Rouzhen Gu smiled at him because they do have the same favorite food. He remembers Han at this time, his little boy never eats spicy food. He throws his eyes to Xiaoxi who is now busy eating the same spicy food, he can't avoid to ask himself why their son doesn't have the same genetic mutation? Some of his relatives and family too often said Han doesn't resemble him. People at his company recognized Chao big resemblance at him and Zion mentioned that this young boy has the same IQ as him. He needs to find out the answer to his curiosity.

"Uncle, you don't eat chili, you can eat other food!" Chao thought that Rouzhen was glutton and suggested: "This is not too spicy, you can try it!"

Rouzhen Gu glanced at Xiaoxi which seems to be careless. "Never mind, uncle doesn't want to make someone angry because she might turn to a nagging wife which cause me to lose my appetite!"

Chao doesn't understand, he looked at Rouzhen and at Xiaoxi too. "Mommy, uncle saying you are angry!"

"No!" Xiaoxi Chen changes the expression and her stiff face. "Mommy is not angry, eat quickly!"

"Oh!" Chao said.

Xiaoxi turned her eyes to Rouzhen Gu. This man is abominable and his mouth said something annoying in front of her son.

Rouzhen Gu raises his lips, with an inscrutable smile, it seems that the mood is exceptionally good.

He began to eat. The taste is really good. He didn't expect Zion Ni will come to Xiaoxi's house before him. Rouzhen Gu thought it would be better if he would come here often! In this way he can have the chance to see her often, he just needs to bring Han with him to let Xiaoxi build a good relationship with their son before he will tell her the truth.

The extremely restless eyes looked at Xiaoxi Chen, who was seated opposite to him. He tastes the shredded potato and he admired her cooking skills. Simple food but it tastes delicious.

Xiaoxi Chen felt his eyes staring at her while eating but she dare not look him back. The CEO's eyes intentionally or unintentionally fall on her face that made her feel uneasy. The atmosphere seems to change and her knees trembling.

Rouzhen slit his eyes, staring at her, he noticed her uneasy reaction and he said in a deep tone. "I will leave after I finish this meal. You don't have to be scared of me! But…"

He deliberately stopped in mid-sentence and deeply said: "Don't you have a conscience? I am still having a fever but you want to drive me out of your home!"

Xiaoxi Chen looked up and stares at him. "I showed my extreme benevolence as an utmost duty still you want me to feel guilty?"