Chapter 58: Found Her Little Boy

"Let me go! I am going to look for my son!" Xiaoxi Chen pushed him away and ran wildly.

Under the heavy rain, her finger was so delicate, but it seems to contain infinite power. Rouzhen Gu only feels very uncomfortable in his heart like a prick by needles, she must have lived a hard life over the years.

He suddenly wanted to tell her about Han, but at this moment he retreated because he was afraid she would hate him!

"Chao.." Xiaoxi Chen yelled out of control and her helpless look made Rouzhen feel sad too.

Five years she has been living with Chao peacefully even life became hard for them. So much bitterness for how many years, so much happiness, satisfaction, and so many surprises have already been integrated into their life.

Although he is not her biological son, it doesn't matter for her. She loves Chao like her son. He is her son for five years. In this world, they have no biological relations but they have been united into the bones of blood. They have already been connected by blood. "Chao, don't hide from Mommy. I am wrong, Mommy will no longer kidding to hurt your feelings!"

Tears in Xiaoxi Chen's eyes and her little face was shaking in front of him. Reaching pedestrian she walked in a hurry at the road as she saw a small figure that was held by someone's hand. In the mist, Xiaoxi tried to approach them, "Chao!"

Rouzhen Gu chased her as well, he saw her running towards the middle of the road. She ran too fast. He did not expect that she would ignore the car coming her way.

Rouzhen Gu's scared while looking at her, "Xiaoxi Chen watch out!" he screamed so loud and ran towards her direction to grab her.

The car that was galloping seemed to be unable to stop, it was dark, it was raining, and the road was wet and slippery. He rushed out, hugged her tightly, rolled over away from the car and a sharp harsh brake sounded along the road.

"Are you guys want to die!" The driver screamed out and almost hit them. "Two young mad couple! If you want to die then go jump out of the building!"

Rouzhen Gu's sharp eyes look at the driver that made him immediately shut his mouth. A sharp break sound wakes up Xiaoxi's mind and immediately she stood up and don't care about her appearance that wet and soaked by the heavy rain. "Chao! Chao!" she continues screamed her son's name.

She catches up with the child who is in front of her like a madman, "Chao!"

"Oh! Xiaoxi, no! You got the wrong person!" Rouzhen Gu grabbed her waist tightly. In the heavy rain, Xiaoxi Chen was driven to distraction and made the child cry suddenly!

"Mrs, you got the wrong person!" The child's mom looked at Xiaoxi Chen very sympathetically and led her son to turn away.

"No!" Xiaoxi Chen's heart suddenly hurts seeing it wasn't Chao.

Xiaoxi! We are looking in the wrong way!" Rouzhen Gu realized that the child they saw is a different person. He can't move so fast because a few hours ago he suffered a high fever too. "Let's go back our way, please? I'm pretty sure we can find Chao!"

The depths of Xiaoxi Chen's eyes are like the wilderness that has been burned and it's dead. "Rouzhen, what if we can't find Chao?" she's crying.

"Let's go back first! Don't worry we can find him!" Rouzhen Gu's low voice was filled with distress while looking at her.

Xiaoxi was distracted by the thoughts running into her mind. Rouzhen Gu took her hand and led her into the alley.

Going back into their way a building near her house there are still only a few people pass by. Neither those who lived on the first floor of the building able to see Chao as she asked them one by one. Tears suddenly fell into Xiaoxi Chen's eyes, wet hair sticks on the cheeks, the teeth are deep in the lips. Only the hands that clenched her fists still tightened, letting the nails buried in her palm.

Rouzhen Gu suddenly frowned, his ears are great. "Hey! Quiet!"

Xiaoxi Chen suddenly raised her eyes and Rouzhen Gu suddenly ran out.

In the building next door, there was a sobbing sound. Rouzhen Gu ran in, "Chao? Chao?"

The voice-activated light was on and Chao curled up under the stairs shaking his little body and looks so pitiful.

Rouzhen Gu's eyes were red, his heart also hurts and he squatted down, stretch out his arms, pulled out the little boy from inside and hug in his arms. "Chao, uncle is joking with Mommy. You are Mommy's child. You see how much you look like your Mommy!"

"Huhuhu! … Uncle!... You're lying!..." the little boy whimpered, "Chao is an abandoned child no one wants me!... Huhuhu!"

"Of course not, uncle telling you the truth. You look like your Mommy, some people said we also have similarity!" His heart feels the pain, Rouzhen Gu's eyes become sour and tears started flowing. "Hey little boy, you are not an abandoned child, uncle is bad, uncle is wrong, I should not make this joke with your Mommy, let's ask Mommy if you are Mommy's child!"

"Chao?" When Xiaoxi Chen's chased out, she saw Chao hugging Rouzhen Gu. His body was contaminated by spider webs. The small hands grabbing Rouzhen Gu's neck and sobbing. "I am not Mommy's child! I am not, you are lying uncle!"

"Chao! Xiaoxi Chen rushed over and hugged Chao. "Son, mommy is wrong, you are mommy's child, mommy only has you, I want you always! You are my only son!"

Rouzhen Gu turned his face away, his heart was sour, not only Chao but they also have Han! But now, how can he tell her about their son?

Rouzhen Gu did not expect a tear in his eyes. He embraced the mother and son who were hugging each other emotionally suffering. "Let's go back first, we are all wet, if we soaked longer we might get sick!"

"Mommy! Mommy don't cry! Chao is a good boy, if Mommy doesn't want me, Chao will be a good boy!" Chao cleverly holds Xiaoxi Chen's neck, she feels Chao's tears on her neck so hot and made her heart in pain.

"Son… Mommy always wants you… Don't you want Mommy? Mommy can't live without you!" Xiaoxi Chen hugs her son tightly and both of them cried. "Baby… sorry! I'm sorry!"

Xiaoxi Chen holds her son tightly and she will not let go of his tiny hands.

"Xiaoxi, let's go, hurry back home!" Rouzhen Gu wants to take over Chao but Xiaoxi Chen suddenly clung tightly and did not let go of her son's hand.

Rouzhen Gu sighed. "Xiaoxi, you are wet, it will make Chao's ill. Let's go back!"

Xiaoxi Chen only realized her situation after hearing his words, "Chao, Mommy helps you bathe, let's take a shower!"

They're at home but still crying and their eyes were red and swollen but Chao shook his head. "Don't want to bathe with Mommy!"

"Chao?" Xiaoxi Chen looked at him in a hurt emotion. "You don't want Mommy anymore?"

"Mommy is a woman!" Chao lowered his head. "I want to take a bath with Uncle, instead!"

Xiaoxi Chen nodded. "Okay, anything you want would be okay for me!"

Rouzhen Gu's lips pressed together tightly and he took the little boy and went straight to the bathroom.

"Mommy, don't you want Chao?" After the little boy took a shower and change his clothes and lay down on the bed, he asked her. Xiaoxi also has done bathed and hugs her little boy.

"Mommy only has you, Mommy wants you always! The mother and child are dependent on each other. We lived together for a very long time!" Xiaoxi said and hugged him even tighter.

"But Chao is not Mommy's child. It must be Chao is a bad boy? That's why my Dad and Mom left me!" His voice is getting lower and lower and becomes inaudible.

Hearing those words, Xiaoxi Chen's heart feels the pain. "Son, you are a good boy, you are the most obedient child! You forgot that everyone likes you? Mommy like you more, you changed my life and you give me happiness. I can't bear the pain of losing you!"

Chao is her everything, he is so smart, so cute. From the moment when she saw him from the riverbank near her house five years ago, she decided to take him in and be her child too. She can't afford to lose Chao.

She always remembers a few years ago, after she found her biological son was gone and taken by Mr. Fox she wanted to end her life but this precious little boy suddenly came in to take place and mend her broken heart. Her thoughts of being into a meaningless life to live suddenly changed. Having Chao with her it gives another hope and reason to live.

Seeing this little boy that night, his bright eyes glaring at her, an innocent child that didn't make any sounds, freely moving inside the basket where he was being placed makes her realize that life had given her another chance to survive.

Chao is precious and smarter than the average child. She remembered he walked in less than ten months. He called mother in eleven months. When he is one year old he can say the sentence correctly and with meaning.

At one and a half years old, he can express his complete and accurate words and even understand Xiaoxi's expression. He knows will be extraordinary obedient when she is tired, doesn't cry nor envy other children seeing them with toys. Chao became her strength over the past few years.

He will use a towel to wipe her sweats when she's sweating. He would stay with her when she is sick. He helped her every time she's not feeling better. Chao is the kindest and loving child to her.

When she was in college doing several part-time jobs, she placed him in the baby-walker at home and left. He would only stay at home for how many hours until she came back, Chao never cried. He will only cry when he was hungry.

He is a good boy, how can she don't love this kind of child. Even if she can't find her child for the rest of her life, she still has the hope and motivation to live as long as Chao is with her. She can't imagine life without Chao, can she still live?

"Good boy, sleep, Mommy is only joking with uncle. You are mommy's child. Look, we look alike, aren't we?" Xiaoxi Chen tried to cover up her mistakes with jokes but this fact is like seeds that are planted in Chao's heart.

"Mommy, Chao is Mommy's child?" Chao's little hand grabbed Xiaoxi Chen's neck, relied on her and his tiny nose sniffles because he is crying silently. "Chao only wants mommy in the future, I don't want daddy and don't want other mommy, only you alone!"

Xiaoxi Chen's heart suddenly feels sad and hurt hearing Chao's words. "Baby, Mommy loves you so much!"

She then hugged her son tightly until Chao finally fell asleep!

Xiaoxi Chen helped him cover the quilt, then she went out. When she stepped out of the room she saw Rouzhen Gu standing at the door, wrapped in a bath towel and saw his bare chest. She stunned and was close to him so the surrounding air was suddenly repressed.

"I'm sorry!" he quickly apologized. "Xiaoxi, I don't know why it happened!"

"CEO Gu, can we pretend like we never met before in the future, can we?" She didn't want to have any involvement with him anymore. She didn't want to get in touch with him anymore.

"Why?" His eyes glowed with fluster. The black hair on his handsome face was stuck on his forehead. He was still wet and haven't dry. His face and lips were pale, his breathing was very fast and he still has a runny nose. He hadn't fully recovered from his sickness.

She saw his neck seems to be injured, there is a touch of blood, like cut by a nail! It like that she hurt him. In the frenzy, she hit him, and he has not dodged, let her beat him a few hours ago while they are looking for Chao on the street.

However, he is the person who let Chao know the truth, she feels sorry for hurting him, but she still can't forgive him. If he doesn't force to ask her, how can she say it that causes Chao to hear the truth?

Oh! Not! In fact, she still blames herself! Blame herself for bringing him to her home.

She lowered her eyes and said coldly: "You are just my former boss. We don't have any relationship. I don't like to make friends with you nor come close to you anymore!"

Her words made him frowned and he was deeply hurt. He just looked at her, a sadness flood into his handsome face. He looked her tired face, red eyes and he becomes silent for a moment trying to absorb what she said.

Sudden tension wrapped in his mind, annoyed, subconsciously looking for a cigarette to release his stress but found out that there's no available cigarette after he picked his wet clothes, looking himself only wrapped in a bath towel in front of her make him feel so much belittled.

His face was pale after he heard her words. Some unexplained feeling in his heart causing him to be more upset, "Okay, I can do it, as we have never met before!" he muttered.

"It's raining now, you can go back to your home tomorrow morning!" Her tone was very indifferent and when she finished her words she turned into Chao's bedroom.

Rouzhen Gu looked at her back, the light in his eyes glowed deeper and it flashed like a thunder.

"You can't leave me, I will not allow it!"

Xiaoxi Chen didn't know when Rouzhen Gu left. When she wakes up in the morning, Rouzhen Gu is not around the house and he left. The dress she gave her was dried on the balcony. She feels a sudden sadness knowing he left without a word.

Chao was very quiet too. When she sent him to school they almost did not speak.