Chapter 60: At the Restaurant

"You seem so interested in Miss Xiaoxi. Your eyes seriously following every move she made. You haven't answered my question if you already found your son's mother," Weicheng is waiting for his answer. Every time he talked about Han's mother Rouzhen was sloppy.

"Weicheng, I don't want to talk about it. Honestly, even though I found her it's hard to tell that woman the truth because I took our child out of her approval. The situation became worse because my father had arranged for someone to be a mistress of GU Family," Rouzhen took a deep breath and then look at Xiaoxi from a distance. Then smack his lips. "Maybe I should have to refuse that woman, I will meet her on Saturday!" he muttered.

"Follow your heart and think before you decide on your future and your son. Getting married to someone which you think could not give you happiness is a waste of time. You might end up getting divorced after a couple of years," Weicheng said.

"Come on Saturday at home. I need your support at that time!" Rouzhen said.

"If I choose not to come, what will you do then?"

"I will find a way to close down your business," he quickly answered with an evil smile on his face.

"Are you threatening me?" Weicheng said while he raised his eyebrow.

"You can think twice but I take no for an answer!"

"I see. I think not coming in is okay! I didn't plan to go to your party. I don't like the woman your father had chosen for you. You better check her family background before you accept her. Rou Rou, a modern woman who used to stay in Europe often liberated!" Weicheng stood and shrugged his shoulders.

"I know it very well. Weicheng I found the woman who touched my heart and I believe she is the right one for me," he said.

"Who?" Weicheng deliberately pretended not to understand what he said.

"The mother of my son. The surrogate mother of Han and she's beautiful. She changed everything in my life. I've chased her but she's completely rejecting me," his sad face makes Weicheng worried.

"Never stop chasing her until she will give you a chance. Why you are so sensitive today? You better have your lunch now, your food is getting cold,"

"Do you refuse to come to my house on Saturday?"

"Let me think it first, I will give my answer tonight. I will call you once I've decided,"

Rouzhen had his lunch while Weicheng is accompanying him. After thirty minutes he lifted his wrist and looked at his watch then said, " I want your new employee to go out with me, that woman who had served me a coffee,"

"Are you referring to Xiaoxi?" Weicheng asked while looking at him seriously.

"Yes! Would you not going to grant my request?"

"You are an overbearing person!" Weicheng sighed and called his other staff to inform Xiaoxi to come.

"Brother Weicheng is there anything you want me to do?" she ignored Rouzhen's presence and asked Weicheng. Xiaoxi hint that Rouzhen was looking for trouble.

"Xiaoxi!" Weicheng suddenly did not know how to open up, he feels a little bit guilty. He couldn't refuse Rouzhen's request to take Xiaoxi out. They were close friends and the devil himself are now looking at him like a boss that commanded him to do something out of job.

"Brother Weicheng say it I am willing to do the task!" she said.

"CEO Rouzhen Gu is my friend and he needs your help. You will be going out with him!" Weicheng quickly finished his words and looked at Rouzhen's side. "Rou Rou, I've said it already you must take care of my employee!"

Rouzhen smiled at her when he glanced at his side.

"Of course, I know your employee is precious so I must take care of her!" Rouzhen said with a hidden smile at the corner of his lips.

Before Xiaoxi could speak Weicheng said quickly: "I still have something to do, You guys can go now!"

"Brother Weicheng!" Xiaoxi groaned and then looked at Rouzhen with a gaze.

Without saying a word Weicheng turned and left.

Rouzhen pretended not to be guilty, he continued to eat his lunch but his mood seems so pleasant.

"Mister Gu, why you are becoming so interested to bully me? You used your connection to get what you want," she feels bad towards him.

"Miss Chen doesn't create a scandal, lower down your voice because a lot of people are here. Would you like them to know you are my woman!" he teases her.

"Whatever!" Xiaoxi ignored him and went back to the hall but she still can't work properly as she knew Rouzhen has been pestering her. She's thinking how can she completely get rid of this man. She left her job but Rouzhen keeps chasing her until now.

She continues her task while waiting for Rouzhen to finish his lunch. She doesn't have any other choice but to go out with him once he left the restaurant. A group of people comes in and Xiaoxi quickly guided them to the vacant table and handed the menu book.

One of the male customers among that group showing his admiration for Xiaoxi. "Miss what is your name?" he asked.

Xiaoxi smiled politely and said, "Sir, I can't give my name. Please let me get your order now!"

"Miss, I've asked your name do not embarrass me in front of my business partners. This is my business card, take it! The man demanded her to take his card but Xiaoxi didn't pick it up. She saw him becoming anger the way she responded. He suddenly reached out and held Xiaoxi's hand. She was scared looking at the guy who now holding her hand tightly.

"Sir! Please let go of my hand!" Xiaoxi lost her smile and she could run away from this customer.

On his table, Rouzhen saw the scene and his face becomes gloomy. He lost his appetite looking at the guy forcefully holding Xiaoxi's hand.

He stood from his table and quickly walks towards Xiaoxi's direction. The man saw Rouzhen coming their way and looking at him in an angry face.

"What are you doing? Let her go!" Rouzhen's voice echoed inside the restaurant.

Xiaoxi was dodging when he heard Rouzhen's voice. She turned and bumped into his chest. The man's reaction was a bit surprising.

Rouzhen quickly grasped her wrist and his other hand grabbed the man's wrist squeezing it hard, enough to make the man felt scared. The man suddenly let go of Xiaoxi's hand. Rouzhen pulled Xiaoxi behind him and face the man, " She doesn't want your business card, don't you see it?"

"Are you looking for trouble? It has nothing to do with you, man!" People around them tried to stop the fight and dragged the arrogant man back in their table. Rouzhen saw the man hesitate to leave but someone had whispered the man's ear that suddenly change his behavior.

Xiaoxi was behind him and she felt relieved seeing the man returns to his table. She didn't expect this kind of situation in her job. This is the first she assists their customer but the unexpected trouble occurs. It was Rouzhen who helped her to escape from the rude customer, otherwise, if he wasn't around she didn't know what would be the humiliation she might encounter. She suddenly feels move the way he saved her from an embarrassing situation.

Rouzhen turned and did not speak but took the opportunity to look at her. He felt hurt seeing her scared face.

"Thank you!" Xiaoxi whispered.

"Follow me!" He took her wrist again and took her straight out from that place.

"Hey let me go! I am at work!" Xiaoxi sharply whining at him.

"You heard Weicheng instruction earlier, didn't you?" He sneered back.

Xiaoxi looked at his tall and straight back while still following at him. Rouzhen never let go of her hand. He walked faster with such a big step and ignored other people's reaction who saw them. She can't imagine her embarrassment.

"What he is going to do? In my heart, I don't know the reason why I felt moved every time he saved me. Some of my difficult situation this devil suddenly appear to save me. He always sits on some unexplained things," Xiaoxi thought while following him

She was stuffed into his car, the Bugatti was parked in front of the restaurant. Xiaoxi finally gave up the struggle.

"Where is Chao?" He suddenly opened his mouth when getting in his car.

"Why you are asking? She quickly sneered at him.

"We are going to pick him up!" he said.

She didn't understand why he said it. Looking at him in a puzzled, she saw his serious statement. His black hair was thick enough to cover the pair of eagle eyes in him but there was a glimmer of light shining.

Rouzhen drove his car away but before they left he had burned a cigarette to relieve his tension. Xiaoxi didn't say a word. The smell of tobacco gradually spread and Xiaoxi looked at him with a sigh of relief.

In a guilty tone, he asked, "Did you make sure Chao is okay before you left him at school?" Rouzhen asked slowly and his cold male voice showed concern.

Xiaoxi replied fiercely, biting her lips and whispering, "What can you do if you know my son doesn't feel at ease? It's already happened!"

He swallowed immediately and said quietly, "Let's pick him, tell me the address of his school!"

"What do you want to do again, Rouzhen?" she asked in a harsh tone.

His voice is very light: "I care about him and I know it's my fault. I feel guilty for faith's sake!"

Hearing his words, look at his handsome face that makes countless women be hook she still wants to slap it. She wanted to scream at him and tell all her anger inside because this man is making her life so miserable. This arrogant man always bullied her.

"My child doesn't need the care of others!" She said with no anger after she calmed down herself silently. She didn't understand why her temper was so bad when she met him.

"I wanted to ease his pain, don't be so cruel to me. I accepted my mistakes but you still mad at me," He kept talking while driving.

Xiaoxi stayed awkward. What does he mean? This devil often so unpredictable and wouldn't accept no for an answer.

She can't figure out why Rouzhen keeps on chasing her despite she'd rejected him several times. She even heard that the event on Saturday in his house is for him to meet his future wife. Besides, they have a different life and whatever had happened last night to her son she had let it go.

"Care to transfer Chao into another school. I will be the one to find him a better school," he said.

She was shocked by hearing his words. She didn't plan to move her son into another school. She never intended to find a new school for Chao. Her personal needs had nothing to do with him. Xiaoxi lowered her voice and restrained her emotions. "You say it again? What do you want Rouzhen Gu! My child needs to stick wherever he is right now. My matters don't your obligation. Don't you think this your too much concern had affected the lives of others?"

This nasty man, why is he so sinister?

"Your problem is my problem too. I said you're my woman! Didn't I've told you that several times?"

"Mr. Gu leaves me alone and don't interfere with my personal life. I forgive you but please let me have peace," she said.

Rouzhen felt annoyed the way she answered, today he went to her work to see her. He even saved her from someone who wanted to harass her! The problem is, she doesn't pay attention to his love. He wanted to take care of her and Chao because he began to love her. He felt empty for the past five years, searching for her but now she's avoiding him.

"Xiaoxi, I hate the way you treated me. Do I need to kneel in front of you? Do I need to beg you for you to accept me? Say it!" he screamed and harshly parked his car.

She was shocked by his reaction. She can't say any words this time.

"Rouzhen you don't need to kneel nor beg me. I don't want to get entangled with you again!"

He quickly grabbed her head and kissed her forcefully. She tried to dodge but his arms encircled her waist. His harsh kiss is the way he punished her.

"Hmm! R- Rouzhen Gu! L- Let me go!"

"No, I can't and I won't let you go! You need to obey me otherwise I will take Chao away from you! If you don't believe me, try me!" his cold eyes looked at her directly.

"You are shameless! Your father had arranged an event in your home this Saturday for you to meet your future wife, why you keep chasing me?"

"I don't care about that event, I only said yes to my father because I don't want to offend him. I never chase other women, it's only you! Damn! You keep rejecting me. I am so bad in your eyes?" he sneered.

"We are not in the same world. You live a life of abundance while I am a nobody, a poor woman, and nothing compared to those women who jumped into your bed," she said in a low voice.

"Women who slept with me are insignificant. They offered themselves to me, I'm human but I never get close to any of them. Don't feel jealous about it, things have changed the moment I saw you!"

"I'm not jealous at all. I am not your lover!"

"You are my woman, not just a lover, its two different things," he looked at her sincerely.

Her face blushed but she still felt mad at him. Why this man is so arrogant and stubborn? He completely subverted the image of the GU Corp CEO but often acted childish in front of her.

"I don't have time to mess with you!" Xiaoxi rolled her eyes. "I don't want to get entangled with you anymore. My son and I can survive without you. We have our own lives!"

"That depends on how Chao said. Your son likes me even if I mess up with him last night," A naughty smile shown in his face and he seems to be confident that Chao will forgive him.

"Rouzhen Gu! I hate you!" she screamed. Giving her full force of punch on his chest but he only let her do it. He never dodges until she stops.

"You feel better now? Let's go to Chao's school and pick him up. Give me the exact address. We need to pick Han also at his school, we are going to spend the rest of the day with our children. And please stop nagging me, it's annoying to hear you nagged. We are adults so act like one!"

"You pissed me and bothered me again and again! You dare to ask Weicheng to let me off today!"

"One more word and I will make love with you right here in my car!" his voice giver her a warning!

"Rouzhen Gu!" She was so angry and shouted his name. "Can you stop this nonsense and stop chasing me. I feel I will die soon out of so much stressed the way you bothered me. If anything will happen again to my son I will curse you forever!"

"Honey, you're being so unfair to me! Be good and follow what I want so both of us can be happy. If you feel annoyed all the time we will get stressed. Today, I just want to take our kids somewhere else, a good bonding time like a family!" Rouzhen sighed slightly, raised his lips and said faintly. "I know I made a big mistake to you but I wanted to correct it, give me a chance, will you?"

She didn't answer him. Why did he suddenly plan to spend this today with their kids?

"Drive! I will let you spend time with my son but never try to hurt him again!"

"We pick Chao first then we will pick my son too!" Rouzhen said and start his car. He knew that Xiaoxi is a soft-hearted woman.

Looking at his arrogant but handsome face, Xiaoxi just gradually feels attracted to him. Suddenly she was stunned by her thoughts, how can she be easily like him, why did she meet him?

Soon she snorted out her emotions and said. "CEO Gu, I am thankful to you for being so caring but I suggest you must focus your attention on Han. Your son needs you too, he needs a fatherly love instead of giving it to another child,"

"It makes sense. Then simply we accept each other and have our family. I am willing to accept Chao as my child and I am looking forward to you will love my son too as your child!"

After they pick up Chao at his school they went to Han's school. Rouzhen was aware that Chao didn't speak to him.

"Chao, are you still mad at uncle? I am wrong hope you will forgive me!" he said to the young boy.

"Don't worry uncle I am not a child anymore, I understand that adults often get mistakes than children. Mommy told me she loves me and that is enough for me to forgive you!" Chao answered him seriously.

"Thank you, Chao, today we will be going to spend time playing. We will pick up Han at his school"


At Han's school, Rouzhen quickly gets off his car and asked his son's teacher to let his child off from school.

"Daddy!" Han happily running towards him. He squatted down and pick him up.

"I have a surprise for you!" he said to Han

"Huh? What is it?" Han asked.

"Auntie Xiaoxi and Chao were inside my car they are waiting for us!"

"Yey! Beautiful auntie is with you?"

"Yes! We will spend the rest of the day shopping and playing!"

"Daddy is the best! I love you!" Han planted a kiss on his face.

"Promise me, you will help Daddy to let Auntie Xiaoxi say yes to me. She will be a good mother to you if she will become my wife!" he said to Han while walking towards his car.

"Yes, I will, Daddy! I like Auntie very much and Chao is like a big brother to me!"

"Hush! Keep it a secret, don't tell Auntie Xiaoxi what I've asked you, okay?"


When he opened his car quickly Han greeted Chao and Xiaoxi. Rouzhen noticed that Xiaoxi is still angry at him as she silently sneered at him. He started his car and went straight to a mall. Their children busy playing and he tried to call Xiaoxi's attention.

"Xiaoxi, I know you're still mad at me! I remember you told me you like my son. Han needs maternal love and Chao needs a paternal love. Xiaoxi let's make a deal, I will give your son a father's love, you give my son a mother's love, it is fair isn't it?"

She was stunned and she looked at him abruptly.