Chapter 62: Their Happy Moments

Rouzhen Gu opened the car door and put Chao inside and help him to fasten the seat belt. Xiaoxi gets in too and sat beside her son.

"Where are we going, Mommy?" Chao asked and was sitting in the back seat, his small face looked at Rouzhen Gu. "Why uncle suddenly come?"

"I plan to spend the day with you and Han," he said.

"Okay, so where are we going?" Chao asked.

"Somewhere else that you and Han could play. Xiaoxi why did you sit at the back? Come here, sit beside me!" His stern voice comes out, looking at her intently.

Xiaoxi wanted to sit behind her son but Rouzhen began to command her to transfer in front.

"I said you sit in front because Han will sit behind once we pick him up!

"Uncle, we will pick up Han too? I am so excited to see him!"

Xiaoxi quickly transferred.

"Yes we will going to pick him at his school," He answered him and started his car.

They quickly picked up Han. As soon as the little boy saw them his face was excited too.

"Auntie, brother Chao! I miss you both!" Han said happily.

"Han, I miss you too!" Xiaoxi was very touched by this child's sweet gesture. But she felt sad for Han after she found out that the child doesn't have a mother.

"Get on the car son!" Rouzhen Gu personally went to his child's school and canceled all his schedule to spend time with them. Earlier before they get inside the car he had told his son to help him pursue Xiaoxi. The little boy agreed immediately. He saw the two children were very happy to meet each other.

"Han, it turns out that Uncle Rouzhen is a good dad to you!" Chao said and shake hands with Han. But Han shyly looked at him back. "Hey, are you still shy to talk to me?"

Han small face blush suddenly looks very excited, glanced at their parents who sit in front of them. He doesn't understand why his Dad suddenly picks him up with the Auntie knowing last time he was so angry when he asked him to visit her and Chao at their house.

"Dad, can we go to Auntie Xiaoxi's house to have dinner with them tonight?"

Rouzhen Gu look at his son through the rearview mirror and said: "You need to ask Autie's permission!"

Xiaoxi didn't expect that things will happen like this. Weirdly, two of them spending time with their children like a real family. She thought that Rouzhen gives a father's love for Chao, while she gives Han a mother's love.

"Mommy, can you let Han have dinner at our house? Didn't uncle stay at our house yesterday?" Chao can't help to not speak and didn't wait for Xiaoxi to answer.

She saw Han suddenly sad and seems grievously wronged, bows his head and dare not ask again. She felt pity for Han.

"Of course, they can come to our house!" Xiaoxi Chen could not bear to reject such a poor child request. She knows Han needs mother affection. "What does Han want to eat, Auntie will cook for you!"

"I love the dishes you cooked last time Auntie! Auntie, can you cook the same food again because that was so delicious, and Daddy goes with us?" Han asked her seriously, waiting for her answer his small face full of vitality.

"Oh, I'm afraid that Auntie can't agree on it!" Rouzhen glanced at her and his face looks suddenly sad. Xiaoxi ignored his reaction.

"No, Mommy, uncle can come to our house!" Chao looked like a young master and answered quickly.

Xiaoxi was shocked by hearing her son. She didn't talk because she felt upset after his son easily forgives the devil. She looked at Rouzhen who is busy driving, he glanced at her and throw a naughty smile of victory and wink his deep eyes. "Ms. Chen, you heard your son, right? He said I can come to your house!"

"Whatever!" Her heart trembled and she seemed to be a little excited too but she had to calm down and don't need to show it to him. This devil uses to bully her several times.

"Uncle, have you gotten over with your cold?" Chao still has some concerns.

"Well! I'm feeling much better now!" Being cared for by your Mom, my heart overflowed with so much joy and I was so touched.

"Dad, you got cold?" Han asked him when he heard it. He was so worried too.

"Yeah, last night but I am okay now! Auntie takes good care of me," Rouzhen suddenly thought that if have one more child is nice mostly if it's from Xiaoxi again. If he can get her trust and marry her then he would be happy. He wanted Xiaoxi to be the mistress of his family aside from the fact that she's the real mother of Han, he likes her innocence and simplicity. He thought Xiaoxi is different from his ex-fiancee, Jingfei!

"Uncle why have you become silent!" he heard Chao's clap his hand in front of him that bring him back into reality.

"Nothing, go now call Han, we will be going to buy some groceries for tonight's dinner," he said.

Chao ran faster and bring back Han.

"Daddy, can we play again, let's find another venue, please?"

"Of course we will find another place!" He leads them to the amusement park.

At the amusement park, two children ran quickly and play with other kids.

They saw that they are holding their hands and ran together. This is the first time Han came to an amusement park with other children. He was so happy looking at Chao. He seemed to be excited and did not know how to express the happiness he feels.

"Don't run too fast kids, slow down we still have much time to stay here!" Rouzhen Gu shouted towards their children.

Xiaoxi was so amazed seeing his concern for their children. She looked at him with admiration and for a moment she was stunned. She didn't expect that he would be so gentle and so loving to children.

Chao took Han's in front of the big windmill. Rouzhen followed them quickly. "Uncle, can we ride in that windmill?"

"Chao, I don't want to ride!" Han shook his head and his hand trembled in nervous he felt.

Rouzhen looked at the windmill and saw some other children were happy sitting on the windmill blades. He observed that the column slowly lifted, then the cockpit quickly rotated under the centrifugal force. Seems it looks like an amazing ride that intertwined with the sky and could bring excitement to everyone.

"Chao, that ride is too dangerous!" He said.

"Chao, I won't allow you to ride that giant windmill, son it's too dangerous for a young child like you!" Xiaoxi suddenly talked behind Rouzhen back who followed him.

"Mommy, it's fun!"

Rouzhen Gu remembered himself as a child and seemed to be like this kind who love adventure, when his father brings him in an amusement park he would force him to let him ride in a roller coaster and Ferris wheel even Lui Gu won't agree. He then realized that he appreciated Chao very much at this moment. Then he looked at Han, his son seems so afraid while looking up at the giant ride.

He saw that Han was reluctant, "Son, a man must be brave. Chao dare to ride that giant windmill, how about you?"

Han swallowed hard, "Daddy, it's too high, I won't dare to ride on it!"

"Okay, you go play in the carousel with Auntie, Daddy and Chao will go play with those giant rides," Rouzhen said but he still feels worried about his son's reaction. A slight comparison he silently thought, why his son seems so different from him.

"Okay!" Han immediately holds Xiaoxi Chen. "Auntie, let's go to the carousel, I like to ride on it!"

"But, Chao …" Xiaoxi looked worried at Chao.

"Do not worry, I will take care of your son. He seems to love this kind of adventure which matches my taste too! Let me take care of him and you take care of my son!" Rouzhen smiled at her and he leads Chao to buy a ticket after she nodded.

"Mommy don't worry I am fine!" Her son shouted and excitedly hold Rouzhen's hand.

She leads Han towards the carousel after she bought their ticket too. "Auntie, come let's choose seat!" Han took her hand and pulled her towards the carousel. She still worried about her son but she knows Rouzhen will take good care of Chao.

"Han, come sit down here!" Xiaoxi Chen liked this child. He was ashy little boy, she pities him but she didn't know what happened to this child Mom, why she abandoned him and Rouzhen. What happened to Rouzhen? How did he break up with the child's mother?

Han was very happy sitting on the carousel. It was the first time to play that kind of ride with a mother's image. His Dad didn't bring him out because he's always busy but this time suddenly his father pick him up at school and go out with this auntie. His young heartfelt happy, even his smiles are getting splendor.

Xiaoxi sat beside Han and when the carousel started to move her eyes could help but look at Han's face who seems to be very happy. Her mind still at Chao and Rouzhen who went to ride the giant windmill. She heard a burst of shouts, those screams from those who ride it.

When they came down, Chao's face blush and he was very excited. "Uncle, it was a great adventure, isn't it?"

"Don't you afraid?" Rouzhen Gu's face was a bit pale, thinking that he is old and his heart cannot stand in an extreme adventure. This child is very bold he thinks that Chao is very strong than normal kids.

"I am not afraid of heights, it's so fun, I feel like flying in the sky and it feels so good uncle!"

"Oh!" Rouzhen Gu shook his head and smile. "Good! I will take you here next time!"

"Okay! Let's go find Han and Mom!" Chao took Rouzhen's hand and walk toward the carousel, they saw that Han and Xiaoxi also came down from the ride.

Xiaoxi saw that her son seem to be happy with what they are doing. The worry and doubt she felt a while ago had gone. She noticed that Rouzhen's face is a bit pale.

"Are you okay? You look pale!" she asked Rouzhen.

"Yeah, I'm okay! It just that I am too old enough to experience such kind of extreme adventure!" he said.

"Mommy next time you must try with that kind of ride, let's do it together!"

"You!" Xiaoxi Chen just touches on his little face. "You made me feel worried!"

"Mommy is such a coward!" Chao sticks his tongue out. "Uncle and I are the most daring but you and Han are both cowards!"

"Want to eat something?" Rouzhen leisurely asked and looked at the two little boys in front of him

"Ice-cream!" joyfully they chorus

Rouzhen smiled at them and said, "That's good! Let's go, we look for an ice-cream!"

"Today you seem so carefree and don't care about what had happened to your company!" Xiaoxi looked at him, his reaction was shocked hearing her saying it. His thin lips raised slightly, looked like his in a good mood.

"I spend my time with my future family. My company had lots of employees who can do the task properly. If there is no such incident happened yesterday this kind of opportunity won't come," He said while looking at her. The good weather brings a light mood to him. He feels relax right now spending his day off.

Her worried for Chao has gone too when she saw how happy her son was. Even Rouzhen made a big mistake yesterday she's willing to forgive him now.

He glanced at her and said: "Today, it is the most unforgettable experience I have in my whole life because you make my son feel happy. I know you're still mad at me because of what I have done to Chao, but you consider letting me repay what I owed to your son!"

The two children run faster and left them. He dragged her wrist and pulled her closer. "Let me kiss you one more time!" Before she could react Rouzhen lips captured her thin lips.

"Hmmm! Rouzhen Gu! You're shameless, this is a public place!" she pushed him after that unwanted kiss he made.

"Hahaha! You use to refuse me several times that's why I force you all the time by kissing you! One day, you will be my wife and I will be yours forever! You might have felt disgusted the way I chased you but I am sincerely expressing my love!" He said to her.

She walked faster and left him.

"Xiaoxi Chen! Honey don't leave me behind!" He followed her quickly.

"Hey kids here's the money, Chao comes here. Take this money and bring Han to buy ice-cream!"

"Uncle, Mommy, what happened to both of you? Mommy seems so shy and blush!" Chao said.

"Nothing! You go now! Take Han with you! We are going to wait here!" He subconsciously said and handed to money to Chao because he thinks that this child has enough ability, even if he doesn't know how deep is Chao's knowledge he had this confident that the young boy is so genius.

"Thank you, uncle!" Chao took the money and blinked to him. "Han, let's go! We will buy an ice-cream!"

"Uncle come here let me tell you something!" Chao said gesturing his hand to Rouzhen.

"What is it?" Rouzhen lowered his head.

Chao whispered in his ear, "Uncle, I will bring Han to eat and give you a chance to talk to my Mommy, how do you want to repay me?"

Rouzhen whispered back, "Little devil, I never thought you will be this clever, huh? Where did you learn from this kind of tricks?"

"Don't ask anymore, you need to repay me okay?" Chao looked at his eyes with a naughty smile.

"Chao what did you say to uncle Rouzhen?" Xiaoxi suddenly hints that her little boy must do something naughty.

"Nothing Mommy, I just told uncle not to bully you! Han, let's go, we buy some food!"

"Children don't get lost!" Rouzhen a little bit happy hearing that Chao likes him. He couldn't help and hook his lips while looking at the children.

Han let Chao hold his hand and the two little guys quickly disappeared. Children left them and Xiaoxi remains silent.

"What did Chao told you?" Xiaoxi asked him immediately because she felt strange the way Rouzhen look at him.

"Nothing!" He said while smiling at her. His gaze a bit guilty, then he chuckled.

His laughter made Xiaoxi face blush. She turned her head at the other side trying to avoid him. She was very uncomfortable looking at him with a strange smile on his face.

"Xiaoxi, would you like to grab a portion of food and drinks?"

She didn't reply and Rouzhen quickly has gone for a while to buy something for her. When he returns, he handed her a drink and a sandwich. "Thank you!"

Just reaching out and getting the food, Rouzhen's warm hand grabbed her hand.

Xiaoxi was shocked and immediately release her hand. The bottled drink almost fell from her hand. She looked up in a panic but look into his sultry eyes.

She was stunned.

"How about be my woman? We are dating right now together with our children, aren't you feel happy?" He continues to speak.

"Let me go!" She was shocked, a little scared, a little nervous and her heart pump faster. Rouzhen big hand-held her hand tightly.

Looking at her panicked expression, he suddenly said, "So nervous? You are already a mother! Why still like this?"

"You! Stop bullying me!" Xiaoxi was at loss but he was waiting for her answer. She spent a long time, came to said, " You lied. I know you tried to persuade my son!"

Rouzhen was stunned and suddenly smiles, "To tease you!"

She can't believe it and this devil admits it immediately. She doesn't know how to avoid him and she lost her confidence to argue with him.

He let her hand go, coughed twice and he still smiled at her. He wanted to get her attention and make her his woman. He can't let go of this woman even though he knows that one day she will hate him so much once the truth reveals.

"Do you take a medicine that makes you gone mad?" Xiaoxi whispered and turned her face to look elsewhere.

The autumn season is very mild and the afternoon weather is also good, there is no hot summer and the sun is very warm that shine towards her beautiful face.

"Of course not! The medicine I took was the one you give yesterday. You just wanted to drive me out that's why you say that. Xiaoxi, I will wait until the time you will accept me but you can't drive me away!" When he left at home still he wasn't that better and never take another medicine that Xiaoxi had bought for him.

He was so worried and couldn't let the day pass by without seeing her because last night she told him not to meet her again. He was so depressed when he left her house. He even feels more guilty of hurting Chao's badly. He forgot the medicine.

"When we arrive at my house you need to take another medicine. You haven't fully recovered. How come you neglect your health?" After she said those words suddenly realizing that she seemed to care too much about him.

"Oh! You care about me so much? Don't you reject me to go to your house? I was so depressed when I heard you said last night to not meet you again," He laughed and suddenly approached her beautiful face. His voice was low and said: "Still trying to resist your feelings and pretend not to recognize me?"

She coughed to cover the awkward moment but she did not dare to look at his face. She could only pretend to be not happy seeing him but deep inside her heart says she likes him so much. This devil turns her world upside down.

She quickly grabbed the bottled drink and sip it suddenly she chock. "Cough… cough... Cough!"

"Easy, I will not eat you up!" Rouzhen said immediately.